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  1. Did anyone apply to the double MA in journalism and international affairs at Sciences Po, Paris this year or in previous years? If someone did apply or has attended, could you comment on your application experience/subsequent studies? On a general note, how are foreign journalism degrees looked upon if one wished to find a job in the United States or elsewhere upon graduation - and does it hold a light to "top" American programs such as Columbia, Berkeley, etc.? Thanks in advance!
  2. I'm sure you gave more thought and effort to those applications then, more than if you had applied to a bunch. I also applied to CUNY and Columbia, as well as NYU and Missouri. Hopefully we hear back from CUNY and Columbia soon - the wait is killing me as well!
  3. Yup. Waiting here.
  4. Resuscitating an old thread - elweezer, did you end up applying to the dual degree? How was the application process for you? Were you accepted, and if so, attended? Interested in applying this cycle, but trying to find people who've gone through the process before...
  5. Hi All, I'm currently applying to the MA in Religion at Columbia University for Fall of 2018. Aside from the information given on the department's website and that of the results page on GradCafe, I was wondering if anyone's applied to it before (or is currently applying), knows of the acceptance rate/number of applications received, funding status (department claims "partial tuition awards are given"), and any other information?
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