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Everything posted by Enzian

  1. duck soup
  2. duck sauce
  3. Preemptive congratulations! I mean, you're already college-educated so way to go! As the offspring of (shit's about to get personal, run!) an alcoholic roofer and a day-care-providing-single-mom-turned-realtor (divorced, naturally), I'm right there with you -- as are a decent amount of folks judging by the last few responses. Call it the rise of the prolitariat. But...not in public.
  4. northern exposure
  5. neon golden
  6. Thanks to both of you! Basically, I should have just read the SLI website like a competent human being because it lists several non-FLAS scholarships that, if you apply for the summer program, you're automatically considered for. Anyway, I'm emailing the coordinator now. And, yeah, I'm beginning BCS.
  7. green tea
  8. class struggle
  9. base jump
  10. thick accent
  11. Congrats clur! Sounds like you've got a delectable decision to make. Regarding summer programs, I applied to Pitt's SLI but for the FLAS to it I applied through KU's program. I'm an alternate there for FLAS for both the year and the summer and probably won't be attending even if I was accepted simply because I have an offer I like better. So my SLI status just changed to accepted but now I won't have the corresponding funding to go with it. Anyone have any thoughts on how I can remedy this or am I just out of luck at Pitt's program now?
  12. white wedding
  13. Hey, congrats! I hope FLAS comes through for you -- do you have a top choice program? I also wonder how many people make the alternate list and what our chances are. I'll try to gently tease out some information from someone in the program and if I find anything of substance I'll let you know. And I love your username. Makes me a little nostalgic for babushkas elbowing me in the kidneys to cut in the bus line. But only a little.
  14. Yep, found mine. I'm an alternate right now but I got the WCED fellowship, which I was not at all expecting (assumed it was based on GPA/GRE numbers but perhaps it's not). Also got FLAS notification from Indiana in the mail today (which, along with KU, makes three alternate awards for me -- it seems I invoke general feelings of indifference in admissions committees which, I admit, I much prefer to derision or ) so look out for that as well, товарищи.
  15. baby birch
  16. lily pad
  17. roman bath
  18. wooden indian
  19. plum pudding
  20. strawberry jam
  21. more money
  22. new left
  23. This isn't exactly what you're asking, but I think it's related: The consensus is generally in favor of factors like fit and funding rather than rank. And if your low-ranked school has a better reputation, I think rank is even less important. Any sense of their job placement rates?
  24. midnight express
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