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Posts posted by Thanapoomped

  1. Hi there guys,
    I am currently deciding between NYU Wagner MPA and UCLA Luskin MPP. Any insight toward students' experience, coursework, and professor there? I already got a full scholarship from my government, so the price tag is not an issue. Here are some pros and cons. 

    - Wagner has a higher ranking and well-known in the field compared to UCLA Luskin
    - Internship opportunity in UN and World Bank -> my dream organization that I want to experience
    - Both of them have Transportation specialization that I need for my future career for at least the next 4 years
    - I partner live in CT. it might be easier for her to find a job on this coast.
    - having an upward trend in the global ranking!
    - Higher price for education, thus better student resource to access???
    - NYU has a lower rank than UCLA in general 
    - As an international student, I am not sure about the opportunity to get a research assistant or any job around the Uni
    - require only 45 credits to graduate while I want to take some more course (like 6 - 9 credits more than I need to graduate)


    - Higher rank and well-renowned for academic performance comparing to NYU in general 
    - Very strong in Transportation policy specialization (after a lot of research on schools, it seems like their performance on specialization usually based on the most pressing problem of the city) + one of the professor research match my interest!
    - It seems like there is a higher chance for paid research position here
    - Experience new city since I have never been in the West coast
    - the ranking of UCLA seems like it is in the downward trend. And after intensive research toward the school, it looks like the CA state is cutting the budget. Maybe less resource to access
    - Might be hard for my partner to find a job there after a pandemic without any connection
    - require 80 credits to complete the degree! It seems like it is a bit too much compared to other programs in the whole country for MPP and MPA.
    - it seems like the policy and case studies there focus on LA and California context, while NYU seems to have a border focus. Including the fact that most of the alumni work in LA or CA

    Any thought and insight to share toward these two schools? Which one will you pick if you are in my shoes? Thank you so much, guys!


  2. 8 hours ago, EC1225 said:

    Well, NYU is a higher ranked school but it is MUCH more expensive. I’m not sure about the transportation aspect specifically, but I’m sure that there will be aspects at both, since public transportation is a big deal in LA and NYC. Do you have any other deciding factors? Lol I’m also looking at both! 

    Thank you for your answer. The school's cost is not really my concern, though, since I already got the scholarship from my government (the more expensive, might be the better in my case LOL). Anyway, what is in my mind right now is that, although Wagner has a higher ranking in this field based on USNews, UCLA has a better academic reputation internationally (might sound pretty immature on this). So, it is really hard to decide for me right now. I might need more time to research faculties, internship opportunities, student resources, coursework, student lives, and class size (since Wagner has like 2xx per cohort while it seems like Luskin has less than a hundred.) I am also trying to seek the reviews and comparison of these two schools of public service. But it kinda hard to find, though.

    What about you? Do you have any other factors to consider and which school you are leaning toward?

  3. Hi guys! This is my stat. So far, I got acceptance into NYU Wagner and UCLA Luskin. No funding for both of them. Do you think which one will be a better fit for me?

    On 1/5/2021 at 7:25 PM, Thanapoomped said:

    Hi everyone. I am interested in public policy and have just applied to MPP/MPA program at Wagner, UCLA Luskin, USC Price, UIC, and American U. I will also apply to U of Washington Evans and GWU. I already got a scholarship from my home country government and I am expected to be specialize on Transportation policy. Most of the school I will apply to have the coursework I needed for my career.  I do know that I went to 2 undergrad institution that are not in a top-notch. But I hope that my experience in both public and private sector will help. What are my chances in your opinion for these school based on my background below? Do you think these are right school for me to apply or should I aim for a lower ranking school.


    Considering applying to: MPA Wagner, MPA Luskin, MPP USC, MPP UIC, MPA U of Washington Evans, MPP GWU, MPP AU.

    Undergrad Institution: 2 average university in Southeast Asia 

    Undergrad Major and GPA: 

    - Political Science (GPA 3.08, Major GPA 3.36) 

    - Business Administration (GPA 3.52, Major GPA 3.7)

    Years out of undergrad: 5

    GRE: not required 

    Quant Background: Microeconomics (1s, A), Macroeconomics (1s, A), International Political Economy (1s, A),Statistics and Research Method for Business (1s, B), Foundation Mathematic for Business (1s, A), Elementary Accounting 1 (1s, B+), Elementary Accounting 2 (1s, A), Business Finance (1s, A), Quantitative Analysis (1s, A), Managerial Accounting (1s, A), Business Research (1s, A), Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation (1s, B+), Financial Management (1s, A)

    Work Experience:  2 years working for a think tank of a Democratic party of my country. Part-time research assistant for 1 year. Working in private sector in both domestic and international company for 2 years

    Languages: 7.5 in ielts.

    International experience: almost 1 years experience working in Australia, and getting scholarships to get a certificate in the U.S. by the U.S. Embassy and marketing consulting project for a company in Switzerland

    Strength of LOR: Expecting strong recommendation from my 2 currents boss. one who is a managing director of the think tank. and one for my boss from the part-time job as research assistant. an average recommendation letter from my professor from business school too.


  4. On 1/5/2021 at 9:43 PM, GradSchoolGrad said:

    I would be a bit surprised if you got into Wagner or USC Price give how competitive this year is. However, not shocked because you do bring a lot of diversity (Transportation is a rather unique policy area of interest - which sounds strange, but it is true)

    I'm decently confident that you should be able to get into most of the other schools (assuming that everything else is straight). I think the best program for you out for the ones I thin you have a strong chance in would be GWU MPP.

    Thank you so much for your answer! It really helps me plan my application strategy! 

  5. Hi everyone. I am interested in public policy and have just applied to MPP/MPA program at Wagner, UCLA Luskin, USC Price, UIC, and American U. I will also apply to U of Washington Evans and GWU. I already got a scholarship from my home country government and I am expected to be specialize on Transportation policy. Most of the school I will apply to have the coursework I needed for my career.  I do know that I went to 2 undergrad institution that are not in a top-notch. But I hope that my experience in both public and private sector will help. What are my chances in your opinion for these school based on my background below? Do you think these are right school for me to apply or should I aim for a lower ranking school.


    Considering applying to: MPA Wagner, MPA Luskin, MPP USC, MPP UIC, MPA U of Washington Evans, MPP GWU, MPP AU.

    Undergrad Institution: 2 average university in Southeast Asia 

    Undergrad Major and GPA: 

    - Political Science (GPA 3.08, Major GPA 3.36) 

    - Business Administration (GPA 3.52, Major GPA 3.7)

    Years out of undergrad: 5

    GRE: not required 

    Quant Background: Microeconomics (1s, A), Macroeconomics (1s, A), International Political Economy (1s, A),Statistics and Research Method for Business (1s, B), Foundation Mathematic for Business (1s, A), Elementary Accounting 1 (1s, B+), Elementary Accounting 2 (1s, A), Business Finance (1s, A), Quantitative Analysis (1s, A), Managerial Accounting (1s, A), Business Research (1s, A), Project Feasibility Study and Evaluation (1s, B+), Financial Management (1s, A)

    Work Experience:  2 years working for a think tank of a Democratic party of my country. Part-time research assistant for 1 year. Working in private sector in both domestic and international company for 2 years

    Languages: 7.5 in ielts.

    International experience: almost 1 years experience working in Australia, and getting scholarships to get a certificate in the U.S. by the U.S. Embassy and marketing consulting project for a company in Switzerland

    Strength of LOR: Expecting strong recommendation from my 2 currents boss. one who is a managing director of the think tank. and one for my boss from the part-time job as research assistant. an average recommendation letter from my professor from business school too.

  6. 32 minutes ago, Ella16 said:

    So I haven't gotten an email but I checked the portal and it says "offer made" and gives me the option of accepting or declining. No letter or funding details though! Check your portals just in case!

    Edit: Got the official e-mail. Sadly no scholarship offer. 

    Congratulation, hope that you get the scholar in case someone decline it. Good Luck, bro :)

  7. 1 hour ago, Theo20 said:

    Guys, I got the offer!

    It's the official admission offer with full scholarship. I asked them and they said today is the first batch of the announcement. They will keep announcing in batches until May.

    Looking forward to meet you all in Singapore this July!


    Wow, congratulation and I hope that I will be able to meet you at the school. :D Thank you for your update.

  8. 33 minutes ago, Asokai said:

    Hello @Thanapoomped! Excited since yesterday? Does that mean you have received your admission decision or is just faith at work? Are you MPP or MPA? Share more please.

    Hi @Asokai sorry for my unclear message. Actually, I mean I am waiting to hear from them since yesterday and I still keep refresh this page and my e-mail every working hour, in case one of us get the offer! I applied for MPP, though. Figer crossed for all of us. :)

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