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Everything posted by RosyPosy68

  1. Congratulations!! ETA or Research? Oh this is a FABULOUS Friday!!!
  2. I guess it's time for us all to just drop our expectations/predictions for notification dates based on past years... this is the earliest Japan has ever notified by like 3 weeks! And a bunch of others are way later than normal. So I guess it's all a mystery now and we can stop making guesses. Right? Wrong. I'm still firmly believing I'll find out next Tuesday!
  3. FELLOW HUMANS, WE HAVE A WINNER!!!! Congrats ITSAX! You're AWESOME!!!!!!!!
  4. Awesome! I don't know either! My school only offered 3 linguistics classes while I was there, but socio was one of them! Loved it! I got into the acquisition side separately, and have begun to pursue it a lot more since graduating a few years ago. I'll send you a message sometime today and we can discuss projects!
  5. YES! I love this topic. Even though it's not technically relevant to my Fulbright (UK....enough said...), Languages/Linguistics are my favorite! ( Just background-- I have a minor in a foreign language and my research is in a category of language acquisition) So the person I know that is here from Germany for the year had basic foundations of English grammar in high school, but mostly learned by watching youtube videos in English with German subtitles, and then gradually switching to English subtitles. Because languages are cool and fun and awesome (!!!) and since I don't have a language to learn for Fulbright, I have been trying to learn German lately, too, to help keep my occupied until I start school again. Without a doubt, the most important component of language learning--whether it's your first or fifth language-- is communication. Eventually, you NEED someone to talk to in that language in order to become fluent. There are tons of ways to do this: language exchange websites (my friend used LiveMocha to improve her Spanish before moving to Spain), tutors, friends speaking that language, etc. In fact, that's why I picked German! I was trying to learn a different language, but I didn't know a single person who spoke it. Now that I have someone to talk to... bam! next language! I think ideally I'd take a class at a language school, but I'm waiting to see how much money I'll have next year, because they're super expensive. These are some of my methods that I like, though: -Pimsleur! It's a website/program/app (a bit expensive, but helpful) that is a listening/responding based exercise in 30 minute "lessons". I like to play them in the car on my commute. I've been told by aforementioned-German-speaker that the way they teach it is hilariously formal and not QUITE how people talk, but it does help with pronunciation and word order and other confusing things. -FREE APPS! Yay! Technology is awesome. Duolingo has a free app that's basically vocab and sentence games. It's really helpful. For German, there's also a free vocab app through the Goethe Institut that has vocab flashcards alphabetically and by TELC level (A1, A2, etc). I make all sorts of charts to memorize these words, and I like labeling things with sticky notes around my house and office, too. Now that I have some more background, I've been starting to watch my favorite movies in German. I already know all of the words in English, so it's a good way to learn conversational phrasing and stuff. (Shoutout to Bailey24 for the awesome advice) DEFINITELY agree with mewosica, though. The hardest but most important part is to keep trying. Of course it’s awkward and embarrassing when you know you’re saying things wrong. But force it anyway. You’ll get more comfortable eventually! (Or so I keep telling myself) I will randomly run sentences by The German Speaker to see if they make sense or if I am pronouncing things correctly. Now that TGS has given up on trying to perfect my "ch" or "r" sounds, our conversations have become quite productive!
  6. My Vent: Not enough people think this^^way!!!! HAPPY WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH!!!!
  7. Good Morning Everyone!!! We've almost made it through week 2 of anticipation and nothingness! Hugs to everyone, y'all are the best support system ever! (Including all my well-wishing but completely clueless-about-this-anxiety friends and family) My prediction of the day: UK Notifications will go out next week on Tuesday. Why? 1) I want them to and I would like to feel like I have control over it by guessing. This obviously is logical and in no way obsessive. 2) For the past 5 years, they've gone out the 3rd week of March, and all but one of those have been on a Tuesday. 3) ...... I don't know! Why do I keep doing this?! PS: Person who hasn't been able to create an account: I can't make it work when I'm using internet explorer, but it works great in Chrome... Try using a different browser! You can download Chrome for free if you don't have it, FYI!
  8. Which country are you applying for? My initial thought is this: if they select your application, they are selecting it based on the information you gave them. Therefore, if you change your location and project, then you no longer have the project they selected to fund. I don't know how they would react to this, and I wouldn't be surprised if rules about this vary by country. But... It seems sort of iffy, especially the change of institution. Good luck, though!!
  9. I would guess that it depends on how many decisions are sent to the FSB at once. Since the Scholarship board has to approve EVERYTHING decided by the other countries before they pass on the answers to the IIE, and then the IIE sends out confirmation letters by country... I would guess that it would be easy for stuff to bottleneck at the FSB office if they got several country decisions at once.
  10. All the countries that had notifications by this point last year: Ireland, Indonesia, Indonesia ETA, Finland, Austria, Belgium, European Union Sigh. What does it all MEAN!?
  11. This made me laugh out loud at work... so thanks for that! But seriously, GradCafe? "An error occurred. You have reached your quota of positive votes for today." DO YOU KNOW WHAT WE ARE GOING THROUGH HERE!? We are getting the most painful and personal rejections of our lives and you are LIMITING the number of COMPLIMENTS we can give out?!?!?! THINK OF HOW MUCH WE NEED THIS AFFIRMATION! I just want to give VulpesZerda a point for "that's neat".... is that too much to ask? Sorry I spend too much time enjoying other nerdy people's thoughts...
  12. As much as I am hoping for answers ASAP, I would actually guess that it's unlikely UK Postgraduate awards will come out today. Bluefit was an applicant for a Scholar Award, and last year the notifications for UK Scholar awards (for professionals with 5+ years experience) went out nearly a month before the UK Postgrad awards. Plus, they UK commission just finished interviewing for the posgrad awards yesterday, as far as I can tell from this thread. They may even still be interviewing. Based on past decisions, like erdingerchamp said, all Postgrad Award decisions will probably come out on the same day, though. The question is....what day?!
  13. Gaaahh so sorry for the extra waiting time and anticipation! Fingers crossed that it turns into a "P" this time! But honestly, despite how disappointing and frustrating I imagine that must feel.... You must be pretty awesome to come this far TWICE. Congrats on that!
  14. I know in the forums from the past few years I've read that the subjects have frequently been "Fulbright application status" Followed by (p), (a), or (ns), but since the IIE sends out all the decision emails (rather than each country's commission sending them out), I would guess that they use a consistent format each year. But... Who knows!
  15. I can't imagine that would be viewed as unprofessional! They may not accept that proposal, but it shouldn't be viewed negatively, as long as you find an appropriate way to word it! Feel free to run any drafts by me via message if the time comes where you need to ask for an extension! I always like to have extra eyes on my writing when I reach out to people making decisions about my future. Anyway, maybe we will get extra lucky and everyone will find out early this year.....right?
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