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Everything posted by RosyPosy68

  1. Yes, do tell! And does it extend to other countries, too?
  2. Hey! Did anyone else notice that Uruguay got a notification yesterday?! Congrats, you sneaky Uruguay Fulbrighter! I typed tomorrow instead of yesterday....Whaat?
  3. Can I just hibernate until notifications? No? Humans can't hibernate indefinitely? Ok, then. Can I find one billion extra things to do each day instead? I really liked that hibernation idea, though...
  4. You know it's mid March when: 64 user(s) are reading this topic 21 members, 43 guests, 0 anonymous users
  5. You just quoted the love of my life. No but seriously... I even brought up LOTR/Tolkien in my Fulbright UK interview.
  6. I would reapply under an alias just so I could watch what an admissions process really looks likes with my materials. And then I would ultimately accept myself, of course.
  7. And so it begins again... Edit: I see you on here lurking with me, other UK applicants. OH GOSH please let today be the day...
  8. This is glorious. Thank you for that. I really need to read the second book now... Maybe that will be my reward if there is good news this week (tomorrow. Please.)!
  9. I'm studying autism, too! I finished undergrad a while ago, but I'm trying to move into Dev. psych, and my area is primary language development in kids with asd vs. kids without asd! I worked as an ABA therapist for several years, and then I had a research internship last summer where I was finally in a lab looking at this stuff (my main topic is pragmatic (social) language). My Fulbright proposal is really heavily related to research in this field as well! And to tie everything back to psych_33, one of the major components we will be examining is EF! I wish I could meet all of you that are posting in here! What a great group of people! No wonder it takes so long to make Fulbright decisions--- they have a lot of awesome people to pick from!
  10. Hi! Welcome to our craziness! Which country/scholarship did you apply for?!
  11. Honestly, I just need to vent about myself. I'm expecting a notification for Fulbright this week, and in my mind fog of anxiousness, I just went through a drive through and ordered coffee and snacks for a few people at my office--- and then realized I didn't have my purse as I went to pay. That was just beyond embarrassing. You know what else I did this week? Forgot sunscreen and walked around on a beach for 5 hours. I am a lobster. Can I just please start functioning again? I also had to edit this post about 10 times because I wrote things that didn't makes sense.
  12. Wonderful news!! Congrats!! I hope the rest of you on here who applied for Spain ETA are getting good news today! What region did you apply for?
  13. You know, I really wouldn't worry too much about it!!! Several of the other UK applicants on here also did not have interviews, and we are all under the general impression that it depends on the particular partnership. As a fellow UK applicant, I must ask-- which university?! Feel free to send me a private message if you prefer! Just click on my user name and somewhere toward the top right there is an option to send a message! Also, to Miracle -Kent applicant: Awesome! My affiliate would be in the Psyc department. I would probably end up taking a trip down to Canterbury to meet her at some point--- if we both get Fulbrights, maybe I'll see you there
  14. Welcome Chris1! I can't decide what's more shocking to me right now: The fact that your username was still available, or the fact that you said "a nightmare," like it was singular. I think I have one nearly every night! But seriously, welcome to true Mutual Anxiety. What award did you apply for?
  15. Helloo! Which department at Kent are you applying to?? I applied for the Sheffield partnership, but the PI I would be working with has an affiliate at Kent who we would also be researching with! Something about that sentence was so awkward, but it's too Monday to figure it out...
  16. OH NO I RAN OUT OF MY QUOTA FOR POSITIVE VOTES! WAAAAHHH! Congrats rockermaster! It's about time you got an answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Aw rats!!! A whole lot of people last year got bumped from A to P, though!!! Sorry you have to wait again. Keeping my fingers crossed for you, though!!!!!!!!!!
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