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    Continental Philosophy

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  1. Hello. Sorry in advance for the long post. The tldr is that I am currently in a philosophy Ph.D. program and wondering if I would have any shot at transitioning into a Ph.D. program in clinical psych without research experience. The longer story is that I began as a double major in philosophy and psychology as an undergrad. By the time I reached my junior year, I realized that I wanted to apply to grad programs in philosophy and dropped my psych major to a minor in Cognitive and Behavioral Neuroscience to focus on learning a second language (a valuable tool for applying to philosophy programs), though I graduated with 30+ credits in psych. My undergrad GPA was 3.74, and I think my psych GPA was in the 3.8 range. Because I knew somewhat early on that I was going to be shifting my focus to philosophy, I did not pursue any lab work. the closest thing I have was that I volunteered in a mental health clinic for about 8 months as an undergrad, but this wasn't a research setting, it was more like a rehab program. My GREs were high for verbal and the essay portion (90+ percentile), but low for quant, so I would plan to retake if I did reapply. Fast forward and I have since completed a master's in philosophy (3.95 GPA) and my first year at a funded Ph.D. program in philosophy (3.93 GPA). I've been presenting my work at international conferences, I now teach a course, and I would say my professional development in the philosophy world has been going relatively well. That said, I've never really been able to leave psychology behind, and my work has increasingly shifted to the intersection of philosophy and psychology. I am now doing quite a bit of research on the philosophical underpinnings of various therepeutic orientations (i.e., CBT and psychoanalysis), and at the moment, I am currently putting together a dissertation project at the intersection of philosophy and clinical psychology. To gear up for that research, I'm taking a graduate seminar on the history of psychology, and will be taking another in the fall on cognitive behavioral therapy, and will probably take one more in the spring of 2021. The real issue though is that my work is becoming interdisciplinary to the point that I'm not sure philosophers (at least the ones in my department) can really help me with the kinds of questions I'm interested in. Likewise, I'm honestly becoming a bit tired of academia (or at least the philosophy world), and when thinking about career outcomes, I'm becoming far more attracted to the idea of working as a therapist either in a community setting or private practice (the job market in philosophy is abysmal). The thing is, I understand from reading these forums that research experience is a pretty big "must have" for grad programs in psych. And while my resume would probably look very strong in the philosophy world, my sense is that my achievements, or even my work as a philosopher, won't be well recognized in an application to a psychology program. I had been hoping to get a volunteer position in a lab at my current institution to help my chances at a possible transition over and above taking grad seminars, though COVID kind of killed those plans. At this point, outside of taking grad classes in the psychology department, I don't really have time to start over and do another MA. So what I'm wondering is if it's even worth sending out some applications this fall to clinical programs, or if I should stay the course in my current program, and perhaps obtain a 2 year degree in MFT or Mental Health Counseling afterwards, given that my interests in clinical psych are mostly non-academic. Thanks for any help!
  2. I'm currently on the waitlist at Fordham and was told where I stood back in February, but no news since (and it doesn't seem to be a school many people post about). I'm wondering if there's anyone who would be so kind as to share whether they have accepted/declined an offer there to help me sort out my situation.
  3. In terms of departments that are strong in Continental thought generally, you might also want to add Duquesne, Villanova, Memphis, Loyola Chicago, Boston College, (and if you're interested in Canadian schools) McGill and Toronto. Some other places which aren't quite as Continental but also have some strong faculty are Georgetown and Temple. These departments will all certainly be strong for anyone interested in Marx, Heidegger, and social/political thought. As for Lacan/Badiou/Zizek/psychonalysis, you're probably going to have to look at individual faculty members at these programs. Hopefully this helps but I'd be interested to hear if people have other suggestions.
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