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  1. Is there anyone who went to the University of Michigan's campus visit? I did not make it to the campus but did Skype interviews instead. Do you know how many people are shortlisted and when the admission decisions will be made? Thanks very much!
  2. Hi there. I was accepted by UC Davis a few days ago. I am sorry to hear that you are waitlisted. Are you also on the language and mind/brain track? I am not sure whether you still want to go there, but I want to let you know that it is very possible that I will decline the offer. I have got an offer from a university and am still waiting for the decision from another university, which may send out their decisions in early March. So I will make my decisions in about mid March. Sorry for keeping you waiting. I sincerely hope you will have good news from other universities!
  3. Hi there. I was invited ten days ago. After confirming that invitation, I have not been contacted by the department for more than a week. So I have no idea what is going on. I sent email inquires to the department today. If you are unsure, it might be a good idea to send them emails. I think they would be happy to answer inquiries from applicants.
  4. Thanks for your information! It seems that UC Davis is making decisions earlier than last year. Um, I guess this is not a good sign for me. Fingers crossed. Best wishes to you!
  5. No, I haven't heard from this university. Edited: I saw the post on the Results Research. I did not receive any emails from UC Davis. I visited the application status checklist website, only to find that my application is still "under review".
  6. Hi there. Why not write an email to your POI or to the Graduate Coordinator? Most POIs will be responsive to such inquiries. It might not be a good sign but nothing is certain now. I do know some departments that are slow in notifying their applicants. I once had an interview with my POIs and had not heard from them for three weeks after that interview. Later I saw someone posting an offer in the Results Feed and I emailed one of the POIs. He told me that I was not admitted and he thought I should have been notified by the department. I do hope there is good news! Good luck.
  7. Congrats! Actually, if you search the forum or the previous posts of this thread, you can find many helpful tips for handling the interview. Wish you good luck!
  8. So I got an rejection after the interview, though I thought that interview went well. If you haven't heard back a long time after the interview, it's probably not good news.
  9. This percentage may vary by departments. When I was interviewed, I was told that the percentage was about 50%. As I haven't heard back from them three weeks after the interview, I reckon that I do not belong to that fifty percent of applicants.
  10. My concentration is phonetics and I mentioned members of the phonetics lab as POIs.
  11. It is Brown University. The department is now sending offers to psychology and cogsci applicants but not yet to linguistics applicants. That makes me even more anxious.
  12. It seemed that my POIs did expect me to have a specific project and they kept asking for more details about that project. I spent half an hour explaining just one research project, so I didn't get a chance to talk about my interests and experience. That interview took place two days after Christmas and I haven't heard back since.
  13. Congrats! I had an interview a few days ago, and we spent the whole time (about half an hour) discussing my research plan. So familiarizing yourself with your research plan/proposal would be helpful. But different POIs may have different questions in mind. I was extremely nervous before my interview, but as soon as it began I realized that it was just a casual talk. So just make yourself comfortable. Good luck!
  14. Yeah I am a bit nervous but I think I know what to expect in an interview. My specialization is also phonetics! But I am more interested in the psychology of language. I can see that you have applied to many awesome departments! Wish you good luck!
  15. Me too! Such a surprise for me!
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