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Posts posted by MishaPanda

  1. 13 minutes ago, iunoionnis said:

    Rejected from UC Irvine (no surprises here).

    In other news, I ended up in the ER last night after experiencing severe chest pain moments after my first interview. Thankfully, it seems to just be anxiety, but this was pretty scary, as I've never had anything like this happen before. 

    Oh man, I’m so sorry to hear this! Hope you’re feeling better.

    I’d say from experience that thinking about it as ‘just’ anxiety could lead to a little trouble. Please be as good to yourself as you can, and look after yourself just as much as if your condition were more explicitly physical. One of the reasons I study philosophy of mind is that I’m hoping that I can contribute something meaningful to the conversation about our tendency to divide ourselves in half that way. 

    Make sure you’re breathing, eating properly, and in general doing things that can help you feel balanced and calm. We’re all here for you. 

  2. 59 minutes ago, RoughAnatomy said:

    No worries!

    I lack that gene where I give a fuck, so, I exploit it to my advantage and the advantage of my impatient compatriots. 

    This nearly made me laugh out loud in the library reading room ?

    Congrats to those with USC acceptances! I’ve got no skin in this particular game but I’d be happy for you even if I had.


  3. 25 minutes ago, philoguy said:

    Anyone have any educated guesses as to when we might hear from the following schools (or if someone has heard back and I simply missed the post/announcement): Georgetown, Arizona, UCSD, CU Boulder.

    Any info would be much appreciated, as I've received one explicit rejection and a few implicit ones (by means of acceptance and waitlists going out and not being in either group) and am stressing out quite a bit.

    I’m with you waiting on CU Boulder. It looks like in the ‘16 season they were sending out acceptances and waitlists on 10 Feb, and last year there was an errant acceptance on the 14th and the remaining decisions (in all three delicious flavours) trickled in on the 15th, 19th, 23rd...even some acceptances into the first week of March. So I’d say it’s safe not to try to predict any patterns based on what you may see early on. 

  4. 22 minutes ago, totorotaro said:

    Rejected from Brown, over here as well. I took it better than expected (I didn’t expect to get in, I lack the typical pedigree) and ate a bacon cheese burger and a bunch of Lindor truffles. I regret nothing. 

    Sorry to hear about the rejection, but brilliant touch with the truffles!

  5. 16 minutes ago, fizzycalism said:

    That would be me. Thank you so much for your kind words! I don't know your situation, but don't lose your hope just yet, and even if you don't get any PhD offers this season (fingers crossed you do), don't let it discourage you; in my experience it's becoming increasingly more common for people to go on to graduate studies in very good programs after a few years of trying/working outside academia.

    Btw what’s your AOI? 

  6. 13 minutes ago, fizzycalism said:

    That would be me. Thank you so much for your kind words! I don't know your situation, but don't lose your hope just yet, and even if you don't get any PhD offers this season (fingers crossed you do), don't let it discourage you; in my experience it's becoming increasingly more common for people to go on to graduate studies in very good programs after a few years of trying/working outside academia.

    This is super inspiring to me too, I’ve only done one masters but I’m 34 and it feels like a slightly different game...I’ve only got one response so far (rejection from Berkley) and I’ve still yet to hear from Brown—my top choice at this point—but thanks for keeping my hope alive!

  7. 26 minutes ago, SmellsLikeWorldSpirit said:

    Also waitlisted at Madison. Fingers crossed that they dip into their waitlist! I got accepted to University of Maryland yesterday. Rejected from Michigan earlier in the week...it's good to have closure, haha. 

    One acceptance, one waitlist, one rejection is like a perfect hat trick! 

  8. 30 minutes ago, PhiloStorian said:

    I've been accepted at Maryland! I received an email from the department coordinator about 20 minutes ago with the offer attached. Full support ~$20,000 for five years. I am so stoked, this is my first PhD acceptance!

    Just imagining myself in your shoes for a moment...very exciting!!!

  9. 8 minutes ago, Jina said:

    Has anyone heard back from UT El paso Psychology program?

    This is a Philosophy acceptance/rejection thread, so you may not have anyone who is qualified to answer that particular question here. 

    In in other news, I finally received my first rejection! From Berkeley. It comes as a bit of a relief, as I’d seen a number of folks here were accepted and waitlisted, and I was just waiting for that shoe to drop. Berkeley was definitely my biggest “reach” school, so I’m disappointed but not shocked. I saw there were a few others to post rejections from them today, so big love to anyone else who got that sad notification as well. 

  10. My writing sample was on neutral monism (à la Mach, James, and Russell) and embodied consciousness. 

    Curious to see how others are coping with the stress of waiting. Other than checking their email and gradcafe every 5 seconds...which I’m feeling is contributing to rather than alleviating my stress! But what a sweet sweet addiction it is. 

  11. 26 minutes ago, Swann said:

    i posted one of the berkeley acceptances. for those interested, my aoi are history of modern philosophy (esp. kant, nietzsche, wittgenstein), aesthetics and perception, and method. 

    while there are some details i'll need to work out and think over, it is likely that i will accept this offer

    Congratulations! Was this the programme you were talking about having heard from in the post from yesterday? 

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