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Everything posted by Bumblebee

  1. Finally back home!!

  2. score card
  3. school bus
  4. production line
  5. time off
  6. Three more days and she'll be back home. Hurray!!!!!

  7. break down
  8. perfect fit
  9. I also did the paper practice test by Kaplan and scored less than 1000. It was a horrible score. Then, when I took it for real I scored 1250. And I know from other people that this usually is the case: you score a lot less in the Kaplan test than in the real one. And I totally ran out of time for the quantitative section in the Kaplan test and had enough time to finish it in the real exam. Keep practicing and don't worry too much about the Kaplan test (I think they do it to sell you their courses). Good luck!
  10. My babies (students) are graduating from college tomorrow. Next graduation I'll attend will be mine!

  11. Thanks for the clarification! I knew there were some visas you couldn't get with that rule, I just didn't know which ones.
  12. I hope I can help you with this. The F1 visa is a student visa and allows you to work ON CAMPUS for 20h/week and 40h/week during breaks and recesses. You're not allowed to work off-campus. The J1 visa is an exchange visitor visa and can have different categories. But, since you're going to be a grad student, you'll most probably get the student J1 visa, which, as the F1 visa, only allows you to work on campus, not off campus. Moreover, many times if you have the J1 visa you'll be subject to the 212 rule (AKA two years residence rule), that obliges you to live in your home country for two years after the end of your program before applying for some US visas (I'm not sure which, though). Sometimes, especially if you don't receive any money from the US government or your own government, you're waived that rule, but you should make sure you won't be subject to that rule before getting the visa. I think that's how it works, but if somebody knows more details about it, all comments will be welcomed! By the way, I've been here with a J1 visa (not subject to the rule) and I'm going to get the F1 visa, to avoid all the possible restrictions.
  13. heavy load
  14. bad advice
  15. I would contact Admissions office and explain the situation. Tell them you can provide them with the previous transcript and the letter confirming the completion of your thesis and that you will have your final transcript sent to them as soon as it's ready. Ask them if it's possible for you to register conditionally (not sure if it can be done, but you don't lose anything by asking). I don't think you're the first person in this situation. I really hope it all works well for you. Good luck!
  16. garage band
  17. base camp
  18. game show
  19. Is officially on holidays until the end of August

  20. I agree with this too. And as a side note, there's a married professor in my current department. She hyphenated her husband's last name after her maiden name. The curious thing is that HE took her maiden name as well. I'm not sure whether he did so as a middle name or he actually took it as his first last name. Sometimes you can see him as First name Last name or First name Wife's maiden name Last name. Their children have both last names. As for the other professors in my department, they all kept their maiden names.
  21. For what I heard about my school is that they pay on a monthly basis. The currents students I talked to during my campus visit told me so. But, as somebody has mentioned here, it depends on the school. Maybe you can ask current students.
  22. clock tower or, glass eye (not sure which post to reply to)
  23. bay window
  24. I don't know about possibilities compared to US students, but I think not all programs offer you the possibility of applying for the Spring term. Check with the schools first.
  25. baby elephant
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