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aurora borealis

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  1. I'll throw my hat in the ring as well. I just finished my third year of history with a minor in biology at the University of Ottawa. I'm mainly interested in the history of science and of medicine, particularly disease, biomedical research, and health policy. While a lot of the literature I've read (and courses that I've taken) on the history of medicine have been based on the US, I'm interested in focusing on Canadian history. I'm interested in (but not wedded to) exploring the development of the current Canadian health care system and resistance to it. I'm looking solely at Canadian masters programs (ideally those that offer funding) and am currently planning on applying to Queen's, McGill (History of Medicine), University of Toronto, and York University STS. I just wrote my last exam of the winter term earlier today so I haven't yet started drafting SOPs or thinking about this in more detail yet.
  2. Yesterday I had an interview for a position starting in the fall that I really want and that I'm an excellent fit for. I completely screwed up one part of the interview and I'm afraid that I completely torpedoed my chances at getting the position.
  3. I googled "graduate school forum" and this was the first result.
  4. I admit that I don't watch much academic YouTube but I'm going to go watch videos from all these over Christmas (and tons of Netflix... very productive use of my parents' super-fast wifi ) I would also suggest Simon Clark, who vlogs about his PhD in atmospheric physics (if I remember correctly he handed in his dissertation a little while ago so he's almost done). Does anybody have any recommendations for History PhD channels? I've looked but haven't found very much.
  5. EDM music. People in my apartment building play it at night and I can hear it through the walls and the ceiling
  6. speaking engagement
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