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Everything posted by 2017cph

  1. Hi everyone! Hope you are dealing with the waiting anxieties as well as one can...! I read a bit earlier on the thread that someone mentioned University of Georgia. Their deadline was the 15th of November and the program says top applicants will be invited for interviews before the end of December. Has anyone applied to / heard anything from UGA?
  2. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and write all of that! Your feedback means so much.
  3. any advice?
  4. Hi everyone - thanks for all that you've been posting - it's so helpful to read. I'm applying this fall (2016) in hopes of gaining admission to a clinical psych PhD program for the fall of 2017. I know how competitive clinical psych programs are, but I want to just see what you guys think - do I have a realisitc shot? Major - Psych, Minor - Behavioral Neuroscience GPA Overall - 3.71 / Major GPA - 3.94 GRE - 155(v) 158(q) Research - psych research assistant for four years, 5+ conference presentations with the lab, pursuing an honors thesis in the lab psych research assistant and two other labs, both clinical (for two summers) Work / Intern undergraduate intern at a psychiatric hospital developing interventions for children student intern at the department of psychiatry in a major area hospital University activities head of student government academic affairs / student representative for the college EBoard member for undergraduate neuroscience researchers Honors psi chi nu rho psi research fellowship deans list just looking at the hard data, is it unrealistic to think I have shot? (personal statement aside)
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