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Everything posted by AniSabi

  1. Just got rejected from Lakehead mph epi ? it hurts but I kind of expected it since I don't have any prior epi experience or any recent statistics course. All my previous education/experiences are related to health promotion. But on a positive note, I am so excited to start Waterloo mph program in August ? Good luck to those still waiting.
  2. There is a facebook page for Lakehead: https://www.facebook.com/groups/307541336067158/
  3. There is a facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/307541336067158/
  4. I just found out I am waitlisted for lakehead mph epi They would let me know in june or july.
  5. Hi, I didn't receive anything after the initial letter of offer from waterloo.
  6. Has anybody received an acceptance to lakehead mph epidemiology? Anxiously waiting for them to reply.
  7. Thank you ? good luck for other schools!
  8. I am sorry to hear that. I still haven't heard from lakehead for mph epi. The wait is killing me.
  9. I accepted Waterloo too. See you in August ?
  10. https://www.centennialcollege.ca/programs-courses/full-time/workplace-wellness-and-health-promotion/ This program sounds good. It also has a placement. Good luck!
  11. That's great! Congratulations
  12. Lakehead MPH epi- waiting patiently
  13. Congratulations on getting both offers. I think you need to evaluate what part of research do you like? And what part of policy stuff do you like? Read job descriptions for both jobs and try to imagine what do you most likely see yourself doing? Is your previous work/education experience more related to research or policy? What are you passionate about? All the best ?
  14. They told me they do rolling admissions, so they have sent out some but not all decisions. There's no fixed date when decisions will be released and they give time till July to hear a decision. Congratulations on your offer. Which stream did you apply to? And did you accept your offer?
  15. All the best to us and hopefully we hear from them soon.
  16. I emailed them last week asking the timeline for decisions because my deadline to accept the other offer is approaching. And this is what they replied: We have over 350 applications to review, therefore, the general timeline we give applicants to hear a decision is up to July. I can tell you that you will notknow a decision within the next few days. I know they seem very late this year. Which stream did you apply?
  17. Nope still waiting ?. I just wanted to decide incase I get in Lakehead epi and also because my waterloo deadline is approaching fast. I emailed Lakehead last week and they said they give till july to hear decisions. And for sure I won't be hearing their decision in next few days. All the best to you too.
  18. Thank you for your response.
  19. What are the dates for mph on capstone project? Is it in April? Thank you
  20. I don't live that far from waterloo so I guess on campus component is not a big inconvenience for me. I am leaning towards waterloo because like you said, I can always take epi electives. Thank you for responding ?
  21. Congratulations. Are you going to accept waterloo?
  22. Would you choose lakehead mph epi or mph waterloo? I like epi but not 100% sure on it. I like waterloo better than lakehead for sure but because mph lakehead has epi specialization and waterloo is general, I am so confused between the two programs. Any insight? Thank you
  23. Lol on making the spreadsheet of pros and cons. I do the same. Cost of Western is a valid point. You know your situation best. If I were you I would have gone with Western because for me getting into my dream job faster is more important than getting into my dream school. You also have to think why you applied to Western if U of T health promotion was your first and only choice. Most probably Western was your alternative if incase you don't get into U of T, then why the confusion now. But if down the road you think you will feel missed out by settling for Western than applying again next year might be worth it.
  24. I think you should definitely go to Western even if it wasn't your choice. I understand it's heartbreaking if you don't get in your first choice but it's unreasonable to waste a year and go through the entire process again. Western is a great University and like you said it will get your foot in your dream job. Good luck.
  25. My friend graduated from U of T's IMS last year and he loved it. If you have any specific questions, feel free to message and I will ask him. Among MPH programs, I would choose U of T mph epi. I have heard lot about it. Good luck!
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