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  1. Rejected can people see their reviews/comments??
  2. Any idea when we should be expecting to hear back? Looks pretty random typically...
  3. They probably did, just maybe not to any of us lol *shrugs*
  4. same lol it’s freeing though
  5. Awesome thanks for letting us know to put us at ease lol!
  6. I'm not entirely sure, but I was speaking with a professor today and they thought it was really weird that I hadn't heard from Yale by now... they made it seem like admissions committees had to submit accepted students names to some sort of larger organized body by now and that since I had not heard chances were slim to none on those schools... essentially, to start picking from the options I had and plan visits if I hadn't already This is all me reading between the lines of what the professor was saying, of course they did not verbally say this, but I could definitely infer something of this sort.
  7. Nope ?? unfortunately, I think it’s bad news looking at how they typically send results historically... I heard they’re usually a little later to send acceptances because they have a late visitation weekend but never THIS late
  8. Congrats! Are you international?
  9. "Ready for Review" but I got the invite for the Open House 12/20 edit: I called Penn an acceptance in my signature because I was told by multiple people that if you're invited to the Open House you're pretty much in unless something severely awful happens.
  10. Considering its in about 2 weeks (Feb 23-24), I'm going to guess they've sent out all the invitations
  11. A lot of these schools send out their acceptances either at once or by discipline. For example, I know Harvard releases decisions at once and Yale typically does it by discipline (albeit, both are typically of the last schools to send out their acceptances)-- I know this from friends who have gone through this process and by speaking with professors. Historically, these decisions are released in January so prospective students have time to make travel arrangements for visiting weekends. I agree, a lot of people don't know about this website, so that is where I would think maybe the accepted students just aren't on here this year?? Maybe we shouldn't give up hope, but I'd also say, let's not get our hopes up. An unexpected surprise is better than being let down.
  12. Radio silence from Yale... I'm gonna call it a Rejection
  13. Yeah, I think Yale is a lost cause also... I think Berkeley is done, PIs have called and also acceptance letters from the portal/graduate school have gone out. They're also well into reserving hotels/planning the visit weekends.
  14. Welp, just got my Princeton rejection
  15. Does someone want to call Yale ?? If princeton doesn’t come out tomorrow, I’d assume it’s a rejection because on their website it says all admitted students will be notified by Feb 1
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