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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall

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  1. Thanks! This looks like an amazing read! Thanks for the sound advice and your kind words! I think I will reapply, although I am slightly fearful that whatever turned them off this year may persevere. But who knows? I think the only way is up! Where will you attend? Are you excited?
  2. My two cents, and speaking from experience, is that this is very true. My partner just got his PhD in history. He is starting a tenure track job in a somewhat rural part of new england that is two hours to a big city (and he got VERY lucky). His salary would not support a middle class lifestyle in a larger place. Seeing MFAs get even less money for faculty jobs, it is good to be realistic about what you are getting into. I think a crucial part is understanding that success in arts is arbitrary to some degree. People who put in an equal amount of work at a top program end up in completely different ends of the art world spectrum. In any case, I wish everyone the best, it is a difficult and daunting process and I hope everyone ends up achieving their dreams. That being said, after bombing my Yale interview I of course was not accepted! I did get into SAIC, where most likely I'll get 1/3 need based aid, and have to pay the rest out of pocket. I have been hearing a lot of people say to me to wait another year, which I might. What do you all think? I want to move on with my life and start my MFA, but with a two and a half year old it may be impossible in Chicago, especially since my partner will be in New England. I am 26 now and a bit worried that time is passing too. I have heard people applying several times to top schools but a bit worried about not making the cut next year anyway. Self-doubt is high!! All best and congrats to everyone!
  3. Hey congrats!!! I'll keep and eye and an ear out in that case!! If you don't mind me asking, was the caller someone from your interview committee? Best wishes for all your apps!
  4. bright side: you can celebrate with a mimosa in the morning
  5. seriously, reading horoscopes as a coping mechanism!! that said has anyone heard from SAIC photo?
  6. hahahah congrats!!! today's your day!!!! again: will you go?!?!? ?
  7. Cogratulations!!! I was told at the national portfolio day in 2014 that there is no full scholarship for first years at SVA. They had second-year fellowships available I believe. The biggest was half-tuition and it was merit-based. Not exactly sure but that is what I remember.
  8. You can use a loan calculator to see what your payments would (likely) look like: http://finaid.org/calculators/loanpayments.phtml I have little insight into student loan repayment but I know that half tuition scholarships are really sought after at SAIC. There are smaller grants for advanced students according to the scholarship fact sheet I was given at my interview. They also have a handy list of outside scholarships. I am not saying go for it 100% but from what I understand you are doing low res and might have some form of steady income elsewhere? In any case, I wish you the best!!
  9. I met people at the Yale photo interview who were invited for an interview at Columbia and were heading there right after. Sorry if this is bad news! Painting might be different.
  10. estimated family contribution is 0. its a good thing!
  11. haha almost fell off my chair with hope. i am curious about this too. what exactly did they say?
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