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Posts posted by DGD4L

  1. 11 hours ago, geneticginger said:

    Does anyone know if UPenn CAMB is sending out invites all at once or in batches? I didn't hear back today and I'm just wondering if I'm out of the running... :(

    It seems like the different subsections of the CAMB are sending invites out at different times. I applied to the MVP and it doesn't seem like anyone has heard back from them yet. Although, if you applied for the GGR I did see some people say they heard back, but don't take that as a said-and-done deal!

  2. 2 hours ago, lmb123 said:

    I think it might depend on which concentration you chose.  I applied to MVP and I'm not giving up hope yet - don't worry!

    Congrats to everyone who already heard back from UPenn CAMB! @lmb123 I also applied to the MVP and I haven't heard anything yet! Stay hopeful and stay positive!

  3. 1 minute ago, AGradStudentHasNoName said:

    Where are you guys planning on traveling?

    Also lets start suggesting ways to pass the time while waiting for interview invites. I'll go first.

    1. play pokemon sun/moon

    2. play fallout 4

    3. look at cat gifs

    4. work? so hard to motivate right now...

    5. Clash of Clans

    6. Clash Royale

    7. Feed your snail

    8. Making a sandwich

  4. 2 minutes ago, AGradStudentHasNoName said:

    I'm gonna quit my job and hike the pacific crest trail before grad school starts. And if I don't like that I'm gonna go ski bum in new zealand. Suckers! Of course I can only do this because I have been working for a number of years and have some money.

    That's awesome. I would love to have the money to travel and do something like that. Enjoy it! 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Josie817 said:

    I got an interview for Pitt on November 23rd! But I also completed my application pretty early (November 1st). They said they started looking at applications as they became finished, so they'll probably send out a few more waves of interview requests. Good luck!!

    Congratulations! Hope it goes well! 

  6. 7 minutes ago, blc073 said:

    Well, you have to figure out a way to take your mind off the process. Otherwise, you're going to lose your mind. I'm actually being pretty serious. This is an important time to demonstrate to yourself that you can manage a work-life balance. 

    Harvard BBS is a great program with a lot of pros. However, like any other program, there are also many cons. If you would like to know more about my experience, I would be happy to talk with you via PM. 

    Just sent it. Thanks @blc073!

  7. 8 minutes ago, blc073 said:

    I suggest you all just relax and avoid checking your email too often. Check it once a day or so and do something else to occupy yourselves. 

    The true anxiety begins after you get invitations and you have to wait a month or more to interview. :D


    @blc073 that's what I'm trying to do! It's just an anxious/exciting/scary time in life haha. 

    On a side note, how do you like Harvard BBS? Now that I'm done with applications and stuff I think it would be interesting to hear about it from someone who went through it all already and is in the program! I applied as my "reach" school, just as everyone else probably did lol.


  8. The anxiety waiting for these damn emails is horrible! I catch myself refreshing my email 15 minutes after I JUST checked it... It would be nice to say that studying for finals takes my mind off of it, but I only have 2 finals (one of which is a joke). At least I have Clash of Clans and Clash Royale :) 



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