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Everything posted by Sushicat1221

  1. I was wondering how long everyone waited until they contacted either the admissions page or their POI regarding if they got rejected or not? I've seen one person get an interview for this school which is in 2 weeks - should I assume I didn't get in? I thought that I would at least get an interview seeing as I was able to meet the POI previously and that they know my current supervisors, or that she would at least send an email saying she couldn't take me. I don't want to seem impatient and bother them, but I would really like to know if I got rejected.
  2. I'v applied to developmental psychology programs as well and I'm waiting to meet with the supervisors to discuss research ideas. This is mostly because I stated my research interests in my statement letter. Graduate students have told me that the interview process is important for them to see how well you and the POI can bounce around ideas for research and how your personality fits with the lab. Personally, I feel more comfortable expressing my interests and research ideas in person so that way I can see how the POI feels and can know their tone and feelings about it, in comparison to emails which can be hard to tell. However, you could send an email maybe before the interview and say how you're looking forward to it and would be interested to further talk about their research and yours and see if they would like to communicate more in email prior to the date.
  3. Would the person who posted for Stanford PhD in the grad cafe, PM me on who the professor was? Or has anyone else heard anything from Stanford?
  4. Thanks so much!! Yeah, I've heard things like that happening as well. I was actually so sad when I read that interview invites were sent out and that it was unlikely to move on to the next round, but they did say final decisions were still being made. So when I opened my e-mails and saw that it was from UC Berkeley I basically happy-danced for a good few hours.
  5. Thanks so much! Haha will do! Feel free to message me.
  6. Hi! New to this website, but thought I would add: School Name: UC BerkeleyDate Interview Invite Received: January 4, 2018Degree: PhDType: DevelopmentalNotified via: EmailFrom: Graduate departmentInterview Date: January 22-23rd, 2018 Additional Info: I also saw on the website that they sent all their interview invites in mid-December, so by late December I lost hope for this school, but as you can see, I wasn't notified until early January which came as a huge shock!! So moral of the story, don't lose hope just yet!
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