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Everything posted by apply2017

  1. Have the results been announced as yet?
  2. Go to Princeton.
  3. Hey, although I dont know which school you are at, I went to one admit student day (Harris, UChicago) and they were the nicest people. You might not have a name tag ready for you but I am pretty sure they will be happy to accommodate you into the program.
  4. MPP or MPA?
  5. Hahaha, i love the size of the image
  6. Before the results guys, whatever the final outcome, it was nice to talk to everybody here and I wish each one of you the best of success going ahead. Thanks and good luck.
  7. Don't worry about it. Mine is the same too. I think you are for mpa/id as well?
  8. This post tomorrow (http://hksadmissionblog.tumblr.com/post/158081164348/2017-reading-and-decision-process-post-19) and admit post day after?
  9. It's 4:46am in the west coast and i am awake. Yup the suspense is real
  10. Looks like tomorrow will be the day!
  11. I reported it as spam as well. What if it wasn't?!
  12. Still the same for me too.
  13. My biggest factors would be- 1. funding 2. career prospects - faculty and alumni connections - where do you want to go after the program?
  14. Anybody know about the status for the international fellows program?
  15. Accepted with partial funding. There is a separate letter for funding in the same portal
  16. This is what I would like to know - there hasn't been any update on this front. I think it's safe to say that decisions are not coming out this week. There are a few more blog posts left to be posted and I highly doubt they will be put up tomorrow. I think 14th Wednesday is the day.
  17. I didn't know there was an interview at all. Which program had he applied to?
  18. Is the admissions blog is down for anyone else too? Maybe getting updated for the decisions?
  19. Congratulations! Keeping my fingers crossed for the MPA announcement.
  20. lol, i am pretty sure not all of us got through. it might just work out easier for them to assign randomly so all accepted candidates can get financial aid info at the same time as their admit. decisions
  21. I have a feeling it will be Friday cause the number of pages on Matt's desk (his yesterday's blog post) was just too much to be read.
  22. Nice, I think this is an indication that they are at the end stages
  23. Same for me. I think everyone gets a mentor assigned randomly (or will be assigned soon)
  24. Don't worry about it. There are many ways the admissions office can be conducting this process so this isn't a sign of anything I am sure.
  25. MPA/ID. But there is no point reading too much into this because it can easily be a random assignment to all applicants and the rejects just get weeded out shortly.
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