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Posts posted by CrazyPugLady

  1. Man, I feel like such a pest asking the graduate services at my school - but I seriously gotta know as soon as I can as a job offer (full-time in the public service) is contingent on whether or not I win SSHRC. It's already a bust for Vanier since I got waitlisted, but there's still restrictions on work should I win the SSHRC. Ugh. :(

  2. 10 hours ago, YuzuCat said:

    I know Trudeau winners that already have tri-council funding. They just got less from Trudeau.

    This is so frustrating. If Trudeau winners couldn't hold both at once I'm sure there would be plenty of room for people on the waitlist.

    The sliver of hope making it off the waitlist is even smaller. I broke the news to everyone and they all congratulated me for making it on the waitlist but it feels empty and hollow. I know I should be "proud" I made it this far, but I think waitlist is the worst place to be because it's in this liminal space of hopelessness and hopefulness. I am trying not to think about this and focus on the SSHRC Doctorate but damn is it hard. :(

  3. bcca6121523ce0a1bb1a9401485e206f.png


    Well. They weren't able to give statistics for how many people declined or got moved up from the alternate list. They apparently don't document that info, lol.

    I guess it's safe to say that it is very wishful thinking at this point to think something good will happen for me out of this. :P I haven't seen or heard any information about wait lists and stuff, so.

  4. 9 hours ago, PsychBoy said:

    It is possible that three will decline!!

    I appreciate the optimism! And congrats on your Vanier. :)

    Apparently 5% decline throughout the agencies. :( SSHRC Vanier does seem to have a higher rate of decline: http://www.cihr.gc.ca/e/48761.html

    I hate being so close because it's like I can't get closure. It's still that state of hope, ugh. Does anyone know of people who got the Vanier and they were waitlisted? 

  5. Congrats to those who won!

    My friend got 47/55 from SSHRC. I ranked 58. My lowest score was academic excellence. I suspect it's because I never won OGS or SSHRC in MA, because I have straight A's with some A+'s! And lack of publications. My highest score was research potential and then leadership.

    What's the likelihood of getting off the waiting list? I doubt people will reject Vanier unless they switch schools, accept Trudeau, or go abroad... does anyone know? It just sucks to be so close.

    I can't apply next year either. I spoke to the people at my school and I guess it must be a school rule or departmental rule, but I can't apply because it's for first year PhDs here. So I guess my struggle ends here unless three people reject SSHRC Vanier. :P

  6. In total I had 4 referees, including leadership. I also sent some leadership stuff to my academic referees just so they could write me a well-rounded letter. Obviously the academic referees are going to talk about my academic achievements and research potential. 

    I really took it seriously that it was recommended that the leadership letters are non-academic and emphasized that to my referees.

    My two leadership letters were 1) my longtime mentor at my undergrad university that I still talk to on a regular basis and 2) an ex-supervisor from my previous place of work.

     For my first leadership letter I asked my mentor to emphasize my leadership qualities since I did a lot of student governance stuff and community activism. I led a student movement back in my undergrad with a lot of his support, so he wrote a lot about that. I think the only time he mentioned anything to do with academics was when he called me a high quality student. But that's about it.

    My advice would be to communicate clearly as possible to your leadership referees what needs to be said. Send them a document of all your leadership accomplishments, or what constitutes leadership according to the Vanier list. You can actually see their letters so work with them closely in terms of what needs to be emphasized or not. I suppose this depends on the level of closeness you have with your referees.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Gradstudentforlife said:

    Well find out in the first two weeks of April. I just heard back from vanier... 

    Vanier told you that it's within the two weeks?

    Oh my god. So we have potentially until next Friday to know? -_- At this rate we'll find out about Vanier and SSHRC at the same time.

  8. Well, 5 minutes to 3:00 pm EST.

    I think it's highly likely we won't hear about it today. :(

    Another day of stressing! This is awful because I have two major presentations within the next few days. I wish I did not have this as a distraction. :P

  9. 8 minutes ago, p(ache)d said:

    Last year, I got my email at 1:46 pm EST from researchnet... Sending you folks good vibes

    It's past that time. I am crossing my fingers it's today, before 3 pm.

    I need to focus on work and other stuff but I end up being mentally distracted by this, lol! I'm relieved somewhat I am not the only one neurotic about this. I am sending you all good vibes!!!

  10. 5 minutes ago, PsychBoy said:

    so like 4 pm-ish max? :)

    That's my stipulation only because this is a government agency. :P Most people like to leave around that time. I'm one of the weirdos who comes in later and leaves later around 6 pm. Either way I doubt we'd get updates that late.

    My friend just said late afternoon, so that could be around 3 pm.

    I would be less stressed if they gave us a definitive day and timeline. Then we can go on with our lives until then!!!

    This has got to be the most stressful waiting I've ever done for school. Even waiting for my MA, PhD acceptances; and for OGS and SSHRC in previous years has not been this suspenseful.

  11. 7 minutes ago, gradschool__throwaway said:

    Please tell your friend thank you from us! So helpful to have someone on hand to answer questions!

    *refreshes researchnet again*

    I will!

    I'm not even going to bother refreshing on ResearchNet. It will make me too anxious. The current state of mind I am in right now is jumping out of my seat every time I see an e-mail notification on my cellphone.

  12. My friend said last year it was in the afternoon.

    If we don't hear anything by 3PM EST I am just gonna assume it's not today, grrr! I mean most government work days end around 3 pm - 4:30 pm. So I doubt it would be past that time.

    ETA: I just asked her. She said she remembers it being in the late afternoon.

    Dang it, just getting my hopes up more haha

  13. 51 minutes ago, gradschool__throwaway said:


    Fingers crossed! I've nearly jumped out of my skin every time my phone alerts me to a new email. This is WAY too stressful. 

    I can relate to this. I am nauseous today. If we don't get the results today, then this torture continues onward to the next week.

    How are we supposed to enjoy the long weekend like this when our emotions are being toyed with, lmao!

  14. 11 hours ago, slp_throwaway said:

    At least Monday isnt a stat holiday, I'm sure we'll get it on Monday!

    As for calling, I thought someone already did?

    It's the government, so... yeah it is a stat holiday. :(

    *is a federal government worker and has a really long weekend!*

  15. 52 minutes ago, Gradstudentforlife said:

    WOW, this is a game changer!! Throws off my countdown completely haha! :lol: 

    I think I saw on a gradcafe thread from a prior year that some departments knew before students, but I can't remember if that was Vanier or SSHRC... 

    It's SSHRC Doctoral that some departments know before students. I think it's because SSHRC PhD does not use an online system like Vanier or SSHRC MA, so departments and schools know before us.

    My school's administrative staff is on strike. So who knows how long that will take to find out about anything. :( I can take solace in knowing that I will at least find out about Vanier through ResearchNet.

  16. Not to get anyone's hopes up, but my friend who won the Vanier last year said she found out in the afternoon of the 29th. The 29th was a Wednesday in 2017.

    I REALLY hope it's going to be that soon! Ahhhh!

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