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Posts posted by Amanda87

  1. 45 minutes ago, ilovemydog said:

    I'm not sure, I'm waiting to hear back from a few other schools before I commit to anything. Though, this offer is hard to resist! I'm planning a time to go visit Boston and that will hopefully help me decide things. I'm sure you will be hearing back soon! Waiting is the worst part. 

    Oh I meant to ask one more thing! Did BC give you a time limit to accept their offer?

  2. 6 minutes ago, ilovemydog said:

    I'm not sure, I'm waiting to hear back from a few other schools before I commit to anything. Though, this offer is hard to resist! I'm planning a time to go visit Boston and that will hopefully help me decide things. I'm sure you will be hearing back soon! Waiting is the worst part. 

    Definitely! I loved my visit at BC. I emailed prior to going and they set a meeting up with the assistant dean of the School of Social Work Admissions. He had a lot of great information. I went with some questions already written down and took notes. Definitely take some time to check out the campus too, it is breathtaking. I'd never been to a college with so many great, old, gothic style buildings and it was amazing to see it in person. I also took the T to get to and from the campus to really experience it. Apparently that branch of the T is the oldest and slowest, but I didn't have any problems with it. 

  3. 4 minutes ago, ilovemydog said:

    I just wanted to update you guys since I got the letter in the mail yesterday- scholarship offers seems to be following the same format as it did in previous years. It comes in your admissions packet behind the acceptance sheet.

    Good luck! 

    For BC? Were you applying for advanced standing? I hope to hear soon!!

  4. One year a long time ago, there were penguins who didn't wear hats when swimming. This made their mothers livid. "Unacceptable!"  Frightened, they screamed, "Bears!" Nobody seemed convinced so instead of going swimming they tried juggling. Their mothers tried everything they thought would teach her a skill. However, she couldn't even make oatmeal without disastrous results. So, the penguins gathered money (obviously) trying to purchase a bear.  Towering over them, a grizzly beast danced, devouring all bears with such ferocity that even God enjoyed it. Afterwards, God congratulated the penguins and applauded them.  "You did it!" 

    Suddenly, the grizzly beast started dancing vigorously.  There was an acromantula nearby. It challenged the preconception that magical mushrooms were magical.  Sparkling, the magical mushrooms were spreading throughout town. Nobody with pyromania thought grilled cheese would spontaneously erupt into nine identical squirrels! Nevertheless, the penguins elucidated the benefits of sparkling water from Iceland. Suddenly, Iceland exclaimed, "Enough!!! No more penguins. Kill all of the arcades on Monday because King Arthur suffered from sphenisciphobia." Tragically, everyone forgot

  5. 20 hours ago, MsHypatia said:

    Agreed. Great topic. Not to sound alarming, but I would recommend doing some pretty extensive research on the locations of prospective universities as you make your decisions in the next few weeks. Some universities/cities are more welcoming to international students than others. Unfortunately, there have been racially motivated incidents since Trump's election on several campuses, including the one I attend (in a very red, very Trump state). In the current political climate, I would do your homework and at the very least be aware of the situation at whatever school you choose to attend. Good luck to all!

    Yes! I live in a super red state (which I hate, by the way) and can't wait to get out and live in Massachusetts later this year. The weekend after the election, someone went around and spray painted swastikas on street signs just outside of town. This election has really emboldened the worst kinds of people. On the other hand, there are also a lot of people that are willing to fight for everyone's rights (myself included). But yes, I wholeheartedly agree with really researching the towns that you're looking at living in. There's also a City Guide section of the forums where you can talk to people that live there or other people that are thinking of moving to an area. 

  6. Thanks for posting this. I am so worried about this administration. I'm applying to Master of Social Work programs and want to work with women who have been victims of domestic and sexual violence. The kind of non-profits and campus groups are funded in large part by VAWA, which is up on the chopping block currently. I'm not so worried I guess about being able to finish school, but maybe finding a job after. On the other hand, it makes me want to fight even harder to serve this population, especially as we may see changes to local police departments and their willingness or ability to help victims of violence. It's a scary time to become a social worker, but I think it's also an important time to do this work. 

    Edit: I know this doesn't answer your question really, I just feel really strongly about this being an important consideration.

  7. Mine is Boston College, but to be able to afford to go there I'd have to get an assistantship or some pretty good scholarships. I got to visit the school in the fall and sit down and ask the assistant dean questions about the program. I was blown away by the opportunities they have in Boston for field placements. I also would do the trauma certificate if I end up going there, since I want to serve women who have been victims of violence. 

  8. 1 hour ago, alisham said:

    Same. I would love to go to Boston College, but it would have to be an amazing financial aid package for it to be feasible for me.  Once I get decisions from other schools, I'm going start visiting campuses.  Maybe seeing the campuses in person will help me decide.  I'm surprised Salem State hasn't sent out anything yet. I remember them having one of the earliest application deadlines.  The least they could do is let their applicants know early to justify that deadline.

    Yeah! I applied to SSU on Halloween because they waived the app fee in October...but my last LOR wasn't in until January 2. Hopefully we'll hear something this week. I looked through acceptances from the past few years for those two schools and a lot came out the first couple weeks in February. 

  9. 15 minutes ago, alisham said:

    I've applied to four schools which all would be a great fit for me, so I have no backup schools since I'd be happy to attend any one of their programs.  I got accepted into my in-state school, which is great, and will probably be the cheapest option (they actually offer need-based grants at a graduate level, but I won't know if I received one until after the acceptance deadline) unless I get a graduate assistantship at one of the other schools.  I can't plan my move since they're all in different areas, so I've been keeping busy by applying to jobs that I won't mind leaving in August and surfing the grad life topics in this forum.  I think I need to step away from my computer in order to be fully distracted.  Plus, it's Friday, so the chances of hearing anything before Monday are slim.

    Yeah, definitely. I see we've both applied to BC! That's my number one, but I'd have to get a lot of scholarship money or an assistantship to be able to afford it. I really want to live in Boston after visiting schools in the area and visiting the city. I've been planning this for two years and the closer it gets, the harder it is to wait it seems. 

  10. 11 minutes ago, alisham said:

    Just want to reiterate that this waiting is giving me tremendous anxiety. UConn spoiled me with a less than two week wait for a decision and now I keep thinking the other schools I applied to will be just as fast.

    Me too!! I'm SO anxious. I got my acceptance to my backup school this week, which I am extremely happy about, but now I'm so anxious. I know now at least I'll be going somewhere and I'll be relocating to Boston, but I really want to go to one of the other schools more. What are you doing to try to keep yourself occupied? I've been planning my move and when I'm going to give notice at work, now that I know I'm moving for sure. That's helped some. It's also helpful to see that not many people have heard from my other two schools yet. 

  11. 13 minutes ago, hanndema said:

    Hey y'all! I've been lurking on this thread for a while now, so I thought I'd go ahead and post and introduce myself :) I've applied to three schools - University of Michigan, University of Denver (dual degree international studies and social work), and Boston College. I'm hoping to focus on global social work, my goal is ultimately working with immigrants and refugees in the United States! Been accepted to Michigan and Denver, still waiting on Boston. Top choice is Michigan but we'll see if funding works out - hoping I get accepted to my special program (global activities) or get a GSSA position, because my financial aid is a bit lacking otherwise. 

    Hey! I'm applying to BC too. I'm still waiting to hear from them, but I know they weren't going to start reviewing applications until this month anyway. Good luck!

  12. 2 hours ago, KaylaJay said:

    I've been silently stalking this website for a while, but waiting to hear back is driving me crazy so I figured I would post... 

    I only applied to 2 schools, UW Seattle and Berkeley. Kind of wishing I would have applied to a school that was a little easier to get into that I would have heard from earlier from somewhere! March seems so far away! 

    Congrats to everyone who heard back from their schools already!!!

    Waiting has been terrible! I got my first admission notification from my 3rd choice school (of 3) so now I'm even more anxious about the other two!

  13. 4 minutes ago, Chumado said:

    Got accepted into Ohio State last night. I haven't gotten the acceptance email yet but my status online has changed from pending to accepted. Big stress relief for me since due to my wife's job, i can't relocate easily so Ohio State was my top choice for the area  

    As it turns out, they review the apps as they receive them, even when stuff is missing. I submitted my app in November but my last LOR didn't come in until just this past weekend. Took them 2 days to accept me (not counting weekend) from the time they got my last letter. 

    Awesome! Congratulations :)

  14. 22 hours ago, av2010 said:

    I have a minor disability so I'll be driving so walking distance isn't essential.  I'm more concerned about finding somewhere quiet, affordable, etc.

    I live here now and have both as a student and as a professional. Please ask me any questions. I have to be honest though, I hate living here and I can't wait to leave. 

    I second the advice about living in South Park, though there is a lot of partying that can go on there too. In general I'd avoid any big apartment complexes, as most of those landlords truly are "scumlords" and normally don't return any of your security deposit, even if the place is left better than when you moved in (this has happened to me). Metro Property is a big rental company in town and maybe when you get here they will treat their tenants better, as they are currently in a lawsuit over not refunding security deposits. As far as getting around town goes, the streets have not been designed to accommodate for the ever-increasing student population, and tend to get really backed up at peak commuting hours. It's not unheard of to take 45 minutes to drive from the Suncrest area of town to South Park at 5pm. I'd say if your classes are going to be limited to one campus (Evansdale vs Downtown), then live somewhere closer to that campus. 

  15. So I got my first acceptance yesterday, for which I was thrilled because now I know I will be moving to Boston (or Salem)...but now I'm incredibly anxious to hear back from the other schools. Yesterday I was much more at ease, but now I'm checking my email every 10 minutes (which is ridiculous). Ah! 

  16. 10 hours ago, lunabathory said:

    Thank you! I want to focus on international sexual wellness and sexual violence prevention. 

    I spent last year working with women accused of witchcraft accusations in Ghana and it cemented my desire to work on an international capacity. 

    Unrelated, I got accepted to Columbia today! So that's one less school to anxiously fret about haha. 

    This is awesome! I want to focus on helping women who have been victims of domestic and sexual violence. Best of luck to you! 

  17. 14 hours ago, ilovemydog said:

    Just got accepted to Boston College today, I am so excited! Has anyone else heard back? I'm a little bit nervous because while I have heard any scholarship info comes in the form of an email, I have also heard it comes through the mail. Anyone have any info on this?

    Omg, I'm freaking out! I hope I'll hear this week. When did you apply and how did you hear?

    Edit: ...sorry I went back and read some more comments. I'm really happy for you! I can't wait to find out. I can't imagine waiting for more schools, I only applied to 3 and now that I have one acceptance I want the rest!

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