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  1. Upvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from MSW2MD in MSW-- How much debt are you comfortable going into?   
    I went to York for MSW. Free tuition and some pocket money   
  2. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Roxxx in MSW-- How much debt are you comfortable going into?   
    I went to York for MSW. Free tuition and some pocket money   
  3. Upvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from MSW2MD in Canadian Medical School Interview 2017   
    Getting ready for Medical School interviews Soon  
    I have only one interview in Canada (Queens), six interviews in States. 
    My status :
    Result: Invite
    Time Stamp: 4:27pm
    Interview Date: TBD
    GPA: BSW (3.74) MSW(4.0)
    Year: MSW Completed 
    MCAT: 130/128/130/130
    ECs: Three years clinical social worker/educator experience in hospitals , founder of an ethnic focused mental health network. 4 publications, International conferences 
    Geography: OOP 
    Good Luck Doctors !!  
  4. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from lovelife905 in Canadian Medical School Interview 2017   
    Getting ready for Medical School interviews Soon  
    I have only one interview in Canada (Queens), six interviews in States. 
    My status :
    Result: Invite
    Time Stamp: 4:27pm
    Interview Date: TBD
    GPA: BSW (3.74) MSW(4.0)
    Year: MSW Completed 
    MCAT: 130/128/130/130
    ECs: Three years clinical social worker/educator experience in hospitals , founder of an ethnic focused mental health network. 4 publications, International conferences 
    Geography: OOP 
    Good Luck Doctors !!  
  5. Upvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from MSW2MD in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    York received over six  hundreds applications for two years program... the chance of getting in is less than four percent.... Economy is tough now and free tuition could mean a lot to students. 
  6. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from xypathos in Canadian Medical School Interview 2017   
    Getting ready for Medical School interviews Soon  
    I have only one interview in Canada (Queens), six interviews in States. 
    My status :
    Result: Invite
    Time Stamp: 4:27pm
    Interview Date: TBD
    GPA: BSW (3.74) MSW(4.0)
    Year: MSW Completed 
    MCAT: 130/128/130/130
    ECs: Three years clinical social worker/educator experience in hospitals , founder of an ethnic focused mental health network. 4 publications, International conferences 
    Geography: OOP 
    Good Luck Doctors !!  
  7. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Hopeful18 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I was 23 when i completed my MSW
    -3 Opps.... three people voted down on this I don't blame you and I indeed feel for you, I was kind unnerved after  one of my MSW classmates told  me that  she can't go to Vegas because she has not reached legal drinking age yet
  8. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from jaylynn in Canadian Medical School Interview 2017   
    Getting ready for Medical School interviews Soon  
    I have only one interview in Canada (Queens), six interviews in States. 
    My status :
    Result: Invite
    Time Stamp: 4:27pm
    Interview Date: TBD
    GPA: BSW (3.74) MSW(4.0)
    Year: MSW Completed 
    MCAT: 130/128/130/130
    ECs: Three years clinical social worker/educator experience in hospitals , founder of an ethnic focused mental health network. 4 publications, International conferences 
    Geography: OOP 
    Good Luck Doctors !!  
  9. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Roxxx in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    nicoleMSW, always believe in yourself!! When I applied MSW in 2013, my GPA was only 3.8 (in a 4.3 scale), had no work experience, no research experience, and no strong references. Yet, I was accepted to all three universities in Toronto.  Miracles happen all the time as long as you have a faith in yourself  
  10. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Roxxx in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I was 23 when i completed my MSW
    -3 Opps.... three people voted down on this I don't blame you and I indeed feel for you, I was kind unnerved after  one of my MSW classmates told  me that  she can't go to Vegas because she has not reached legal drinking age yet
  11. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from canadianmsw in Canadian Medical School Interview 2017   
    Getting ready for Medical School interviews Soon  
    I have only one interview in Canada (Queens), six interviews in States. 
    My status :
    Result: Invite
    Time Stamp: 4:27pm
    Interview Date: TBD
    GPA: BSW (3.74) MSW(4.0)
    Year: MSW Completed 
    MCAT: 130/128/130/130
    ECs: Three years clinical social worker/educator experience in hospitals , founder of an ethnic focused mental health network. 4 publications, International conferences 
    Geography: OOP 
    Good Luck Doctors !!  
  12. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to TakeruK in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Despite several warnings, many users in this thread continued to stray off topic and comment on other users instead of their posts. To be absolutely clear, it is inappropriate to write posts to discuss another user's character. 
    Here are some example DON'TS: 
    - Don't write "User X writes bad posts and you should not listen to them."
    - Don't write "User X is a sad person who lives in XYZ city so of course they will hate on ABC city."
    Instead, if you find another user's content inaccurate or objectionable, DO:
    - Do report offensive and inappropriate content to moderators
    - Do respond (if you wish) to the content, not the user, e.g. "I don't agree with User X's statement that the Vancouver Canucks are the worst hockey team ever because ...."
    There is no need to warn other users against another user. We do not accept "witch hunts" or "ganging up" against another user.  You can assume that new users are capable enough to read through the posts and decide for themselves what value they want to assign to any specific posts. If you have further questions, please PM me.
    Because this thread seems to be unable to stay on appropriate topics, it will now be locked. If you want to continue the conversation without discussing other users, please start a new thread.
  13. Upvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from MSW-MD in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Hi, thanks for raising your concern. As the OP of this thread and a similar thread for 2016 MSW applicants, it was my intention to create an information exchange platform for people who are interested in MSW education.  I firmly believe that every forum participant is entitled to freely express their authentic opinions, experiences and values in the context of MSW education.  Understanding the foundational principles of social work disciplines ( such as bio-medical approach vs anti-oppressive practice) is deemed to be critical for  MSW applicants to select a school that is most congruent to their learning objectives as well as their professional commitment. As I indicated earlier, U of T's MSW pedagogical approach and its Eurocentric, Neo-liberal and Elite- feminist institutional culture did not appeal to me at all. Nerveless, without spoke to my racialized friends who graduated from this school, I would not know about this. I was also misinformed that no hospitals in Toronto would give non U of T MSW students placement opportunities, and only found out this was completely false by reading some posts on this forum.  All in all , I highly encourage people, especially those of us who already graduated from MSW, sharing our schooling experiences with new applicants in this profession. I know some people may feel uncomfortable   when their racial/gender/social privileges have been critically challenged, in such case, you may want to attend schools that are focused on clinical teaching only, and may occasionally use " anti- racism" cliche as a narcissistic celebration of their white privileges.      
  14. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to phd2msw in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    The issue is not that this person doesn't belong in this thread. The problem is that YWEANG is taking it off-topic and is being toxic - that doesn't belong here. 
    If you go upthread you'll see that they're constantly derailing the topic of MSW applications with political rants against one particular approach to social work, to the point where they were personally criticizing applicants who are applying to a specific school. It's gotten really ridiculous and out of hand. Clearly, given so many down votes from the community (this community being applicants to MSW programs or other social workers/social work students who are posting in here) it's obvious we would rather not hear these comments. TBH I didn't even realize YWEANG started this thread. I feel like most applicants in Canada are just automatically coming to this thread because it's the only one for us. I don't speak for everyone, but I wouldn't mind if he stopped criticizing people for applying to specific programs, or making assumptions about our class, race, privilege...etc. 
    The fact that YWEANG started this thread doesn't mean it's okay for them to tell other people that they're white supremacists, that they're super privileged assholes if they go to a particular school....the list of insults goes on. Should we basically start another thread called "Canadian MSW applicants Fall 2017 thread (all MSW programs welcome)"? Most people here aren't here to have philosophical discussions about the validity of certain social work theories. 
  15. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I think that since the thread name says that it is a waiting game on admissions, it implies that it is for applicants who are waiting to be admitted to programs for 2017. I also believe phd2msw was not saying that YEWANG should not post here, but was saying that he needs to re-evaluate his intentions. Evidence of YEWANG's negativity at times is exemplified by his -54 down votes since December 2016.  Yet, we continue to post because this is a forum where we can find sources of support with others who are applying and waiting to hear back on admissions from Canadian universities. 
  16. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Also, I down voted because of a comment made by YEWANG in 2015 saying he was 24 and did not get into the program, so how could he have graduated at 23 (I read through the past two years forums because I'm very anxious about school). I was not going to out him, but since he found it necessary to have an issue with the down vote.. well here we are. 
    I do not understand the point in making up things in a forum where people are trying to *genuinely* see where they stand in relation to others. This forum has a profound impact on the way individuals feel about the chances of admittance, and the comments continually being made by YEWANG compromise the integrity of this entire thread. 

  17. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to phd2msw in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I'm just going to do this; I know we've all tried to ignore you, but you're clearly not getting the picture so here goes. They're down voting you probably because they're sick of you trolling this forum after you graduated with your MSW a LONG time ago, then you go and complain to the mods because people are downvoting you. Maybe you should have considered your earlier behaviour in this forum (intimidating people who are applying to clinical programs, throwing around academic jargon as empty ammunition). Your pseudo-intellectual comments amused me and I had a good laugh btw. You use intersectionality to attack everyone else and it's sad. 
    I'm sorry, but I've been following this thread for awhile and sometimes your comments are supportive (as they have been lately), but for the most part you're just stirring up people's emotions and trying to get negative reactions out of everyone. Why? It's pretty obvious most of the people here don't appreciate your 'insider tips', which include posting comments about low acceptance rates (what is the point of discouraging applicants?), when letters will go out (as if you have behind the scenes intel on what all the GTA schools are doing, LOL). Not to mention you constantly bashing clinical social work and those who want to pursue this field. No one has said anything to offend you and here you are just attacking those who are not like you (critical social work, anti-oppressive followers). Doesn't that go against the basic principles of anti-oppression? 
    What are your intentions here, truly? Why are you constantly posting in here? Are you being helpful or harmful? Please seriously consider these questions. Stick to being supportive and leave all the rest of this crap out of here. We're supposed to be supporting each other. This thread is for APPLICANTS. Unless you have something substantial to say, without being offensive or passive-agreesive, stop looking for drama. 
  18. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to TatorTot in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Just an FYI MSW&MD is YEWANG.  He has changed his name.  Please be careful people. 
  19. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from Hopeful18 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    York received over six  hundreds applications for two years program... the chance of getting in is less than four percent.... Economy is tough now and free tuition could mean a lot to students. 
  20. Downvote
    MSW&MD got a reaction from xypathos in Michigan State University or Wayne State University for MD?   
    I applied to both schools this year. My background is a medical social worker and I am in Canada now.
  21. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to sososocialwork in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Well said. And yes, some posters who are currently in programs, or who have graduated from them, have been very helpful and supportive in this thread. I'm glad they're around to offer legitimate information. Comments meant to intimidate applicants don't belong here though. 
  22. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to Hopeful18 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    For those who did speak out, especially revealing the discrepancies in statements, I just want to say thank you and I'm sorry that you are now being "punished" because you cared enough for the group to call out problematic behaviour within.
  23. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to sososocialwork in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    I hope this applies to everyone who has not followed forum rules and not just individuals in this particular community who spoke out against inappropriate comments? Why are they being punished? This is ridiculous, sorry. The 50+ down votes should indicate that this one person is problematic, yet you choose to ban or restrict those who call them out on their inappropriate comments. 
  24. Upvote
    MSW&MD reacted to TakeruK in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    Warnings and temporary short-term suspensions have been issued for users who did not follow the above warning to leave personal comments on other users out of their posts. 
  25. Downvote
    MSW&MD reacted to tnt92 in Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2017 admissions   
    (1) I am glad you found the opinions shared informative and helpful. I, on the other hand, would have found them more helpful had they come before the application deadline. 
    (2) I am sure that using the collective "we" is fine if I am saying that UofT applicants are not one dimensional. If you would like to claim that you are one dimensional, then I will gladly retract that statement. 
    (3) A bit contradictory to say I am not suitable for social work because I cannot handle the ways in which others communicate when you clearly have an issue with my response to his question.
    Alas, I am not here to perpetuate this type of discussion and hope that you are satisfied with your response and mine so that we may continue to discuss issues pertaining to an MSW. I hope we can move forward from this disagreement. 
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