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NPSIA grad

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Everything posted by NPSIA grad

  1. Turns out one of my referees just submitted the reference letter yesterday and hence my application still reading as 'incomplete.' I wonder if because of this I am at the back of the line and will now only be considered for 2nd round. I hope not because I have a 3.9 and a very stacked international CV that I really hope gets at least considered for 1st round. Basically I don't know how any of this works over at that end so I am just assuming the worst. Any insights?
  2. I just called. Was told that all they can see is what we can see on the system. From calling a few times over the past couple months, it seems like there is one very helpful lady and one lady who really, really doesn't like her job. 4/5 times I have gotten the 2nd lady.
  3. In UOZONE on our checklist of received/missing documents, it says I am missing one of my reference letters, one of my transcripts, and my statement of intent. I know I submitted everything, but the reference letter part worries me. When I click on 'click here to see referee details' it says 'accepted' under the referee status for one of my professors but 'pending' under the referee status for the other. This is either delayed processing on U of O's part or one of my referees is missing in action. If anyone else with an 'incomplete' application doesn't have a check mark on the list beside one of their reference letters, can you click on the 'referee details' and see if it nonetheless reads 'accepted' or if like mine it says 'pending'? It would be very helpful to know!
  4. I am just worried that offers are going out on a rolling basis, a first come first serve type of deal. How unfortunate that would be
  5. Buckle up!? My application is still 'incomplete'! Does this mean I get to sit back and watch all the seats fill up? How painful.
  6. That is great news congratulations! Would you (and everyone else who gets offers) mind sharing your stats (GPA and so on)?
  7. I re-watched the entire 1st season of True Detective over the weekend just trying to keep myself distracted. Matthew Mcconaughey and Woody Harrelson. Classic. Now I am on Craigslist checking out apartments in Ottawa just in case I get an acceptance from U of O or Carleton. It is nice to see how to cheap it is compared to Vancouver.
  8. I finished my BA (hons) in pol sci last spring but haven't been able to find any meaningful work experience since then so I used the time to keep boosting up my CV. Went to go volunteer overseas (refugee relief work) and did a couple publications and a couple conferences and took on a couple faculty research assistant positions and been doing some online volunteer work for the UN. Just trying to as much as I can to offset the fact that I have no work experience.
  9. Who else has had this thought at least once: 'OK, it is out of my hands now. I am just going to relax and see what happens. In fact, I won't even check in on the grad cafe for a while.' I have said that to myself a few times since submitting everything, and I just keep obsessively checking my application status and lurking around on grad cafe. Like, all day long.
  10. IMO that is plenty. As long as you applied to your first couple choices and have good stats then it's likely that you will get into at least one!
  11. My last name is an H. I was a day late uploading my supporting documents (problem with electronic transcripts) and one of my referees submitted the letter a couple days late.
  12. Is Toronto expensive too? I live in Vancouver and it is unreal. I bought a condo 60km outside of Vancouver and it cost me 270K. I am excited to do grad studies and hopefully begin my professional life in Ottawa because I heard it is a lot cheaper than Vancouver
  13. It appears however that I am in good company: http://gawker.com/5912071/lbj-school-of-pubic-affairs-apologizes-after-unfortunate-typo-goes-public
  14. A competitive GPA, publications, conferences, and humanitarian work overseas doesn't count for anything when you state that a school of PUBIC affairs is the best place for you to pursue your interests
  15. That's minor league stuff. Don't sweat it. I wrote the "Graduate School of *Pubic* and International Affairs." Now the entirety of my letter is tainted with the mental sharpness of some pretentious pervert.
  16. Who here can tell me what is wrong with this paragraph: The Graduate School of Pubic and International Affairs is the best place for me to pursue these areas of interest through a unique combination of academic and professional development. The academic course of study offered through the international affairs concentration is particularly well-suited to my strengths and interests and to my educational and career objectives. Elective seminars in this chosen area of specialization combined with foundational coursework in the formulation of public policy and the conduct of international affairs will prepare me with the spectrum of knowledge and skills that I need to take my career direction into ... I am wondering how many - if any - of you had to read this over more than once before finding the ridiculously comical mistake, and if any of you have any thoughts as to how serious this is and if I should call in and ask about sending in a revised copy? Seriously having a heart attack over here. 4 profs who proofread this letter missed this mistake, not to mention me who must have read it 50 times. It took my Aunt who has never even touched a keyboard before to spot it and wait until a day after I had submitted it to get back to me.
  17. I have no idea, but in 2014 MUNK admissions told me this via email exchange: The final year GPA (last 10 senior level courses) average of our entering class this year was 3.7. But that is just the average and it is final year GPA only.
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