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Everything posted by Mr.PoopyButtHole

  1. https://yaledailynews.com/blog/2007/03/29/art-applicants-begin-interviews/ Here is the article if you if you are interested in reading it.
  2. In the article it also said 1,215 people applied in 2007. From the 1,215 applicants only 167 were invited to interview for painting. Then from 167 interviewers it goes down to 70 finalists. From the 70 finalists it then went down to the final 21 accepted applicants. So out of 1,215 people in 2007, only 0.017% of applicants were accepted into the Yale School of Arts program.
  3. @Zander Oh cool. Sorry, I had only seen that you had Yale as a closing message and was just curious. Where else did you end up applying besides Yale? @Sylvieee Here is a screenshot from Yaledaily Mail.com with the stats for painting and other programs as well. It is from 2007, but I have not been able to find any other recent articles.
  4. @Zander did you only apply to Yale?
  5. @MFAAFM My professors have always insisted on going to schools in person, but I know from personal experience that this is not always possible due to finances, work compnflicts, etc. From what I have gathered, the faculty really want to get to know who you are. I mean there are also so many variables, but the first is being 1 of the 100+ applicants called in for an interview, acing your interview by wowing the faculty with your knowledge and personality, and overall making a case for why you would be the best candidate. To be honest though it seems to come down to whether the faculty want to work with you over a period of two years or not. I know in my case I am a horrible Skype interviewer, so this year I want to meet everyone in person that I can. I also know that from many of the open house and Q&A’s some people who do the interview through Skype are accepted, but without looking at any hard numbers I will go out on a limb and say that there are more people accepted from in-person interviews vs. Skype. The schools seems to be open to it, and I know from the Yale open house some are accepted through it, but I am a little skeptical. I know I would want to meet someone I would potentially be working with for the next two years in person, but if you feel like you can kill the interview online as well as in person go for it. I am just too paranoid that doing it online actually hurts my chances, so I am going to opt for in person if possible.
  6. I feel as though I need to remain anonymous due to my username: Mr.PoopyButtHole But who knows, maybe some of the reviewers going through the forum might see the Ricky and Morty reference as a plus? ??‍♂️ MFA Painting: Yale Columbia UCLA RISD SAIC
  7. Hey @Sylvieee, I logged in about 15 min late, but they said it would be a combination of any of these four: scholarships, TA ship, work-study, and loans.
  8. Copying my notes from the Columbia Q&A just in case y'all missed it Columbia Q&A High tuition at Columbia Difference between Yale and Columbia Yale programs are separate and are segregated between departments Columbia – everyone works together, hearing voices that may not be specific to media, a perspective from someone that does not the ins and outs of your medium Interdisciplinary environment – what they want their art to accomplish Making work in relation to other mediums Community that follows you after school – class ahead and behind you, alumni unique City of New York, which is an incredible learning environment We accommodate the needs of applicants – domestically and internationally Rigorous how we make comparisons between remote and domestic Treatment of body and materials and sculptural nature of work, better understanding of relationship to sculpture Sculptural aspect of painting in your own work? Intersection between body, painting and sculpture – painting deconstructed - painting as an object, sculptural dimension of sculpture - so curious to question the limit of painting and how it can be expanded wider within the traditional practice - what the frame of painting is? New or more survey work over the course of few years? - we wish you to make that choice, based on what your interests as an artist - committees look at your work, meeting you for the first time, what is most important to you - use that framework - pride yourself in what you have included - may be most recent, your interests - very early work there is a point to go back to to explain where you are now Fine art tract? How will it prepare students for the professional world? - the way we prepare students into the world as professional artists - professional practice – writing statements, grants, etc - connections we have with curators, etc. for artists how artists at Columbia start widening their audience - most valuable asset - one you have been admitted, primary medium, then you are completely immersed in the interdisciplinary community and faculty - the vis. Arts program is a fine art tract - courses at school of art film, theater, and writing, are open on the basis of application - restriction/access to equipment outside of program - our students are some of the favorites of professors Asked to rate professors - top choices and pairings - think about what the mentor can do along with your practice How do you evaluate the artist CV? - committee meeting , we begin with the work itself and then we move down into the statement and CV - Then the fourth level would be what are the references and transcripts - Everything relates back to the work and how you relate to your own work What is an appropriate length – one page In terms of looking at comparing schools Columbia and - mentor program is an asset in terms of having a mentor - forming a relationship- professional and friend - every semester - close relationship with them - critical issues requirement it may be fulfilled outside the art program as well - an academic course that relates to your studio practice without which you would make your kind of work - point can be earned in international affairs, philosophy, etc African studies and painting – class in African studies – - yes very much so and encouraged to take classes in field and field of interest to your practice - - describe studio facilities - two buildings - one houses theater, writing, school of art and two of large classrooms - studio spaces are in – first year Watson hall at Morningside campus, more or less equal in size - second year, prentice hall, 125th street from new Columbia west campus and venue for arts - vary widely, windows not windows small large - if you get the chance to visit us, we can weekly tours of facilities, shops etc In regards to interview - is limited internet access an issue - yes - it would be important for interview to have a secure connection, strong connection, so interview is not interrupted Digital painting… - show your strongest work - as long as you identify what is being looked at How much does the statement refer to image/images - it really depends on practice - a lot of the straightforward information - fields use in many different ways we all pitch in with those connections - learn from students How does the admission committee consider the value and weight of a persons professional experience - glance at that, but not very weighted - much more interested in seeing the work and the statement - overall is to build as diverse a community as possible - that naturally includes life experience, wide range of life experiences - the age of a person into program ranges, straight into from undergrad, all the way up to had a professional career - who made this, what are they like Does faculty consider research from a developing country - various limitations through our knowledge - we do take that into account - if the work is interesting to us, we would bring that to the next level into the interview IS this a hybrid of artist CV and resume We are most interested in the potential going forward - we are not judging you based on exhibitions you have up to this point - why graduate school, why now? When will - if you are accepted after interviewed will list anyone who will be on leave for the coming year or one of the semesters in the first year and who will replace them 1,200 applicants how many make it into interview 5 or 4 incoming in each department interview 130 for painting different every year, based on getting as much information as we can everyone that we feel, that we want more information from 4 interviews per spot 4 or 5 spots at what point do you think an artist is ready for them to continue onto their masters? When you are ready to make your work public to a community, when you want a cross disciplinary feedback A body of work that you are really ready to apply deeply go very deep into your work - very young work which is interesting, but not yet ready for graduate school - fair amount of work that is very advanced and already finding an audience - how is this person going to benefit from we prioritize applicants who we feel are clear with themselves why they are bringing themselves back to school into intense process in relation to their work very international program, very large percentage of women as well Additional information not included in application, how can I add them to application - there are ways to attach documents - last year a candidate attached a masters thesis Do you still want a description in work - put yourself in our place and look at slideroom application - what do I know about this work that they will not know? - Focus on viewers experience - What is no longer there when it is being shown as documentation - Other reason emphasize that, wide range of ways that we encounter art - Some works are very complex in their position - Very formal work, people don’t put any description apart from itself Grades are not a harsh judgment - we are sort of looking for red flags - things that don’t compute with what we have - your motivation for applying - when can we expect to know for interview what q’s should we think about? A month after initial round - we invite people back within a month - interview list proposed and we contact next day - variables are time between admission deadlines - minimum 2 weeks for time to interview - what kind of questions should we think about? - In you already, just come and be yourself - Interview to get to know you and see your art and you - Not really a set of questions that you should be thinking about, how do I relate to my own work and why you want to be at grad school - Also interviewing us and how does it fit with you want and what you expect - Come prepared with questions - 34/64 women – 63 percent - pdf is fine, but make sure portfolio is uploaded via slideroom During study at Columbia – oversee volunteer program - deans travel grant, might allow some funds for research and travel, financial support, and residencies - not something that we offer in itself - these are the kind of things that develop personal relationships with faculty - not uncommon for students to bring opportunities to professors - program is so diverse - we cannot try to imagine what would be beneficial to such a group of artists - top down structure does not work - what are my objectives as a student - where do students go after careers - many different artist paths - students collective galleries, such a wide range Wonder what will be critical reason to offer an applicant scholarship? - given according to need - range within them - app process – two platforms to fill in app information - not faculty responsibility, it happens in the admission process - really important, faculty does not look at financial information - two needed to fill out if domestic, one international - fafsa for domestic, profile application – for domestic/international - both apps let us look at what your financial ability is to pay - scholarships based on need - looking at ability to pay - scholarships, service position within vis. Art program, office, etc. - TA position - Can TA twice, once in first year and second year - We give you an entire financial aid scholarship broken down What staff is available to mentor? - possible to work with her as mentor - many students come with very particular interests in a particular person - faculty do whatever we can to make a good connection Does an applicant stand out more if they are only applying to Columbia? - no - just applying to one school is not a good idea - after we have accepted you, its only emotional and anecdotal - it is not a factor Is it common for candidates to apply to multiple areas? - common - interdisciplinary nature od school If my portfolio is primarily based on sculpture – apply for sculpture or new genre? - if you apply to more than you have more of a chance of it being seen - moving image and new genre are close - think carefully of how you represent yourself - pass candidates into other committees Do our social media accoutns matter? Should we link to them? - no - if it relates to your work - makes work that lives online and gets shared through twitter and instagram account - if it is just like we all have one, then I don’t think we would look at it Mature artists vs. one looking for their voice? - we don’t discriminate on age, we don’t make decisions based on age - somewhere in the middle and explore it - answer is beneath the question, motivation for coming back to school - not likely we would admit someone who is just at the beginning they are thinking about - done a lot of work, for the right reasons - re-evaluate, reassess, put it through the thought experiments When is the deadline for Fafsa and profile application Feb. 1st is when it is due from Columbia Columbia seems to produce a range of successful artists? What makes it stand out? - everything that is valuable to students - being in new york, faculty, - best emerging artists are applying to the program - put you in a great place - when you leave, you are part of this very large community - moves out into other institutions Columbia has a relationship with In order to apply to two concentrations do you need two different application, statements, pay twice? - yes to all of the above - work submission different, so talk about it in a specific way - sculpture and printmaking - prioritize printmaking for one app, but also show some sculpture - in sculpture, show sculpture, but also show prints as well to see how printmaking informs the sculpture you are making - make it clear why someone making sculpture is making Why interdisciplinary program? How might work with other faculty influence work Very different lens, write it in relation to their lens What work does Columbia prefer to see in their portfolio? - gone from people who are technical in printmaking, to a wide range of working with printmaking, or one particular way of working with prints - what is the relationship between printmaking and other media - printmakers some of the most diverse practitioners - two print shops and a professional artist print shop, grads work in both - can study photogravure any specific order for portfolio? - most interesting first - strongest first - strongest 10 years ago not best to lead with it - if a 10 year work is included explain why - generally, if you prefer to take a chronological approach, begin with the present first - we don’t ask for works to be ordered in a specific way - it is a way to telling a narrative, put it in the order that would tell the best narrative Is it all right to show work in progress or see completed work? - if it is ambitious, then show one image for it as a model of what it will look like, much better to show completed work - almost impossible to access work submitted as a proposal - majority of work is, maybe even have no physical existence, looking at people s proposals for projects - while ideas are interesting, nothing is revealed about how a work gets made - artists relationships to work not revealed Core curriculum - work in studio, studio visits, and group critiques - studio courses open to you and cross listed with undergraduate - within program, small range of critical issues course, closer to seminar based - most of electives would be taken outside visual art program - public lectures given by VALS – run by students and invite 8 visting lecturers each semester and lecture at wider university What is to be expected of the thesis? - final review of work, composed of one full-time instructor - submit a written component - every student approaches it a little differently, requirement is that you develop a position/proposition in a way through work and faculty - most students in second year, start to consider what comprises the thesis, what will be included, excluded from that a body of work - what will be made public in thesis exhibition - artists and curator select work that represents the thesis project - cannot think of anything who came with an idea of thesis, that ended up being their thesis What are the drawbacks and benefits of studying at a palce at Columbia? - benefit to be in a large school like Columbia - widening range of sources of what painting can be - draw resources, anthropologists, etc. and bring that all into your work – huge asset - drawbacks – don’t see any drawbacks - maybe, being in new york city, huge advantage, but can also be a drawback b/c of metropolis and hard to focus in at times - more visibility and pressure for students to come up with best work in the best way - even if you don’t want to branch out other departments, which can talk to materiality of work - bring in painters painters - a lot of challenges may feel like drawbacks, but you will benefit greatly from them in the end - things that were the hardest, objected to the most, but paid off How important are letters of recommendation in review process? - one of the lesser important ones, no red flags - if we are kind of indecisive - but I would say it is not the most important - speaks to your relationship with people and mentors Puerto Rican – domestic or international? - exempt from requirements - one year at university in which English is the primary language, Canada, Britain, etc. exempts you from submitting your tofl score Do you think environment among studetns is competitive? - yes in a very supportive way - personally really enjoy is what a great community the students create among themselves - everyone finds the tiem to help each other and promote each other - due to interdisciplinary structure - quickly understand that no one can make their work - it becomes really apparent - you ideas, someone out there is not trying to take that away from you - grad school only making best work, that you will have the kind of success that means something to you Deadline January 17 11:59 pm eastern standard time - hard deadline
  9. Anyone participating in Columbia's online Q&A tomorrow?
  10. Happy New Year Y'all! May the odds be ever in our favor!
  11. @peachgray I am still very skeptical. While the conversations went well, that is by no means a guarantee of admission. So I am not getting my hopes up in any way. I am going to apply to them however. Originally I did not plan on speaking to CalArts or SFAI, but after we talked they became very viable possibilities. Again it all depends on what you are looking for in a program. CalArts is an MFA in Art so there is a lot of wiggle room there. You can come in being a painter, but also explore sculpture, video, etc. SFAI is also interdisciplinary. They want you to find out what medium works best for your concept. RISD - I want able to get too much information about their program SAIC - also interdisciplinary with lots of room to explore and experiment
  12. GO. I went to the one in S.F. And I got lots of feedback on my work. I went to the schools that I was interested and some that I wasn't. The point for me was to get as much feedback as possible to help me better prepare myself for the application process. With many of the reps there, it is easy to get direct feedback as to why some schools would think you are a good fit for their particular program. I talked to RISD, SAIC, SFAI, CalArts RISD rep made a point to say that the faculty would be, "really interested in working with me" SAIC - an old friend was their who I went to undergrad with and she gave me the rundown and encouraged me to apply SFAI - I was swooned by a particular faculty member who I think would be incredible to work with CalArts - I had been listening to the conversation with the admissions rep and a mother student ahead of me and he was getting torn apart, don't know if he was aware of it. I feel like he took the feedback personally and from what I was hearing him say about his work he was not ready for grad school there. I sat down expecting the same level of criticism, but to my surprise we had a lively conversation and by the end of it the rep was encouraging me to apply. Her words," Well if I wasn't sure at the beginning of this conversation, I am now really encouraging you to apply to CalArts." A little bit of background info: I have been working on creating a body of work for months now on my own for grad school. Very experimental stuff that I wasn't sure anyone would understand. I was in shock, to say the least, that all the schools I talked to that day were encouraging me to apply. If you do go, don't be afraid to ask questions. Why you think you would be a good fit, facilities, diversity, etc. Nothing is off the table. Cheers! Hope that helps.
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