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Everything posted by kotatsumuri

  1. Very interesting discussion on publishing, not something I've really thought about yet. Definitely important to keep in the backs of our minds for the future! I had an email today from USC EAAS MA and I nearly had a heart attack--at work no less--but it ended up being a "we received all of your applications materials" kind of email (the deadline was 1/5). Ugh! They really had me there for a few seconds!
  2. Hi everyone! I've been lurking for a while now but I might as well introduce myself! I'm interested in premodern Japanese history & religon and I've applied to History (PhD) at USC, though the rest of the programs I'm looking at are East Asian studies. Haven't heard anything yet from anywhere and I'm not really expecting to be accepted as I don't have an MA yet but figured it was worth a try anyway. Best of luck to you all and I hope for some good news to start coming for Historians soon
  3. Sounds great @Riby We wish you luck with your apps As others have said, it's great to have a future Korean scholar join us! I too hope I can find a good excuse to start studying Korean once I'm back in school too. Welcome to @ystlum_chwilfrydig as well! Nice to meet you. I'm excited to see someone else interested in premodern Japanese studies! I'm planning on studying premodern history/religion myself. I hope more EALC-enthusiasts will come out of the woodwork in the next few weeks and months. If anyone is out there lurking, don't be shy!!
  4. Wahoo!! Congratulations @NaitoBaron!! It's so exciting to see some results starting to come in. @Riby Welcome to the group Riby! What are you planning to study?
  5. Heyyy @spicyramen, nice to see you again! I've been wondering the same with some people hearing from programs I applied to but haven't heard anything from myself...ugh!!! But we'll make it through--January is already half over!
  6. Whoa, that's wild @lordtiandao! It's interesting to hear about your interview experiences...I'm sure it'll be helpful to anyone else who has interviews down the road. Thanks for sharing! It can be hard to know what the adcoms are thinking about sometimes... Very cool, @costevens! Buddhism is so interesting (and Shinto, too!). I look forward to learning more in grad school. I expect I'll be learning some Chinese eventually too...and I'd love to study Korean, just because. And I agree about the thread! I was worried it had died there for a bit, but I think we were all just busy getting our December apps in--and then recovering from it all, haha! I stalked the old EALC threads for several years before it was time to apply myself, and it's so great to have others to talk with! I can see us all crossing paths at future conferences
  7. @lordtiandao I also applied to UPenn. No word here either. Best of luck with your second interview! Welcome to the thread, @abcdefghijklmno!!
  8. @costevens Thank you! I'm actually a history/religion person and I will be studying (roughly) the Heian period wherever I go! I applied to 8 programs; 5 MAs and 3 PhDs. I also agree the Colorado will be an amazing place for experiencing the outdoors! Those Rockies I was in Yellowstone/Teton over the summer (not CO, I know) and it was amazing. The West is beautiful! @SUMMER715 I wish I had some advice for you, but I know there are other threads out there for interview tips!! Definitely do a search and I'm sure you'll find something useful.
  9. @costevens Congratulations, that's really exciting news!! Sounds like the best way ever to start the results season! No updates yet with my apps...just a few stray emails here and there for getting accounts on the schools websites to check results, etc.
  10. @lordtiandao Thank you, I will keep hoping! And good luck to you, too, when it comes time for your interview!!
  11. @lordtiandao Congratulations, that seems like an exciting step forward! Am I correct to assume (from your signature) that you('ll) have an MA already? I applied to Princeton too but with only a BA, I don't think I'll be getting into any PhD programs yet. *sigh* Have to try anyway though! Still early days, too, I suppose.
  12. Welcome @kochan!! Hope everyone had a nice holiday season and Happy New Year! @lordtiandao So you had results come back from Princeton?? Did you apply to EAS (PhD)? Have yet to hear from any of the programs (not surprised though, given everyone's most likely still on winter break) but wasn't expecting anything for a good while...
  13. I would strongly advise against this - you should report your GPA exactly as is. There are other schools who use 3 places after the decimal so whether or not it's common really shouldn't be an issue. I have worked in an undergrad career office and have heard of someone having a job offer revoked because they rounded their GPA up (pretty sure it was rounded more than you're asking about, but it's just the principle and you shouldn't take the chance).
  14. Thanks @spicyramen!! Congratulations and good luck with number 10!! I'm about to submit a bunch right now for tomorrow's deadline. It's gonna feel so good to be done!
  15. Welcome @NaitoBaron !! Glad to have some action in here again. Lots of deadlines coming up. I am hoping to have all of my apps in this week! Hope everyone else is doing well and let us know what's up if you can! We will need something to keep ourselves busy while waiting for results
  16. I like this idea! We still have lots of yummy Thanksgiving leftovers, and my final LOR writer is close to submitting!!
  17. Hey EALC applicants!! How is everyone doing? Been quiet here lately. Deadline are starting to come up next week...I'm starting to freak out For those of you here in the US, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday!
  18. Hi @allichan!! Good luck with you GRE and the JET app! It's a long process...if you have any questions or want to talk about it feel free to ask (PM me if you like)! I did JET for 2 years As for your Japanese levels...do you have any programs in mind that you're interested in? I would suggest looking at their requirements as that may vary. I've seen some programs that require a certain number of semesters/years of language study. JET would be a good opportunity to improve your language! But you've got some study already, at least, so I think that's a plus.
  19. @lordtiandao Welcome to the group! I think we tend to be a pretty interdisciplinary bunch, so we're happy to have you join us. @costevens Best of your luck with the GRE! Your date must be getting close. Took the test on Friday and I'm pretty excited that both my verbal and quant scores (unofficial, anyway) went up 4-5 points each. I was dreading having to go through it again, but was pleasantly surprised that (like the first time) the test went by really quickly. I found that it was plenty to keep me busy but I still had time to go back and check my answers. It's kind of nice that the writing is first so that you can get it out of the way, too. You'll do great I'm sure!! Easier said than done but try not to sweat it too much since, like others have said, it's not the be-all-end-all of your application! Where's everyone else at on their apps? I've been procrastinating the SOP/resume parts but am working on them right now. My recommenders need to see them for sure...
  20. Howdy @costevens! Did you take the exam yet? Good luck, if not! Taking the GRE again in a few weeks...waiting on the arrival of a new prep book (that should have before now). Ugh!! I've got all of my LOR writers sorted out, which is a huge relief, and I'm taking a good hard looks at my personal statements today. Just remembered I need to request some transcripts from my uni's registrar's office soon! I have a couple of schools that want official hard copies as part of the application process. Has everyone chosen where they're applying to by now? Looks like I'm going with 8...unless I change my mind last minute about somewhere. Poor bank account Has anyone been in touch with POIs?
  21. @costevens Glad to help I've been learning a lot during this process myself. And I highly recommend reaching out to grad students! Everyone I've been in touch with so far (both through gradcafe and otherwise) has been very friendly and helpful.
  22. Welcome to everyone who has joined in lately Nice to see another pre-modern historian in the midst, @nihonshi!! What's everyone been up to lately? I'm still trying to narrow down programs but somehow my list has only grown I'm also feeling like the straight-to-PhD option is less and less likely based on comments above and from talking to some current grad students. Now I feel silly for not realizing this...but I guess better to find out now than later on. Also signed up for the GRE again....ugh!!! @costevens From what I've learned you might want to be wary of being bumped down from PhD to MA for apps. I don't know about all schools, but if they pass you on for MA consideration it could be after they've already accepted a bunch of students for MAs and spots could be used up by then. You might want to contact students or the program to find out what their process is, and if you don't think you're qualified enough to get into the PhD program just apply for the MA. This is basically what was suggested to me so I'm kind of shifting my approach...
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