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    2017 Fall

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  1. ziggysunshine


    American History R_Escobar (20th century, American Indian), crazedandinfused (antebellum, intellectual), hopin'-n-prayin' (southern, religious), stevemcn (transnational), Simple Twist of Fate (early American), zb642 (20th century, labor/working-class culture), BCEmory08 (19th-20th century Catholicism, labor), irvinchiva10 (20th century, immigration/immigration reform) natsteel (early American political culture and intellectual history) unforth (19th century US political and military history, US Civil War) hbeels (colonial, early national, 19th century, transappalachain west, historical memory of these eras/areas) thedig13 (20th century U.S.; built environment, modern consumer culture, race, and immigration) Weepsie (North American Mapping, Exploration and Trade, Anti-Communism/Socialism in Interwar period, bit of a mixed bag) lafayette (19th c. [with a dash of 20th], urban, intellectual) vtstevie (Revolutionary/Early Republic New England, infrastructure/economic) macmc (Feminist, gender, and LGBT history) HistThrift (early America, indigenous history) junotwest (19/20th century African-American, Cultural/Intellectual, Gender & Sexuality) calhoun&caffeine (19th cen. Southern [political]) tampopo ramen (19th-20th century capitalism/business) BookishVixen (late 18th-early 20th ce maritime communities, cultural, gender & sexuality) hardtack&coffee (19th Century American Social & Military History, American Civil War) spellbanisher (economic and cultural history of the gilded age, progressive era, and the 1920s) ThisGreatFolly (intellectual, religious, political violence, rhetoric) European History Kelkel (Modern Germany, political), goldielocks (Britain), SapperDaddy (Eastern and Central Europe), kotov (Modern Romania, Holocaust, labor), RevolutionBlues (Modern Western Europe/France labor and leftist politics), theregalrenegade (18th/19th cent British Empire/environment), jrah822 (19th century Britain; emphasis on colonial relationship to India), grlu0701 (Intellectual & cultural history,fin de siecle Germany and Italy), naturalog (modern European [mostly German] intellectual and cultural/sexuality and gender/political radicalism), runaway (Eastern/Central, memorialization & visual culture), Sequi001 (Modern France, gender and sexuality, colonialism/imperialism) Abetheh (19th/early 20th century Germany and France, religious politics vs secularization) NeutralKate (Modern Russia, modern European economic history) Crackerjacktiming (Modern Germany, gender and sexuality) GloFish (USSR, Stalinism, Soviet-American Relations) jamc8383 (19th/20th century France, interwar culture, relationship between body, mind & place) Heimat Historian (19th/20th century Germany, migration, settler colonialism) AshleyJuneBug (Early Modern France and Britain, gender and sexuality) maelia8 (19th/early 20th century Germany, imperialism and colonialism, travel, exploration) BookishVixen (Victorian and Edwardian English imperialism/gender & sexiality) episkey (19th/20th century France, gender and sexuality, Holocaust) AngesRadieux (18th/early 19th century France, cultural history, music) ManifestMidwest (modern France, colonialism & imperialism, Pacific worlds) DGrayson (early modern Western Europe [focusing mostly on England right now], economic and religious history) Ziggysunshine (19th/20th century Belgium, architecture and urban planning, intellectual history) African History Oseirus (precolonial/early colonial West Africa), Singwaya18 (20th century East Africa), Safferz (20th century Horn/Northeast Africa), The People's Scholar (Spanish colonialim in Africa- i.e. middle/West Africa) Jogatoronto (Psychiatry in early colonial West Africa) ronwill06 (Social and political radical movements) Heimat Historian (German settlements in Southern Africa) thekatieladybird (Post-independence conflict and social histories in Central Africa) Latin American History BH-history, The People's Scholar (18th-19th century Colombia) StrangeLight (20th century Central America) Heimat Historian (German settlements in Southern cone and Mexico) Mujereslibres (German informal colonization of Peru, Brazil, and Chile) AP East Asian History alleykat (Modern China) getitlow (Modern China: Republican, Women, Gender and Sexuality) kyjin (Pre-Modern Japan) aec09g (Modern Japan) pudewen (Late Imperial China) kdavid (Modern China; focus on the Republican period) Minion.banana (late imperial China, Islam, intellectual networks) qkhitai (Medieval China and Central Asia, literature and ethnicity) Near/Middle Eastern History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel, Iran, Palestine) oswic (modern Egypt, gender) Conmel (modern pan-Islamic thought/networks) Baloch (Oman) Atlantic World sandyvanb crazedandinfused Global/World History cooperstreet (Cold War) melissarose8585 Heimat Historian (German settlements throughout world) Jewish History uhohlemonster, (modern Israel) hopin'-n-'prayin, kotov (Holocaust), naturalog (sometimes modern European/Holocaust), runaway (memorialization & visual culture), ticklemepink (20th c. Germany/U.S) awells27 (Late Antiquity: Roman Empire/Palestine/Byzantine) Science/Technology/Environment shaxmaty1848 (Cold War) StrangeLight (environmental history, ecological distribution conflicts) sukipower (20th c. forensic science & anthropology, 19th c. science and medicine) Neist (19th/20th c. biological sciences) seh0517 (scientific illustration, ancient egyptian science & medicine, astronomy, mortuary science) Social annieca (Cold War and Post-Cold War East and Central Europe) BookishVixen (Spheres of influence, Progressive Era reforms affecting immigration) Classical and Medieval Hogs of War (Monastic Studies and Conflicts in Authority) telkanuru (high Medieval intellectual and social history, Cistercian studies) AbbeyRoad (Monastic History, Gender, Cistercians) Kirialax ("Dark Age" Byzantium; the Komnenoi) Cultural StrangeLight (gender, race, ethnicity, and religion) hbeels (race/ethnicity, religious, masculinity/feminimity, print/literature) crazedandinfused (race, nationalism, performance, rhetoric) alleykat (religion, race/ethnicity, cultural relativism) Heimat Historian (German culture in transnational context) nhhistorynut (20th century US, African American, race/racism, Black nationalism) Canadian History truthfinder (New France, religious) South Asia pakhistorian (Pakistan/Bangladesh,cultural, social, political, women, public history, digital history)
  2. Thank you so much, you guys! You two also really kick ass- you both have some great places to go to, iirc.
  3. Also, I wanted to report back to you guys on the board- but I received an acceptance to Princeton yesterday! I am SO overjoyed! Is anyone else on here planning on coming to the hosting weekend?
  4. I'm flying in from Belgium, so I think that's pretty far! I have three acceptances so far, but for me it will be kind of easy to see them all because they're all located fairly close to one another, geographically speaking. Of course, their visit days are on disparate weekends, so I think what I'm going to do is email my second and third choices and ask them if I can arrange to visit them on a day that is not part of the formal visit week. That way, I can just stack all of the visits together within a week's time frame, and then get back to Belgium pretty quickly afterwards.
  5. Aha, well someone had to do it! Thanks a lot. Now I'm just sitting here nervously and wondering when the rejection will come...
  6. Hey there! Right, I got confirmation from my POI in history that the days are March 3-4. He also seems to think that our travel costs will be completely reimbursed, but I think that perhaps we ought to email the grad coordinator to ask and be sure. Hilariously, I also saw on the thread above that you received an offer of admission from Rutgers- I did as well! They mentioned their visiting days will be March 7th and March 8th. Will you be going to both visit weekends? Or are you set more on UPenn?
  7. Thanks for letting us know! How did you find this out? I'll be sitting nervously at the edge of my seat, but I'll just go into it assuming a rejection as well.
  8. Thanks, Sarah! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you- I'm really sorry Brown didn't accept you! I felt the sting too when my top choice rejected me around a week ago, and I can't even really put it into words.
  9. By the way, in case anyone is interested- I also got an offer via email from NYU, but also no official portal change yet/word of funding. Still waiting on Princeton, Oxford, Chicago, and Rutgers (though Rutgers did email to tell me I've made the shortlist for their final round of decisions). I'm not holding out any hope for Chicago at this point...lol.
  10. Hey, sorry for dying on you! I'll be working with Stefanos Geroulanos as well, actually! I got my offer informally from him via email a few days ago as well. Do you know if the department is going to offer any aid to make it out to visit weekend? I'm coming from out of the country, so I sort of hope I'll know asap to be able to plan. (P.S. the email I received from him also said that we would get more funding information in "a few weeks".)
  11. Hey Ericthebrave, thanks for commenting here about UChicago! I was wondering, when you spoke to the POI, did they say they'd already sent out the questionnaire/contacted all of the candidates they were considering? I'm not from your subfield but I'm getting kind of worried, seeing as someone else other than yourself also posted about a UChicago interview on the results page.
  12. Mm, well I really do wish you luck! Being in the east coast/driving around to visit people is a great idea. I wish I could have done that this application season, but I've been abroad since September. But I totally feel you too- If my top pick (also my alma mater) rejects me, I'll probably wither away into a sad puddle of tears.
  13. Yay, another modern European intellectual historian! I'm (sort of) one as well, and I applied to half of the schools on your list (Princeton, NYU, and Rutgers). Can't say anything about the Penn acceptance because I didn't apply, but I did hear back from NYU and get an interview. I hope someone will contact you from there soon! Who is it you'd be working with?
  14. I really hope that's it! I didn't contact all of my programs directly when I applied, so part of me just worries that I won't know when decisions go out/have been made. Guess that's why I'm checking this website/the results forum so frequently LOL.
  15. Also: if any of you guys reading this thread are the person who posted about the UChicago interview, please let me know what subfield you're working in!
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