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Everything posted by Monody

  1. I can second this. While I am anxious about February, Ive so much work to do that it only creeps into my conscious rather rarely, like twice a day. I am preparing for exams in January (that I don't need) and Ive two papers I am working on and am currently trying to figure out which of the underlying files changed so that Ive now 15000 observations less than in the original run. Recently, I also decided to get my Math up to speed again and am working through an undergraduate calculus textbook when I can't read anymore as I find it rather relaxing to do some exercises. And of course, for the evenings there is always Wooldrige 2010.
  2. I realized that a word was missing in one of my statements and that was before the deadline, but I don't think that they accept revisions especially after the deadline simply because they initiate the process of preparing all the files for the committee and it may be somewhat unfair to all other applicants if they were to allow you to revise it again.
  3. Finally the 15th is over and I can't change anything anymore. Feels great.
  4. I would also add that one of my writers directly told me that he writes the letters when they are due and as long as the person is sufficiently trustworthy to actually do this I wouldn't worry about it. Especially because late letters do not seem to be an actual issue for most schools.
  5. The thing that really bothered (and annoyed) me about the transcripts was that Stanford requires you to send them two physical copies of your transcripts which didn't only cost me 15€ to send but also took away 2 of the three official transcripts I received from my exam office.
  6. Where did you apply? All of mine asked for official scores. :/
  7. Thanks a lot. I hoped that it would be something in this range, even though I am personally somewhat perplexed that stipends are being taxed in the US since this is not usually the case in Germany.
  8. Alright. Thanks.
  9. Something Ive recently been interested - and maybe some of those who are currently in grad school can shine some light on it - is the taxable status of the stipends. What is the average range of tax in percentages you pay on your stipend and how much do you pay if are an international student since there are some tax treaties which apparently have to be considered. Thanks.
  10. I was stressed out already. Doesn't change my status.
  11. Thanks. Will look for more Master programs now. Every time, I read these lists that are probably rather accurate of what's going on I feel ever more screwed considering that point 1) (much more loose connection to professors, no actual office hours to get to know them, no research or teaching assistantship, little knowledge of the system in the US and the letter requirements, no recognition on the other side of the pond), 2) (usually no option to take advanced courses, courses in other areas or independent study), 3)(see 1)), and 4)(see 2, OLS, ML, factor analysis but nothing beyond that; currently doing an exchange semester where I sneakily asked myself into the econ department and am now doing econometrics 1 and 2, econometric policy analysis, and analysis of panel data, but nothing of that will be completed before the applications are being reviewed) are quite difficult to handle as an international student. Further, I had probability, calculus, and linear algebra courses in school in Germany, but I doubt that this is considered.
  12. Columbia, Princeton, and MIT have the option though Columbia recognizes it as a revised version and they keep both.
  13. I know I shouldn't. Everything is going fine, the writers submitted the letters yesterday, and neither the SoP nor the writing sample is terrible and the grades/GRE and such are great. I just continue to realize all the possible improvement I could have made to increase the admittance change by a few decimal points. I recently changed the SoP and writing sample for Columbia and will do the the same for Princeton and MIT on the weekend. Maybe I should rather look forward until mid-January when I really can't change anything anymore.
  14. I am uncertain. I thought about thanking them before the results, so rather soonish as a gesture that I value their help irregardless of the outcome. On the other hand, this may come across as weird. I will probably wait until Ive got a response and then thank them with a small gift or whatever also irregardless of the outcome.
  15. Well, I just submitted a safety application to the MACIS program at the ETH Zurich which probably doesn't improve the whole situation as I am now also worrying about the possible failure of an additional application. February/March really can't come soon enough.
  16. The thing is that the writing sample isn't the article I am trying to get published, but I see your point. I am probably much too nervous about all this and am also constantly reevaluating the writing sample I submitted as well as the SOPs that I can't change anymore. :/ Anyway, for the universities where I can still swap out documents I just added the article under "Working papers" with a link to my Google Drive and mentioned it in the SOP.
  17. Indeed. Sorry. Do you think that it is worthwhile and understandable to bother them with this?
  18. I meant the journal submission actually. It jumped from awaiting editor decision to the phrase mentioned above, so I overcame the possible desk rejection (yeah!). I didn't mention it on four of the seven application and it may give them a boost. I thought about contacting the secretary who is responsible for the administrative stuff of the submission and sending her directly an updated copy of my CV.
  19. This is certainly not the best answer you will get, but I think that it is less applicable as long as it has not clear research-oriented component and remains wholly descriptive. In this case, an older paper in which you actually "do research" would probably be better.
  20. So, Ive just checked the status of my submission now says "Awaiting reviewer scores". I would wildly suppose that this indicates that it is indeed under review, doesn't it? edit: And on a related note: Does it make any sense to contact the admission offices regarding the "under review" publication as it isnt reflected in any of the documents I sent to Stanford, Duke, NYU or Penn, because I can't change the submitted documents anymore.
  21. Same situation?
  22. With the first deadline approaching (2nd of December), one of my LoR writers hasn't started yet. I am currently doing in an exchange year and she hasn't responded to my emails in the last two months, even though she said that she would write the LoRs in the next few weeks after I had have sent her all the material nine weeks ago. Should I send her an additional email asking if everything is alright with the letters or should I wait maybe until next Monday? I already contacted her secretary asking whether the letter writer is sick or something similar but she hasn't responded either.
  23. I applied to Princeton, Columbia, PennState, MIT, Duke, Stanford and NYU and I obviously would take any offer as long as it is coupled with funding. I also applied to the MACIS program at the ETH Zurich just in case and will then apply again in two years if I am unsuccessful this time with my PhD applications.
  24. What about posting our profiles to jointly feel miserable about our different weaknesses?
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