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Everything posted by luminalcoin8

  1. @Account6567 it's that cheap. Definitely don't commute from the suburbs, as you will end up paying more for gas/car depreciation than you would save in rent.
  2. School Name: NYU Subfield: Political Economy Funded/not funded: Funded Type of funding (fellowship or assistantship or combination): Fellowship
  3. It's possible (even likely) that the holdup is because they are considering offering you admission to the MA program.
  4. Anywhere in Hyde Park proper is safe. The streets are numbered to increase from north to south- that is, 53rd and 57th are north of 61st, and are therefore in the "safe zone," so to speak. Look at google maps if you don't understand what I mean. Definitely keep the office hour topic of discussion discipline-focused, and respect their time. But it doesn't necessarily have to be on the course material itself.
  5. I was not in MAPSS, but went to U of C for undergrad, and ended up taking a few graduate political theory seminars that were heavily populated by MAPSS students. I also was admitted to MAPSS afterwards, but decided not to attend. Here are my thoughts on the questions I feel I am qualified to answer: I know that we will have to figure out our own housing and (to the best of my knowledge) there isn't any student hosting for MAPSS. Do you have any suggestions on good places to stay for a few nights? (Hotels, couch surfing websites, etc.?) I would recommend AirBnB, as the local hotels are either too expensive or a bit of a trek from campus. You can get a private room or even an apartment for $20-50 per night. Also, what is the best way to get to UChicago? Are there any places near the university you would recommend visiting, to get a feel for the neighborhood. Are there any places you would recommend we not go to? If you are coming from O'Hare, the best way to get to campus is to take the CTA Blue Line to Jackson, and then take the number 6 bus to Hyde Park. In terms of getting a feel for the neighborhood, I would recommend walking along the storefronts on 53rd and 57th street, and eating somewhere like Medici or Valois. Jimmy's (Woodlawn Tap) is the official unofficial local campus watering hole. There's also a pub in the basement of Ida Noyes Hall that serves decent food and has an excellent selection of beer. Harold's Chicken is also legendary. People will warn you not to venture south of 61st street or west of Cottage Grove Avenue. In my opinion, these concerns are overblown, but it's probably not a great idea to be strolling through Woodlawn or Washington Park after dark, unless you're traveling to the Green or Red Line. Currency Exchange Cafe is an excellent option if you are looking to step outside of the Hyde Park bubble. Something I'm really looking forward to on visitation days is meeting current students and professors - especially in theory. Obviously, I can find professors via the Political Science page. How easy is it to mix and mingle with current students, and get an idea about theorist-specific experience within MAPSS? (Obviously, if you are a theorist currently in MAPSS (or an alum of MAPSS), I'd love to hear from you haha) From what I understand, the MAPSS kids are somewhat close and friendly to one another, but the situation of so many students attempting to impress their professor to get a good LOR in the span of a year can make the seminar environment somewhat competitive. The professors vary in how much they invest in MAPSS students, but you're going to need to work to get noticed. There will be MAPSS students to talk to during Campus Days, but make sure you go out of your way to seek out the PT ones and interrogate them about their experience. I may be able to help with that, PM me if interested. How is graduate housing? I saw on the old threads that there is (was) a pest problem in graduate school housing. Is that still the case? How manageable is the pest problem? In the alternative, what do you recommend for housing? Don't go into graduate housing. It is more expensive, smaller and generally more run-down than the rest of the apartments in Hyde Park. Get an off-campus apartment with a couple of roommates or a studio. UChicago Marketplace is a great site to find roomates or sublets for $450-700 per month per room. What's the workload like? More specifically, how do you recommend I prepare myself for the workload? I saw at least one post suggesting study groups. Are these common? It is hard. The main things that make it difficult are 1) the reading load, 2) the imperative to finish a master's thesis AND take a full course load within 9-12 months, and 3) the breakneck pace of the quarter system. You can prepare for the workload by getting started on developing your thesis question before you even enter the program, and learn how to skim texts efficiently for the core ideas (as you will find reading everything that is assigned to be a near impossibility. I also know students who spend their winter break completing a rough draft of their thesis have a much easier go of it during the winter and spring, and often graduate on time in June (only 20% of students do, most graduate in August). Yes, if you find the right people, you can study together, and this makes things much more manageable. However, political theory lends itself less well to collaboration, so keep that in mind. How well do you get to know other MAPSS students in your field? I'm given to understand that your preceptor has a heavy influence in the courses you take. Is this true? If so, does that mean you are with the same people in most of your classes? (If I'm concentrating in theory, will that mean I am mostly with other theorists? Will I be grouped with political science as a whole?) I heard the program can be described as "antisocial", because of the workload, thesis, and pacing. I'm fine with that, but has that been your experience? Your preceptor might have strong opinions about what courses you should take, but in the end, it's your decision. I had a friend who ignored her preceptor's advice at every turn, and things worked out just fine for her. I would trust your professors the most, as they will have the best idea of what admissions committees are looking for. You definitely will see the same students over and over again as a MAPSS political theory student. This actually helps you form friendships, so I'd take it as a plus. UChicago in general is known as an anti-social place, but I don't think that's necessarily true anymore. Just make an effort to see people and ask them to do stuff, you'll be happy enough. What did you (do you) like the most about the program? What are some negatives prospective students should know? Get ready to work. Unlike some 1-year master's programs (especially in Europe), this isn't a glorified gap year. It will kick your ass if you don't stay on top of things and hunt opportunities. And for god's sake, go to office hours. The relationships you form with your professors are probably the most important thing that the program provides.
  6. I know a fair amount of people who did CIR, and most of them got into their top choices for the PhD. The main downside is the cost, but that seems to be negated in your case Feel free to PM me if you'd like any more details, or have any questions about the other UChicago stepping stone master's programs (MAPSS, MACRM, etc.). Overall, it seems like they can help boost admissions chances, but not always so much that they are worth the time and money costs. Cheers!
  7. Ok, so it looks like my cycle is over. Cheers! Type of Undergrad Institution: Top 5 US Major(s)/Minor(s): Political Science Undergrad GPA: 3.74 (3.91 in polisci) Type of Grad: N/A Grad GPA: N/A GRE: 170 V, 164 Q, 4.5 W Any Special Courses: Calculus I-II-III, Linear Algebra, Applied Regression Analysis, Statistical Theory and Methods, Game Theory and Economic Applications, research design, 2 graduate courses in political theory Letters of Recommendation: Two senior, very well-known profs, one formal theorist who supervised my BA thesis and one theorist who taught me for a PhD seminar, one assistant theorist who supervised an independent research course of mine Research Experience: one co-authored peer-reviewed publication, three summers at think tanks conducting political science research, BA thesis, 1 semester as an RA in college, currently employed as an RA Teaching Experience: None Subfield/Research Interests: political economy, public law/policy, political theory, climate change Other: RESULTS: Acceptances($$ or no $$): Berkeley ($$), NYU ($$), Columbia ($$) Waitlists: Rejections: Princeton, Stanford, Michigan, Harvard, Yale (assumed) Pending: Going to: probably Berkeley LESSONS LEARNED: Don’t slack off in undergrad quant classes. Don’t waste time on non-research extra-curriculars. Don’t go to a school known for grade deflation for undergrad. Make sure you do your research about POI so when you mention them in your SOP, the connection to your interests doesn’t sound like a stretch. Think VERY carefully about what subfield you put first, and how it will influence who reads your file the first time around. Best of luck! SOP: PM only
  8. Anyone claiming the Yale admit?
  9. Yale mid-late feb, Harvard last few days of feb or first few days of march
  10. They do, according to my POI's CV (he was it for some time). yeah, i did see that posted rejection for peg. i guess we'll just have to wait and find out
  11. They said it was an email, and didn't specify which program (Harvard or Harvard PEG). Taking history into account, it seems very unlikely that so few acceptances would be posted, and even unlikelier still that no one on here would claim at least one. But I could be wrong!
  12. I'd be surprised if Harvard did at this point as well
  13. Re: Harvard, it seems again odd that some admits are reported, yet they're staggered (sort of) and have different notification methods, and no one has claimed them. Very similar to the suspected Columbia trolling that occurred before decisions finally went out yesterday...
  14. Anyone claiming the Harvard admit?
  15. Thanks so much for letting us know. Is there a decision letter that shows up on your portal?
  16. Yep! comparative political economy
  17. Went to check Columbia portal. Also admitted!
  18. It is truly bizarre. Especially since on the 15th one acceptance claimant claimed that all unofficial acceptances had gone out, only to be contradicted by two subsequent posted acceptances, the second of them claiming the same.
  19. What's the deal with Columbia? From what it seems like, some of the results aren't trolls, and they've been trickling in for about a week. Yet, no one has claimed here, and it seems like at least one GradCafe commenter would have gotten in. Anyone able to claim? The timing of their admits seems just bizarre to me
  20. If I'm not mistaken, @buckinghamubadger was waitlisted there last week
  21. Just to clarify for anyone who's wondering: no credible harvard acceptances have been posted yet.
  22. Actually it's five here, mate :/
  23. Claiming a Michigan reject. Props to them for providing a model of how decision notifications should be made!
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