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Everything posted by crimsonengineer87

  1. I lived in Kassel for three months and I liked Hessen. Isn't Frankfurt in Hessen? At least you're close to the transportation hub of Germany! And since you've already been around there, you can visit me in Bonn!
  2. I also agree with this. Considering the doctor I saw at our student health center (aka "student death" to many students) didn't give a cholesterol value, I think they just want to see we won't keel over once we arrive the country. So yes, I think the general comments whether we are "fit" to do our research/teach are mostly what they are looking at! Damis, have you mailed in your stuff yet? Or you're about to?
  3. if you feel like sharing (you don't have to), what was weird about the results? Maybe the bloodwork was done improperly? Hmm ...
  4. I emailed Cara Doble (she's the lady for Germany, right?) because I was worried that my doctor putting N/A for my cholesterol would be a big deal. But she said I had "passed" or some language similar to that and that I should expect stuff from the German Commission. You should wait a couple weeks after sending in your forms. On the website somewhere, it states that IIE sends medical forms on Fridays to the DoD and that if the form is not in their hands Thursday by 5 pm it'll be sent the next week.
  5. I was geosciences. Sigh. What letter does your last name start with? Mine's R. Just brainstorming. It's ridiculous that they forgot to notify people! Argh. And then they doll out these generic rejection emails like it was nothing. Almost like they were prepared for it. B*tches.
  6. Same here. So did they just forget to email us? Ugh. Whatever. I hope Congress RIPS their funding. Okay, so maybe that last part was a little harsh ... but still ...
  7. Sorry to hear that as well! So did they just forget to notify you? I also emailed them just now, but I'm assuming I didn't get it. Sigh.
  8. True. We've already surpassed last year's thread and the NSF GRFP thread, although I was quite worried they would beat us. They grew to half our views and such in like two days (I applied for this as well and watch their thread grow exponentially). But I think it's okay to keep it here. If you look at the past threads, there is a sort of "evolution" from those who applied and made it the first round, and then the next round, and then the finalists asking questions about flights and such. But yes, it is quite long ... but I think most of the people who will eventually read this thread in the near future will be those in the same boat as you. But, that's just my opinion!
  9. Yeah, I didn't really know about the language course and how they selected individuals cuz I didn't see anything in our apps. So when I got my information back in March, I just emailed them and asked about it and got it. While I've had German (more than a year ago), I mainly saw it as a good refresher. Probably once I become immersed in it, I'll begin to learn all those fun things about German grammar everyone else hated! Lol. You should email them if you're interested! It starts in August and it's in Marburg. But good to know they'll help with flights. I am getting antsy about all my plans this summer! Soooo many things to do!
  10. General question to the forumites (is that a word?) or forum-stalkers. Do the country commissions (i.e. German Fulbright Commission) help us out with flights and visa stuff, once we're pass the medical clearance? Also, to German Fulbrighters (I think they all abandoned this forum cuz they heard way back when), is anyone else taking the language course? Thanks and congrats to everyone who's been accepted!
  11. Ugh. I hope it's not Wednesday. That day seems so far away. But we'd better hear by the end of April ... if not ...
  12. Do we know the deadline that those who received the award have to accept by? That would help us figure things, possibly, if we are alternates. Although, we're such a small pool of candidates it really is hard to say whether we are all alternates or just waiting for a "second wave". I almost wrote "second coming". Haha. BUT it may as well be the second coming!
  13. Hmm, I didn't think about that. Did Obama sign the budget for current fiscal year to September already? I can't remember if he did ...
  14. Mine was sent Friday and I got it Wednesday, which is pretty good for Pullman, Washington. If you Google it, this small college town is LITERALLY in the middle of wheatfields and almost nowhere. Lol. My parents work for the post office and that large manila envelope was extremely thin. It may have been possible it could have been accidentally ripped or something in the mail sorters. Or the label became too blurred to read. For my envelope, I could barely read it was from IIE. I was like what is this crappy logo. Anyways, have you contacted them? I think someone on this forum had a similar issue and emailed someone and got word over email ... hmm. Where are you located?
  15. I think that Facebook group would be awesome! There are definitely some peeps out there who haven't seen this forum and most likely they are good Facebook stalkers and will one day search Facebook for something like this. I definitely did this when I interned in Germany through the DAAD. There were 300 undergrads in North America and Canada. There was bound to be one person to start the group. It was really helpful for making traveling plans with others and stuff like that. I think there was some sort of post on here about the medical clearance form and I'm too lazy to scroll back up and reply, so I'll put it here. I just emailed Cara b/c I was worried about my form b/c my doctor apparently put "N/A" under the cholesterol. The only thing the blood work DIDN'T look at. At first I was like, Oh it's okay my doctor said I was in tip-top shape. Then I got more worried. But she said I "passed". So I wouldn't worry. As long as the general comments are that you will not fall over and die once you set foot in your country or will not spread a contagion similar to the plague, you will be fine!
  16. I wonder if these "waves" are dependent on the different research arms within the DoD (i.e. ARO, Naval Research Office, etc) sending ASEE the "list"? That would kind of make sense why a few people have heard from a variety of disciplines, rather than the explanation that they are sending out rejections/acceptances by disciplines. Sure certain disciplines fall within certain research organizations, but some may have a variety of uses within the DoD (as they explained on their website). Just a theory. But I'm still waiting for that rejection.
  17. Can I visit y'alls in Morocco when it gets cold in Germany?
  18. Hi Bkid, You've got some really good questions! First, I think you've got a good start with your statement of grant purpose, especially for Germany and sustainability! That's most def an important and relevant topic. Secondly, I found my affiliation by asking my advisor if she knew any contacts in Germany. Apparently her advisor, who is basically the "father in hydrology", worked with a few folks in Germany. I also did a few Google searches and looked at many German university sites. I ended up making a spreadsheet with my top 6 or 7 to email, rather than sending out mass emails. I would send our emails to my first couple and see what would happen and then continue down the list. If you need more help with that, I can send you a sample email. In terms of being mindful, short email that is able to explain everything would be nice. Then usually if the professor is interested, they will usually solicit for more info. Does that make sense? And I'm not going to matriculate into a full 2-year program, or I don't have plans to (but plans could change). I'm currently on a PhD track for a degree in civil engineering. I decided to get a PhD here if I got the Fulbright. It's a long story, but to make it short, I felt I needed this experience b/c I'm getting all three degrees from the same institution (yikes!). So yeah. Hmm, feel free to ask more questions! I just might be a little slow to respond since things are piling up since it's near the end of the semester! Hope I was able to help! AND kudos for starting early in the process!
  19. Woot! Congrats! 2 questions: did you have an interview in your language? And did you receive it at your current or permanent address?
  20. Thanks! I'm updating it as we speak, and congrats!
  21. It looks to me that you're not the one missing out!
  22. I remember reading something from last year's thread or somewhere that someone from the EPA actually called you to offer you the STAR fellowship ... hmm ... but they might change it this year. I applied under FON E1: Global Change. Probably a rejection packet in the mail today. That's better than junk mail I guess.
  23. I'm sorry to hear this! Despite this, just know that making the finalist round for a Fulbright means you are still in the top tier of candidates and that it speaks highly for your academic and extracurricular record! Don't forget that! Is grad school plan B?
  24. This is great seeing all these acceptances! Maybe the spreadsheet can finally be filled out! https://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=0AriON5PQlVdtdHlKMUhJYlo0bEVXREcxdlJVYUFibnc&hl=en&authkey=CNHpkd4P Don't forget to email fulbright2011.2012@gmail.com with the following information: Name, Country, Region Interview Status Address of Notification Notification Date Postmark Date Academic Status Research Area Woo hoo! We're nearing the end ... hopefully ...
  25. Didn't someone mention NDSEG has sent two waves of letters in the past?
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