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Everything posted by Bumblebee

  1. I haven't met anyone in my cohort either, I guess I'll have to wait until August to meet them. I don't even know how many of us will be starting, but according to one of the professors in the adcom it will be just a few of us. When I was on the campus visit I met 4 current students and I found out there's a guy from Puerto Rico who has been accepted in the program (although I don't know whether he has accepted or not). As for the poster worrying about being single w/o children in GradSchool, you're not the only one in that situation. There will be plenty of us in Grad School. If it's not in our programs it will be in other programs. But don't worry, you'll make friends and hopefully will find your s.o. (my grandma is already praying for that)
  2. Yay! I made it to the third place! I must confess Keep a Word, Drop a Word (both versions) helped a lot! Still, happy to be there!
  3. This might sound a very complicated way of finding out the reading lists, but you may want to try it anyway. You can check the courses in the universities and then go to the university's bookstore to find out which books have been ordered for that course. That's how I've found out which books I will have to read next semester if I end up taking the courses I want. The main problem is that it won't tell you which articles you need to read. I'm sorry I cannot help you with the syllabus search engine, but that sounds awesome. I hope I can find it so that I can start doing some reading this summer.
  4. I will start with a messenger bag and then move to tote/backpack depending on the amount of books I need to carry with me. Some students told me that it's possible to reserve a carrel in the library, so I'll try that. It would be great for studying and having a place to leave my stuff.
  5. I will definitely not miss living in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do during the weekends. I will not miss being one of the 6 persons in the area my age/single/in my situation (I'm teaching at a college while taking a couple of courses as a student). I will not miss feeling lonely (thank god I have a couple of friends who are college seniors and 7 years my juniors). And I will not miss the long, cold winters (although I'm not heading a much warmer place either). I will miss the colors of the fall in Central New York. I will miss the deer that come to my yard almost daily, or the woodchuck that lives nearby, or the foxes, rabbits and hundreds of squirrels/chipmunks living in the area. Finally, I will miss my students and my colleagues in the department.
  6. My situation was the same as for Modernity. Less than a week after I received my acceptance via e-mail I had already received a phone call, two e-mails from professors (one of them asking me when I was going to be available for a phone call) and one from a grad student. During the whole process and my campus visit everybody was extremely warm and welcoming. I really felt I was wanted there and that I would feel happy studying there (the atmosphere in the department with students and professors was great). I also got accepted in another school with full funding as well, but in the second program I felt more like another number in a list. That was, together with fit, the main reason for my final decision.
  7. Bumblebee


    Hi, there! I just found this thread while surfing the forums. I'm also from Spain. I've been accepted for an MA in Hispanic Linguistics. I've received a funding package for 2 years plus 5 more if I decide to continue to PhD. I wish I could have applied for La Caixa grants, but by the time I decided to apply to Grad School it was already too late. Espero que hayƔis tenido todos mucha suerte con vuestras "applications".
  8. I would also try to order them online. I personally wouldn't ask a professor to do it, but I don't know what kind of relationship you have with them. I guess it depends.
  9. brain wash (not sure whether it's one word or two)
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