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    2018 Fall

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  1. Hey @nideaqui, I'm a current student at Cornell (not in English, though!). I've found that people's impressions of Ithaca housing market are rooted in where you're moving from. I'm from Silicon Valley so when I first visited Cornell people kept telling me 'oh, the housing prices are INSANE' and I was like 'you can rent a one bedroom apartment in downtown for the same price as a room in a house shared with 8 other people in my hometown' so ymmv. (Not an exaggeration, btw, and that cost is also an actually reasonable percentage of your budget based on what Cornell pays you. And my friends who moved here from NYC or London have similar stories!) For your first year talking to people at the open house is usually the best way to go, but you can find good places on Craigslist/FB Marketplace. Also current grad students are usually more than willing to do viewings/walkthroughs on your behalf. Slightly related also but take undergrad impressions of grad life with a grain of salt! Most grad students I know at Cornell think exactly the opposite of what I've seen people saying in this thread: we think our undergrads are super isolated and have few social outlets, but I've literally never had a more active social life since starting grad school here. I honestly only know like...one or two people who are genuinely unhappy living in Ithaca, most people I know love it here. (I'm like 90% sure that the undergrads I teach think I'm a miserable shut in, though, haha!) In particular, the English Department Grad Student org has really been revived this year and has reportedly become a bit of a social hub for the department. Good luck, and congrats!
  2. ^I'm a current student at Cornell in Medieval Studies and can confirm, it's pretty standard around here for people they really want to admit and whose work could potentially fit in with multiple departments. It's a good way to stretch funding and lets them make a couple more offers every year. Congrats @Rrandle101! If you want to chat about the program I'm happy to talk with you via private message/email.
  3. I know this is an old thread but I'm also chiming in to say you should definitely look at Cornell! Eric Rebillard is the obvious person as people have mentioned but you could also look at Ben Anderson or Kim Haines-Eitzen. Ben is on my committee and he's great. Latin will definitely be important but honestly the MS program is pretty understanding that not everyone is great at Latin when you start the program. I got in with only a single year of intro Latin, although since I don't really work with Latin texts it's less important for my project. I'm adjacent-ish to your interests and I'm happy to message you about Cornell if you have questions.
  4. This might depend on your field and to some extent the specific schools you apply to, but a lukewarm (by US standards) may not actually sink you with UK programs. I did a UK masters and am starting a US PhD in the fall and two of my recs were from my UK professors, and everyone warned me that UK letter writers are much less effusive and more likely to mention weaknesses than US letter writers. As such, I think people reading your application won't be taken aback if a letter is overall positive but does mention a significant weakness or two. It can also help if you have space in your application to mention those weaknesses yourself, because then it doesn't look like you and your advisor are on totally different pages.
  5. I'm also an incoming Cornell student who was looking for housing! People in my program also recommended Craigslist. I've found a place, but I was looking and it looks like there are still places being advertised. I was advised by literally every single person I asked to stay away from Collegetown, if that helps you any!
  6. I just got accepted to the Medieval Studies program! I'm heavily leaning towards it. I know several people in various programs there currently, have family in the area, and a number of family friends have told me they loved attending grad school there. I went to undergrad in a very similar area to Ithaca and since moving away have missed it terribly, so I'm actually very excited about potentially living in Ithaca!
  7. Medieval archaeologist in the UK here. I just finished up my masters and am taking a year off while I apply now. My undergrad was in medieval studies so I have a bit of Old Norse/Medieval Welsh/Old French/Classical Latin, but my modern languages are not really there! I work in the North Sea primarily so I have vague intentions of starting some self-study Danish this year while continuing some self-study Dutch, just for reasons of reading excavation reports.
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