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Everything posted by Merantau

  1. Thank you!
  2. I'm not sure what you meant by result, @lanhoang. I only emailed them, and they responded, saying something along the line that I'm not qualified for funding.
  3. No. Fletcher. Not sure yet, though. Money is a major issue.
  4. Congratulations for those of you who got offered generous funding. I wasn't offered any funding at all, and my attempt at appealing for funding failed. So I think I'm gonna have to take the offer from the school of my second choice whose deadline is today. Good luck to all of you, and thank you for helping me along the process. You've been all helpful.
  5. Congratulations! So happy for you!
  6. It doesn't matter as long as it's from an accredited university, including community colleges. I'm taking a principles of microeconomics online course provided by UCLA Extension, based on the recommendations from a few people, including someone from this forum. You can check this thread to see other options. Do you have to take econ classes too?
  7. I think it depends on whether the student in question has sufficient econ background and GRE quant score or not. I never studied economics before, so they required me to take courses prior to enrolling. If your LOA didn't say anything about it, then you're good.
  8. Happy to meet a future classmate, @lanhoang! I think the TMAC specialization is perfect for me given my professional background, but the Gender and Public Policy and Conflict Resolution ones are also attractive! I'm thinking of maybe combining some of these specializations as electives. Have you had M&E experience before?
  9. Hi @lanhoang! Congrats to you too! I am also going to concentrate in HRHP. Which specialization are you going to take? I emailed Grace Han and David Sheridan (Director of Financial Aid) last week, cc-ing the FinAid Office, in an attempt to appeal for funding. I got an immediate response, but from the FinAid office. And just like your experience, their reply was pretty much generic. Good luck, and let us know if you receive any encouraging response!
  10. I'm from Indonesia. What about you, @ArellaV?
  11. Thanks @chocolatecheesecake! I end up taking the principles of microeconomics course at UCLA Extension, which is recommended by a lot of people, including the Admissions person at one of the schools I'm taking the course for.
  12. Hi @ForeignFish! Sorry for the late reply, I've been drowning in a lot of hard thinking. Sadly I'm still not enlightened enough to make up my mind while time is ticking out. I put Fletcher above Korbel for a few factors. First of all, I think it's a better known and more reputable school. In my field, I've meet colleagues who went there, but none from Korbel. Second, Fletcher is my personal choice, while Korbel was picked by the scholarship program sponsoring my studies in the US. It considerably affects my sentiment for each school since I applied to Fletcher by myself and I get to communicate with them, while my Korbel application was taken care of by the scholarship program, which doesn't allow me to get in tocuh with the school at all. Third, while I was browsing for info on Korbel, I stumbled upon articles about their humanitarian award for George W. Bush in 2013 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/07/03/du-george-bush-award_n_3541932.html which made me question the values of the school, and how conservative they actually are. What drew you to Fletcher and Korbel? How has your decision making process progressed so far?
  13. Thank you so much for the insights @ArellaV and @Student007! I've been thinking long and hard about this whole funding ordeal and still haven't made up my mind, haha. I know for sure that I want to go to SIPA, but with other choices I have--some with a certain amount of funding, some with a lot that I don't need to pay for anything at all--it's really hard to decide. I agree, though, that taking out loans would be a bit too risky for me as an international student. I want to go back to my country after graduating, and human rights advocacy is not exactly a profitable career choice, hehe. Even if I end up working for the UN or other international organizations, I would need to sacrifice a lot of my comfort from having to pay out massive debts from grad school. I'm thinking of approaching a few institutions here at home to see if they have spare money to fund this poor student, as well as emailing SIPA Admissions director. If none of that works out, then maybe I'll take out loans (no more than 60k). We'll see.
  14. Hi @ForeignFish! I can totally relate to your situation. I applied to 7 schools (3 of them are the same as yours) and didn't expect to get admitted into all of them, so now after the excitement has died down a bit, I am feeling overwhelmed. And those are not the only things we share in common. My concentration and specialization of choice are also in Human Rights/Humanitarian Policy and International Communication/Media/Advocacy. Quant subjects are also my weakness. And on top of that, we're from neighbouring countries, and basically speak the same language Here are my top choices: 1. Columbia SIPA - MIA: No funding 2. Tufts Fletcher - MALD: Some funding 3. NYU Wagner - MPA-PNP: No funding 4. DU Josef Korbel - MA in International Human Rights: No funding yet I still want to go to SIPA as it's the school of my dreams, hoping that I can get funding outside of a scholarship that will cover some of the costs (no luck yet). Besides, a friend of mine living in NYC has offered a place to stay, which could cut my accommodation budget. But otherwise, I might go to Fletcher and do part-time jobs. A friend of mine who went to Fletcher a few years ago said that the classes were not as hard as he anticipated, though. I'm still deciding whether it'll be more of a downside or advantage (or if it's relevant to me, since we have significantly different backgrounds). The good thing is I have friends who are alumni of both schools, so I'm taking advantage of the opportunity to get honest opinions and experiences about each school from them. You can do the same if you know any alumni personally.
  15. Thank you for the info @sherryding! It's very very useful for me So which one are you taking? And oh, congratulations for getting into Duke Sanford!
  16. Hi all! I got admitted conditionally to Columbia SIPA and Tufts Fletcher. I have to take an undergraduate level Principles of Economics class (or Principles of Microeconomics and Principles of Macroeconomics classes) before enrolling, since I lack in quant background. I have tried to find classes here in my country (in Southeast Asia), but to no avail. I think the most viable option for me is online classes provided by US universities. Can anybody recommend good online economics classes that are affordable? So far the classes I've found cost over 1 thousand dollar! Thanks for your help!
  17. Thanks for the reply, @ArellaV Yeah, I'm international, so options for student loans are pretty limited for me. Btw, does fellowship decision appeal apply only to students offered funding?
  18. Hi all. Thank you for elaborating the costs @ironheart I'm in the same predicament too. Would love to go to SIPA more than any place else, but even with a scholarship I still need to come up with around 90k. If anyone knows any info about any kind of financial aid or low interest loans, I'd really appreciate it. I've been searching but I haven't found anything suitable yet.
  19. Thank you! I'll PM you for more details!
  20. Hi @KhalifehA, I was just informed that I got into Korbel, but with shortfall even after the program gives me financial aid... Have you received any news?
  21. Well hello there fellow Fulbright candidate! Congratulations for your acceptances! So which one are you going to take? If I were you, I'd take Yale Jackson I applied to: - Columbia SIPA: direct application (not through Fulbright), admitted (with conditions) - Tufts Fletcher: direct application, admitted (with conditions) - NYU Wagner: direct application, admitted - SUNY at Albany: admitted - Arizona State University (ASU): admitted - DU Josef Korbel: no news yet - the New School Milano: no news yet
  22. Whoaaa, congratulations!
  23. haha, same here! and the "welcome to SIPA" video is highly gratifying.
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