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Babbling Dweeb

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Everything posted by Babbling Dweeb

  1. I think yours is just as insane. You practically need to give a blood sample to get a copy of your transcripts and they send you the wrong ones? I'm fine with the fact that everyone makes mistakes, but damn. There had to be a check and balance missed around there somewhere. My only regret is not sending my incorrect transcripts with a note saying "The corrected transcripts showing degree completion will not be available for another month. There are no additional classes that will be added, just confirmation of degree completion." I said I was going to do something like that, but I didn't and now I'm worried I applied too late in the mix. Just sit and wait
  2. Ack! I would think you would have received an email then...no? We should start a team from the Grad Cafe to create a better (faster) application review process.
  3. I agree it is a weird phrase! When you first log into Alvin there are three columns for the application: Admission Term, Application Preference and Date created. For me, the preference column says "not entered" (more thoughts in a second). When you open the application page (where is says the status of every item you sent in), there are these two columns: Application Preference:Not enteredApplication Status:Complete ready for review Two obvious things, the first being application preference is the same as the first page...which is why I'm leaning to that meaning something more important. The second, "Application Status" seems the most likely spot for something to change...but it's interesting to me why that wouldn't be on the first page before you click on your application. Regardless...it would be nice to know if anything changes in Alvin once you are accepted/rejected Again, one more thing to obsess over lol
  4. I suck. I lasted one hour. To help with the paranoia, I just want to throw out a logical question: Since The New School uses their Alvin system for everything, I am assuming that the preference section on the application status will eventually change to "Accepted", "Recommended to program", "Rejected" or something other than "Not Entered". Logically, since most email/postal mail letters are actually just form letters, I want to think that once a decision is made they stamp/scribble/spit/post-it-note/sticker your "folder" and pass it on to an admin that changes the status on the computer so that emails/letters go out. So my question is: do you think that the Alvin system will show the results before we actually receive an email/letter? Request: If anyone from any of the programs that did receive notification would be so kind as to check your status in Alvin and let us know if it shows anything...so we know if Alvin even updates, that would be AWESOME. Sorry for the ramble, I was just sitting here thinking that there is no point in checking the mailbox every day if Alvin says "not entered"...because they probably haven't made a decision yet.
  5. I promised myself that I would only check the results page AND visit the forums 3 times today 1. Morning 2. Afternoon 3. Later this eve Let's see if I can pull this off. Of course I am still driving back home at lunch just to check my mailbox...
  6. Maybe there will be an email blast tonight...sigh. 5:15pm EDT? Maybe it's not too late for today!

    Latin is hard, I only know a few words...but this is my signature in my email "scientia est potentia"

  7. I'll have an aneurysm before April hits...so someone else can take my spot if that happens.
  8. Sorry for 200 posts in a row... I did call the admissions office, specifically I called NSGS Admissions office for graduate programs which should only be the following programs: MFA in Creative WritingMA in Media StudiesMA/MS in International AffairsMA in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages I asked if we should be expecting accept/reject letters this month or next month...the voice on the other end said "this month". You would have thought I could have asked her if they sent out letters for MA IA, but no I said thanks and hung up. So I know nothing more than I knew before the call, but somehow I feel better.
  9. I got that same email a week after I applied and I almost crapped my pants when I saw "New School Admissions" -like you, I also think I'll be at the end of the pack for decisions. Congrats on getting into Fletcher, that's awesome! I wanted to apply there but well...let's put it this way, I'm jumping from one career path (business/IT) to a new path and while my grades are good, I honestly didn't think I could compete with the other candidates at Fletcher (or the others on my list). The only reason I feel I have a chance at NSGS is that they might appreciate a really crazy background and my passion for the program. I freaked out when I started filling out applications and second guessing myself...since I had visited NSGS last February and they really made me feel good about their program (they didn't know my reservations about myself), I knew I just had to apply as a long shot. The other schools on my original (and 2011 list) are: Georgetown, George Washington, U of Michigan, Johns Hopkins SAIS As for my other reasons they were number one on my list: I've been involved in a lot of groups, organizations and non-profits, so I handle myself well with "office politics" and things like that. However, I wasn't sure I was ready to make a career out of the political side, because I really want to be on the grassroots side of the fence. I'd rather be the feet on the ground and the voice to the politicians that go to NYU/Georgetown. So, I would be happy at any school, but I felt that if I wanted to focus on the grassroots efforts, NSGS was one of the only ones that played in that arena. Kind of like Georgetown and NYU being almost the only ones that play in the UN pool. Agreed...hopefully the wait ends soon! I'm tired of thinking my SOP was crap and I should have drawn a picture of a cookie or something insane to get noticed Good news soon would be awesome!
  10. Checked the mail 30 minutes ago...inside there was a nice large envelope!! Oh wait, it was the census form. Tick-tock.
  11. That would suck...but I will take that over "you don't qualify for admission because you submitted your application late" sigh.
  12. Hey there! The first time I saw someone else mention they were applying to the IA program was on Facebook to the general NS fan page...otherwise I've felt like I was alone lol Based on the other programs (Philosophy, Drama, Political Science) all saying that they would send the first decisions out on March 10th, I am going under the assumption that the IA program is in the same boat. I was thinking about calling the main admissions office and asking if they mailed out any decisions yet -so I have something else to freak out about. I'm one of the crazy people that only applied to one grad school...so NSSR is it for me (well technically we are NSGS ). I was going to put school off for one year and I decided that I would still give it a shot an apply to NSGS to see what happens. If I don't get in I'll be bummed for sure, but in the end I guess I was going to wait a year anyway... (okay, but I still really really want to get in!!) Where did you apply to?
  13. Hopefully this week is our week...I'm trying to tell myself I can cope just fine if I need to wait through next week as well, but I would like to know sooner-than-later! Good luck NSSR crew!
  14. I cursed the names of many people in administration...some of the jobs are so remedial and yet they often hire people that lack common sense or any logic whatsoever. Slightly similar...my transcripts came and they were mine, but they didn't have my degrees on them. The University called me (before I called them) to tell me that I had not actually graduated. Timeframe August 2009: Apply for graduation December 2009: Commencement January 2010: Request transcripts January 2010: 8 weeks after graduation, phone call about not graduating Feb 2010: Application deadline The short version of the story, the University was claiming that I had not met the the requirements for one of my majors and that it was past the time where I could appeal so I would "just graduate in May". Well, since I knew they were wrong I challenged them on it...no dice. The records office and audit office are separate and the graduation office would refuse to put me in as even if the audit office said it was a clerical error because it was past the deadline. Arguing about the time it took them to find a "problem" and how ridiculous it is to contact someone 5 months later all I received was "sorry". After a few phone calls, petition letter, letter from a professor, outlines of the course catalog (showing them their mistake) and threatening to take legal action if necessary...48 hours later I officially graduated and my corrected transcripts arrived with 10 days to go before the final deadline. I sent them 2 day FedEx only to have NSSR enter them as received 2 days after the deadline. Yeay... I still get a fired up thinking about it.
  15. I had a hard time not thinking about it on Saturday after the mail came. It was almost more painful knowing I would have to wait 48 hours for the next chance at checking my mail or the website(s) with a chance of change.

    Today will be tough, but at least work will keep me distracted. NES...how about Atari and pitfall?

  16. No question about that. Maybe next week will be our week...

  17. Checking the (snail)mail today was tough...when there was just some junk mail and a magazine in there. I was just thinking I will have to wait until Monday. I suppose there is still a chance I could get an email today (although it is kinda late).
  18. The fake NSSR posts in the results can stop any day now...every time I see another one for any program I think "oh my god..." and I check my mail. I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack this coming week.
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