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Everything posted by Monody

  1. Well, that depends on whether they intend to pay for two transatlantic flights... edit: eww
  2. Would it be acceptable to write faculty members and ask whether they intend to stay at the university in the upcoming years?
  3. Honestly, what does one do in such a situation? I feel really dumbfounded and much too excited to write a coherent letter.
  4. Congrats to all acceptances.
  5. I claim a Columbia admit.
  6. And only misery is left. :/
  7. Any idea whether Duke is over?
  8. Only one. What a casual.
  9. If nobody claims Duke, I take it graciously. Somebody has to.
  10. Evolving... How horrifying.
  11. Has anyone received anything or are we going of the results page? I didn't find an update on the website.
  12. Id say that I would have my doubts considering that there are waitlists.
  13. So definitely no results on the weekend? To one poster above: NYU is certainly out, including acceptances and waitlists.
  14. I only regret the fee...
  15. Excluding Yale, can we expect Duke and Penn later today?
  16. Didn't mean to offend you but from my perspective we are sitting in the same boat. Irregardless of whether my waitlisted status allows me to sit a few centimeters higher, the boat is still unlikely to reach the shore unless an acceptance comes in soon.
  17. Which programs are you still waiting for?
  18. Well, it's not worth much, particularly if I don't get an acceptance soon. Ive another application for an MA program in Europe which will press me to accept/decline before the April 15th deadline and I will also have to write more applications which is not particularly the optimal course of things. So a waitlist that only becomes relevant in over two months isn't much in my case, even though I would like to go to NYU. Anyway, good luck on the rest of your applications.
  19. Yes, I did. I woke up, saw an email from NYU, thought that it was an acceptance, read it, and went into the shower for 20 minutes, being severely disappointed. Interestingly, the email came yesterday at 10 PM right after I went to bed.
  20. Well, I guess then I consider myself as one of the lucky few that NYU did theoretically consider instead of outright rejecting me. I think as a program that revels in positive thought, they could at least give use our numbers on the waitlist so that we can make better decisions.
  21. Does anyone have an idea how active NYU's waitlist is going to be?
  22. Ive to say I really am crossing my fingers that I get at least one acceptance. All the time, I think about all the potential weaknesses of my applications and I get a little shock every time I get a new email.
  23. How many are you still waiting for? For me it's still 6 to go but I feel awful since the Princeton rejection yesterday.
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