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Everything posted by schoolpsych_hopeful

  1. Neist is correct, awardees find out the same time as everyone else. No interviews or other confirmation (besides an email).
  2. Only the applicants.
  3. I still haven't gotten the email
  4. Award offered! This is a big surprise, I only got through two reviewers last year. E/E VG/VG VG/E
  5. I used headers last year to label my statements and include my name, and it wasn't a problem. Unless something has changed this year, it should be okay, but as psycspy said it's better to err on the side of caution.
  6. I don't think those exact headings are mandatory, but I think including some headings will help reviewers follow your writing more easily.
  7. I've heard that you shouldn't, although I can't recall exactly why.
  8. Is this a new rule? Last year, I put my name and the title of the essay in the header of each document and I was not disqualified....
  9. Anyone have any idea how likely it is to get nothing your first year applying (no award or HM), and then get an award your second year? I guess I'm feeling like my chances are crap next year if I didn't even get an HM this year.
  10. Not that it's too important, but for future years, the rejection email was titled: 2012 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Notification
  11. didn't get it. oh well, there's always next year. plus, two of my cohort-mates got it, so that's good for them
  12. I think Nic42 means here: https://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/grfp/AwardeeList.do?method=loadAwardeeList
  13. seems like a good sign!!!
  14. an hour until maintenance, lol. much more than an hour until the list gets posted (if it even is tonight).
  15. Any insight into what time of day the announcement will come? Early morning? Middle of the night?
  16. Ugh, why is this decision so hard? Stressing out...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. schoolpsych_hopeful


      yes, a good problem to have, but it's still tough.

    3. newms


      Nice problem. Good luck with making your decision:)

    4. schoolpsych_hopeful


      Thanks! I noticed that you chose Michigan. That's where I did my undergrad, let me know if you have questions about life in Ann Arbor :)

  17. I feel for you, I'm struggling too. I've got it narrowed down to two programs, but I'm pretty sure I know which one I'll end up at. Just need to buckle down and commit to it.. ugh, stressful.
  18. I e-mailed my POI and cc'ed the grad secretary. Seemed to be the most efficient way to go about it.
  19. Yes, I have. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but they sent out acceptances two weeks ago. Maybe since you haven't heard anything either way, there's reason to hold out hope.
  20. Yay! Glad it went well, hoe you get in
  21. I would. It is possible that he forgot, or that he has another interview before yours and is simply running behind. I would still try calling though.
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