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  • Application Season
    2016 Fall
  • Program
    Mechanical Engineering

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  1. Last year, they took a week or two to call winners and then sent out rejections. A few of us were alternates/honorable mentions and didn't hear anything for another couple of weeks while they waited for the initial winners to make a decision.
  2. That's more in line with what I was expecting. I was an alternate last year and was notified around mid-April. As I understand it, after the panel review period ends, the applications that move on to the next stage are sent to the DoD, which has the final decision on which ones to fund.
  3. I don't think that's something that they notify us about - it's just an internal part of the process between the external SME reviews and the DoD's final selection. We'll find out our status in April.
  4. You need to fill out every field and click "Save" at the bottom of the application. You can just put a random character in the required fields if you're not ready to complete them yet, and then go back and change it later. If you did that and still don't have the reference link, I would contact them. Edit: It looks like they also added the form as a download on the website. You can send that to your references, and they can fill it out and email it in.
  5. Yes (to the first question) - I'm actually not sure what happens to the initial resume/CV. On the application form, there is a field where you can upload it as an attachment.
  6. This sounds like a great question to ask the financial aid department at your university of choice. They will almost certainly know more than any of us will, especially given the complexity of what you're asking about .
  7. They didn't say anything about a waitlist on mine - looks like you're more honorable than the rest of us, Platobob!
  8. Looks like another Honorable Mention; I received an email this morning saying "We were very impressed with your credentials and saw much promise in your application, and we strongly encourage you to reapply next year provided you remain eligible." Unfortunately, I'm already a first-year grad student, so this was my last shot. Congrats to all the winners!
  9. Nothing yet here - I imagine people might start hearing after today since this was the deadline for the awardees to accept. The potential government shutdown on Friday could also make things interesting!
  10. Perhaps they meant this Friday? I can't help but feel like I'm waiting for an inevitable rejection, but the continued silence is leaving me with a small amount of hope!
  11. Just as a heads-up, your moving expenses (including storage costs) may be tax deductible in the US. It's possible that RAs/TAs don't fit the "working full time" requirement, but it could be worth checking out if your moving expenses get close to the standard deduction. More here, from the IRS.
  12. You're the best, Platobob! Looks like they're going to make us wait until the very end, unless we hear something in the next 30 minutes or so.
  13. Yeah I don't know what's going on then. I almost want to contact them if I don't hear anything by the end of this week, although I always feel bad doing that since there's probably a ton of people in the same position that we are. Another honorable mention would be par for the course given my other fellowship applications this year
  14. That's what I figured. With NSF, that makes me 2/2 on honorable mentions so far this year. It's exciting and mildly infuriating at the same time!
  15. I just received the following email: "We are pleased to inform you that your application is still being considered for an award at this time. As part of this process, you will be notified by our team once the Department of Defense has made their final decision." Very...cryptic! Edit: Looks like it may be an honorable mention/alternate notice, based on their most recent Facebook and Twitter posts.
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