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  1. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to sg1984 in Spring 2011 NYU Wagner MPA   
    Is anyone applying to NYU Wagner for the Spring 2011 term? If so, please share your profiles.
  2. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to tskinner in When to ask...   
    The answer to the question, "When should I ask my professors to write letters?" is ALWAYS: TODAY!

    Professors get extremely busy, and the more notice they have, the happier they will be.

    If you're worried about them "forgetting," I have put together this 5-step plan to send reminders to them that are disguised as "updates" so you're not pestering them:

    TODAY: I'm thinking of applying to grad school. Will you write me a letter? I want to research x, y, and z. My goals are a, b, and c. I'm looking at applying to l, m, n, o, p, and q, but at not sure yet (or if you are sure, let them know). I haven't taken the GRE yet (or if you have, let them know how you did), but when I do, I'll give you an update. Of course you don't need to write it now, but I just wanted to give you a heads up before the semester gets busy.
    A month later: I just took the GRE and got perfect 800s on both sections. I will be applying to schools a-g. I'll input you into their system today and send you a list of all their deadlines. (You then go into your applications and input their information and e-mail addresses. The application then e-mails them a link to fill out the form EXCEPT FOR UCLA, WHO ARE IDIOTS, BECAUSE THEY WANT PAPER LETTERS, AND WHEN ONE OF YOUR REVIEWERS MOVED TO TAIWAN, IT GETS COMPLICATED! /rant)
    The day after 2: Here are a list of the deadlines. Did you get notifications from all the schools?
    Perhaps a month or so later: Here is my current draft of my Statement of Purpose. Though I would appreciate feedback if you had the time, I expect you are too busy with research and LOR writing, so I just wanted to send it to you to get a better idea of my plans and state of mind when you write my letters.
    A week before your last deadline: Hi Professor! I just wanted to let you know that I've submitted all my application information, and I wanted to thank you for all your support in the process and I'll keep you updated on the results. In case you need them, here are the deadlines again.

    If the professors is going to put it off and forget about it, they're going to do it whether or not you ask them now, or a week before the deadline. Better do it now.
  3. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to Medievalmaniac in Extremely Low GRE Score!!!   
    The DSM-IV agrees with me. I assume you've heard of that? It's the diagnosis manual used by doctors, psychiatrists, psychologist and social workers for the diagnosis and treatment of psychological and behavioral issues. I have been working with this manual for ten years in my current position, and have been trained to use it appropriately.

    I think you're ridiculous for absolutely refusing to acknowledge that there could possible be brains that are wired differently from your own. I never attributed a medical condition to the other person, I suggested it COULD BE THERE based on my EXPERIENCE for nearly a DECADE working with a wide variety of high schools students, many of whom have these diagnoses, fully documented and based on psychological evaluations and testing session after testing session.
  4. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to love2write247 in Need Help with personal Statement?   
    So I started this little business where I help people with personal statements (editing, critiquing, making sure you don't sound dumb or stuck up) for cheap cheap cheap. I'm good at writing, I got into Brown undergrad and Boston Univ grad and I have a lot of experience with this type of thing working with admissions offices and interning at a college admissions company.

    I'm looking to be a writer, but I'll start here with free lance.

    Anyway, here is the website:


    and if you want to email me directly, its: love2write247@gmail.com
  5. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to rising_star in Visiting Campuses   
    I don't mean to be a jerk but, if the only thing you can change is having face-to-face visits, you may want to take another year before applying to actually change something about your credentials for graduate school, otherwise you're likely to get the same outcome. This could mean taking graduate courses in your discipline or subfield and doing well in them, working in a relevant lab and gaining additional research experience, volunteering in a related position, doing a MA, etc. I'd be hesitant about resubmitting the exact same materials but with the only change being you spent 30 minutes trying to convince that person to admit you several months before the application materials were actually read.

    Have any of the PIs you're interested in told you that a visit before you resubmit will make the difference between acceptance and rejection? Because i find that visiting is something that's thrown around a lot but may not make a huge difference in the end, especially if that prof isn't on the admissions committee.
  6. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to kaz in Some good advice   
    I assume everyone applying next fall is going through that tedious search for the right schools. Just thought I would share some advice given to me:

    Apply for your dream schools and if you don't get in, remember that you can always try again for post doc. And if you still can't get it for post doc, try again and again, maybe you will one day go there as a visiting professor.

    I felt it was quite a good way to look at things, so I shall try to think that way for the next few months. I've just noticed it assumes we're all going down the academic track. oh well, you know what I mean.
  7. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to schoolpsych_hopeful in School Psych and MFT   
    Hi Matt,

    It definitely seems like the Specialist degree (Ed.S) would be more in line with your goals than a Ph.D. The specialist degree is much less research focused than a Ph.D. The programs are typically two years of course work, with some work in the schools, followed by a one year internship. Most school psychologist working in the schools have the Ed.S. degree. Ph.Ds in school psych are spread across schools, private practice and universities.

    As for attending a program that isn't NASP certified, I would probably advised against it. It's my understanding that while it isn't impossible to become licensed after attending a non-NASP program, it's certainly more difficult. NASP's website has a list of certification requirements by state that you may find useful: http://www.nasponline.org/certification/state_info_list.aspx

    I think only you can decide whether or not it would be worth it to switch to school psych, being so close to your MFT licence. School psychologists do a lot of assessment and very little counseling. Of course, this varies by school district, but I think that therapy is typically left up to social workers and counselors. If you're willing to let go of that part of your training, as well as spend three more years in school, then it may be the right move for you.

    Hope that helps

  8. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to tskinner in Contacting Professors   
    Get used to this feeling. XD
  9. Upvote
    schoolpsych_hopeful reacted to chak in Need your opinion!   
    I'm currently an undergrad at my college with rougly about 6 courses(18 credits) left before completing my B.A. I've spoken to a bunch of people and a doctorate student at my school threw out this website as a source of information. I am basically applying for grad school early decision in approximately a month so I can start grad school once I graduate from undergrad. The program that I am looking into specifically is Mental Health Counseling or the master's equivalent of a Clinical/Counseling Psych PhD. program. I've decided to stay in NYC and the programs that I am interested in applying for reside( not in any order) in Columbia, NYU,Baruch,CIty College, Queens College.

    Here is my situation:
    My CV/resume consists of interning at a clinic in the city, lab research assistant in 3 separate psych labs in my school, internship for a summer in a daycare center for the elderly, 2nd authorship in a potential poster publication. My cumulative gpa is only a 2.8 at the moment but my gpa for the most recent 45 credit has been close to a 3.5gpa. Psych gpa (which I declared when I wasn't as focused in school) is only a 3.3, Political Science major gpa (which I declared when I began paying more attention towards my grades) is a 3.8.

    What I plan to do for the fall/spring is:
    -Take 18 credits for the both the upcoming fall and spring semester to a)finish my requirement and take extra courses to futher boost my cumulative gpa.
    -Continue work as an intern at the clinic to further build up my experience as an undergrad
    -Continue work as a research assistant in 1 or 2 of the research labs at school
    -Attempt to sign up for an independent study course under a psych professor

    Let me know your opinions!
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