It seems to be that if your interview was in January or early February it takes about two weeks. The last interview I went said it would take 1 week. Most programs with later interviews will tell you sooner so you are not sitting waiting with other acceptances at hand
well in my interview it sounded like they were leaning towards accepting me since he told me not to forget the program by the end of my interviews, but he made no other insinuations that I would be officially accepted. I was lucky because I was the only invited applicant for this one professor but other professors had as many as 7 visiting applicants and I think they accept one 1-2 candidates
I just got back from an interview and they said in 2 weeks they will send out acceptance letters. I think this is because it has to go through a few levels of bureaucracy before having an official offer for students
This gives me a lot to think about thanks for the input. I guess I have to wait for the decisions and decide based on which professor seems to be the best fit
I was wondering what people's thoughts are on working with a new professor, I was reached out by a new professor who recently got her doctorate and was hired by the university. I really liked her research and when we spoke she seemed very nice, I am just not sure if it is a bit of a gamble to start my doctorate with a new professor compared to someone established in the field. Any thoughts?
Does anyone know how University of Wisconsin-Madison makes its admission decisions. I reached out to a professor pre-application and he emailed me about a week ago saying he wasn't going to extend me an invitation so I assumed I was rejected. However, I recently heard from another professor in the cognition program who wants to skype with me. I was under the impression that most programs make interview/admission decisions as a group. Is this different across universities?
I have received a few interviews and one "unofficial" acceptance to U of Minnesota, the PI I want to work with contacted me and said I was accepted without an interview. Is this normal I thought an interview was always required? I did skype with him before I submitted my application so I'm not sure if he counted that as an unofficial interview. Either way I am extremely delighted since I am really attracted to his lab.
Also - has anyone heard back from NYU - I know their interview weekend tends to be early February so I figure the interview invites were sent out by now can anyone confirm this?