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Everything posted by KaffeePause11

  1. My situation is the same. Still nothing, except anticipation.
  2. I applied to the year-long research grant program. (I am a Ph.D. candidate in history.) Last year I applied to the summer intensive language course grant and got it (notified on March 27). There was no interview.
  3. My status is the same, for the same grant. When I asked DAAD New York about what it meant they replied that the results would be announced by the end of March. I am confident that that is what Selection Made --> Funding means, having poked around on last year's discussion thread and also seen a DAAD tutorial about requesting spousal/child benefits (which can only be done for a grant that was awarded; the screenshots illustrating an example showed the grants that must have been approved as "Funding" under their status). That said, I remain paranoid, habitually checking this forum and the DAAD portal.
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