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  • Location
    Los Angeles
  • Interests
    Feminist Political Economy of Media
  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Mass Communications, PhD

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  1. YAY!!!!!! ALSO YAY!!!! That's so mean but I can't help but giggle at the image...
  2. You're going to FSU, right? May I ask what your husband is interested in? I grew up in the area and may be able to put y'all in contact with people depending––I did communication/media, so that's my field. If I can do anything to help please let me know! Also Congrats!!! Ohhhh well then that changes things! I hope you get it sorted out! And now you have a cool list of what you have, which could come in handy. @hippyscientist Yes, thanks for the yoga tips! Now I can do yoga without being embarrassed about how inflexible I am.
  3. Thanks for all the support y'all It is really appreciated. @pterosaur Some kinds of renter's insurance can be bundled in with car insurance; we have Statefarm and our car + renter is one big package. That way, we just have to do one payment, which makes it easier when dealing with all kinds of other external/internal stressors like school! And @hippyscientist sorry your workspace is so loud! It's bizarre that they aren't providing an alternate space in which to work! June is almost halfway completed, y'all....wow.
  4. Y'all....I don't know if you heard about what happened in Orlando, Florida, this weekend. I still don't know if all of my friends who live there are safe It's been a really, really rough two weeks for me. Even if things were going perfectly with my in-laws, between the Stanford case, Trump winning the nom, and the Pulse murders, I just feel exhausted and scared of the struggle of being someone like me. Why do people want to kill us?
  5. At least your room is cool? THOSE ARE ADORABLE!!!!! @Need Coffee in an IV *hugs* family is a weird thing...we get told we are supposed to or should have happy family relationships, when in reality sometimes...we just don't get along. Family members can be the best and worst of humanity. My pard would love to have a great relationship with their mom, but...their mom is not a nice person, and trying to have a 'close relationship' would cause my pard a huge amount of emotional trauma. We're here if you need us.
  6. @savay You could always make an angel food cake and custard! That uses ALL the eggs. @hippyscientist What do you take for your allergies? We've been cleaning lots and it's kicked up my childhood asthma (darn) so I've been taking DayQuil and flonase. blech! Thank y'all for the makeup tips! I bought some primer for painting my face which is just like primer for painting a room I guess, and some waterproof things, and some clear lip liner so lipstick stays on....and it's working pretty well? I think. Our 5k went well! There was one dude who ran it in 16:40. WOW what a baller! I ran it in 38:50. Nothing super, but also see childhood asthma above. We did it, though! Also it's HOT. Where we were in Los Angeles it was in the 60s and 70s. Here? 101, 98, 103. Great time to test out how waterproof this makeup REALLY is.
  7. Thanks! I checked out the Rebdolls site––cute stuff, but waaaaay above my body confidence! I don't have the swagger to pull that off Does this work well with darker warm tones? It seems cool, but I wouldn't know! Thanks all y'all for this great advice!
  8. @Effloresce Do you have favorite online retailers? With the whole Florida thing....we're going to the beach and um...I don't actually own any swimwear.
  9. @Effloresce If you like wearing femme clothing, the website eShakti designs custom-fit clothing and it isn't really that expensive considering they pay their workers well and tailor your clothes for you. Also, they seem to always have sales! And yes...catcalling and its opposite of public shaming are both horrid.
  10. @Need Coffee in an IV Ahhhhh thanks! I um.... sometimes I whack myself with mascara tubes and it's NOT PRETTY hahaha. Thanks y'all for your makeup advice! I wear lotions and have a skincare routine, but tend to get really messy with makeup. Like a little kid going through Mom's makeup drawer messy. Trying some of these products out should help!
  11. Do you eyes ever start to water and get all raccoon-y when you wear weird makeup? Mine do and I've no clue how to help that!
  12. People are creepy! And yes, it shouldn't matter what you wear, how you look, or how you present yourself––no one has the right to harass you! Nobody. It sucks that we live in a culture where it's viewed as okay to comment on others' bodies as if they were in the public sphere. Part of my research interests are how women's bodies especially are viewed as public space for public consumption as women are viewed as 'lesser.' I'm sorry this happens to you On the flip side, I wear super conservative clothing (below-knee length skirts/collared shirts/masculine slacks) and still get eval comments like "red lipstick distracting" or "should wear different clothes." I've also gotten strangers call me "matron," "bull dyke," and "bitch," so no matter how you look or present the patriarchy is gonna do its thing. Thrift stores!!! And having fewer clothing items that can all match with each other. I have never had many clothes, especially when younger, but always made sure they were clean and pressed and that they all matched. I wear a lot of blacks and whites––black jeans can be paired with a collared shirt for a New Mexico Fancy look; the same jeans can be paired with a t-shirt for casual errands. I like dressing formally as I'm fat, and the stigma associated with that means if I wear clothes that are too casual people will perceive me as slovenly. Darn stereotypes!
  13. Congrats!!!! I guess... I can do some makeup but... summertime in Florida makeup? I dunno. No clue. How does waterproof work? <3<3<3 this is really sweet. Y'all are all so sweet. I thought having an extra bone was?
  14. YES. YES YES YES YES. Awwww your poor dad! That does sound rather adorable, though. And yes, my sis-in-law is like a genuine sister; she's suuuuuper smart, sweet, funny, and attractive. I think if I hadn't married her sibling I would have married her! And I get to see her next weekend!!! She's coming to help us with some painting stuff and I'm so excited; it will help make the stay much easier for a few days.
  15. @hippyscientist Kiehls! Neat! Thanks for the recommendation! I don't wear makeup much as I range from butch to femme depending, and am terrified of getting my makeup done for the wedding because of a horrifying "makeover" in high school that left me looking like a clownish reject for a camo-themed wedding. My sister-in-law is a chemist for a big chemicals company, so she gives me free samples for fancy makeup I could never afford––the next time she gives me some Bobbi Brown I'll pass it along to you!
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