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  • Location
    Nova Scotia
  • Application Season
    2017 Fall
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Caffeinated (3/10)



  1. Thank you! I had 40 hours volunteering in a clinical setting with an Audiologist, 20 hours volunteering with the "Society of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Nova Scotians", and 20 hours in total job shadowing Audiologists and SLPs. I also had many hours of undergraduate research experience, which I think may have helped as well.
  2. Accepted from the waitlist at Western this morning. I've already accepted my admissions to the Dal program, so the waitlist will still be moving for Western hopefuls!!
  3. If there are any girls accepted to the program at Dal and are looking for a roommate for next year PM me
  4. Got a conditional acceptance to Dal this morning!!
  5. Heard back from DAL this morning, got a conditional acceptance!! Declining my spot on the waitlist for Western so that'll move the line a little bit, good luck to everyone!
  6. Western said in the email that they'll start contacting people mid-April
  7. Same boat. Sub-gpa 3.77
  8. Hey everyone, I've been following the SLP thread as well and I've noticed that a few of them say that they've been waitlisted and then include something like (#12/56). Is this referring to their place on the waitlist?
  9. Hey! Congrats on your acceptance to U of T What does it mean when people inclue (#12/36) in their blog? It looks like a position on the waitlist (?) but I thought that information was impossible to get. Thanks!
  10. I've been reading the SLP thread and they said that the accounts are suppose to update at 12am on the dot
  11. I just used the original one that I made. It gave me a username of EBENNE26 and I had to create a new password. hope that helps!
  12. Yes, I got that too
  13. Wait-listed at Dalhousie as of this morning!
  14. I guess I should hop on this thread now, I just got an email for being waitlisted! Congratulations to you as well audi101. Do you know the date that successful applicants have to accept their offer? Thanks
  15. So just wondering, did anyone hear from anyone about actually being accepted into Dal's audio program? I'm surprised that there's not at least one person that got accepted on this blog.
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