I think at this point in the process, most people are feeling the ever present anxiety of waiting to hear back from the schools they have interviewed at but unfortunately there is no straight forward answer to when that might happen. Some people have posted that they hear back from schools in less than a week but I think that is uncommonly quick in this process. I have had 3 interviews and they have all taken 2-4 weeks to get back to applicants because many of them still have to get funding approved from both the psychology and the graduate departments. The best way to get an idea about when you might hear back is by checking the results from that school in previous years. Other than that, just stay busy and try not to think about the blank hole that is your future currently. I know that seems impossible to do as I have been on the verge of driving myself crazy with how often I am checking my email and the results page but ultimately things are going to be okay. Even if you have to reapply next year, you are still hopefully building your resume with more conference and publication experience that will help make you competitive for your top choice in graduate school and internships in the future. Or at least that is what I am telling myself to combat the anxiety