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  1. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    oh man I'm so sorry @icw  
    TO HUNTER APPLICANTS>>> I have received an email back from Sarah, she said to bring the ten images submitted, plus up to ten images of new work.  So like 20 images maximum... It's a pretty cool thing!  Good luck to everyone and see you in open studio! Can other painting interviewers give me your instagram or website? I would love to check out your works! 
  2. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to StarryNight_1 in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hello All! 
    Since we're inching towards the end of this journey, I thought I'd share a tiny anecdote. I never went to art school and have been following this community for two years, hoping to apply fr an MFA etc each year, to see the community be there when you're anxious af, and this year I did find the courage to apply. I applied to 7 places, have been rejected by two so far, and checking this forum has become a ritual. I don't know what the future holds in store but from being a passive observer to a participant in this process has in it's way been a moment of growth for me. I hope each one of us gets accepted to the school right for us, and I wish you all a tremendous amount of success in the years to come. 
  3. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to rebkhan in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    @charoarteooh let us know what hunter says!
  4. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    ALSO I emailed them back asking for clarification on their request .... 
  5. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    or buy seven more bottles to pass every night... . hahahha that's what i did hahah and other things 
  6. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Makerak in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Ughhh RISD admissions just told us results will be delayed for a week. One more week of uncertainty. The wine I bought, either to celebrate or to compensate, will have to wait. 
    Further compounding this - at my SAIC interview someone asked the number of interviewees vs accepted. Program dependent obviously, but it was 60 to 15 (ish)
  7. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to k8artist in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Also I have been practicing for my interview and came across these lists of questions on last years interview thread. Anyone else experience any other good questions or have any advice???
    How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene?
    Why do you want to go to XXXXX?
    Why do you want to go to grad school? Why now?
    What resources of this program will be the biggest benefit to your development as an artist?
    What is your work about?
    What are your influences?
    What for you constitutes a good work of art?
    What draws you to a piece of work?
    What motivates your work?
    Who are your main influences?
    Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
    How does your work fit in with the contemporary art world/scene?
    What do you think is a good critique of your work/bad critique?
    Why/how did you choose the people who wrote letters for you?
    How will you contribute to this program?
    What do you do for fun?
    What artists do you like? (you can have a list prepared)
    What artists who are no longer living influence you?
    What book are you reading right now? What do you think about it?
    What are you working on right now?
    Please explain this work (xxxx03.jpg)
    What is your favorite piece of art? Why? (Title, artist,year)
    Can you describe yourself, such as personal habit, etc.
    Do you get along well with others ?
    What would you bring to a group dynamic ?
    What can you offer this program? Any special skills?
    What do you think is a good way of criting ? a bad way?
    What other aspects of culture influence your work besidesart/art history?
    How do you see yourself taking advantage of this school’s enviroment/program?
    What exhibition have you been to in the last year?
    What have you done since you’ve graduated?
    What contemporary artists are you into, and why?
    Tell us about the conceptual underpinnings of your work?
    Talk about your process.
    What do you think about *this essay*? (related to your work)
    How is your work related to *this movement*?
    Do you have any questions for us?
    What do you think about (artist, movement, subject/topic)
    What can't you stand? Why?
    What do you think about your own work?
    How do you want your work to develop?
    Why are you making the work you're making, and why do you want to keep doing it?
    Meaning behind your subject matter?
    so you've written a good amount about your practice in your statement...can you expand a little more
    what was the last show you saw that had a profound effect on you?
    Ideas for Questions to Ask During Your Interview
    what's the degree of permeability between the department's different studio areas?
    what do the teaching assistantship duties generally consist of?
    Will I be assisting a professor, or will I be teaching my own class?
    Have recent alumni stayed in the area or ventured elsewhere? 
    What is the grad student to faculty ratio? 
    Ask for more information about particular courses in the curriculum.
    Other Tips
    Be able to speak about the professors work and why you are influenced by it. 
    Write a follow up Thank you email within 48 hours after your interview.
  8. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to rebkhan in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hey all. I got an interview invitation for hunter for sculpture and I live in NY. But I was talking to my boyfriend who occasionally interviews people for a NY based MFA and he said that sometimes schools that don’t send rejections right away will do another round of interview invitations if the people they interview in the first round aren’t great. Who knows! I still haven’t heard anything from Columbia and people have had interview requests.
  9. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to anxxx in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    yeee hunter interview
    does anyone know the ratio of how many are interviewed vs. accepted? gulps
  10. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to a_photo in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Got an interview at Hunter!!!!!!  (photo)
  11. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
  12. Like
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hunter interview for painting! Check your inboxes!
  13. Like
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from Rennnnn in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hunter interview for painting! Check your inboxes!
  14. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to rebkhan in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hunter sculpture interview! Yay!
  15. Like
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from thirdtimesthecharm in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Hunter interview for painting! Check your inboxes!
  16. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from ackno in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Oh my god! Everyone's worst nightmare!  Glad you didn't miss it entirely!
  17. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to OldMFA in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Received Rutgers interview!
  18. Like
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from charoarte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I also haven't heard anything from Hunter (painting MFA) yet. I did get the pro forma "check your status" rejection from Yale though, so I know my inbox is capable of receiving it, ha. Let me know if you hear anything! I was under the impression, based on previous years, that Hunter's interview invites go out the 15th, so that was the date looming in my head until now.
  19. Like
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from chaosforte in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    I also haven't heard anything from Hunter (painting MFA) yet. I did get the pro forma "check your status" rejection from Yale though, so I know my inbox is capable of receiving it, ha. Let me know if you hear anything! I was under the impression, based on previous years, that Hunter's interview invites go out the 15th, so that was the date looming in my head until now.
  20. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Teylorrrrrr in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Just got the email of risd sculpture interview! 
  21. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Mr.PoopyButtHole in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    @TheBarnOwl I did not have any contact with faculty or current MFA students before applying. I did however do a lot of research about who I would want to be working with, the curriculum, and recent graduates work from each program. I then incorporated all of that into my statements as I tailored each to every school I was applying to. I also watched a lot of video interviews and artist talks to “get to know” the professors at each school i.e. their interests in artists, writing, reviews, etc. That really helped in my decision making and application process bc I was unable to visit any of the schools I was applying to for financial reasons. So for me that extra research compensated for not being able to be at their open house, seeing the campuses in person, and meeting people in real life. Hope that helps btw. I applied to Yale (interviewing in Feb.) Columbia (interviewing in Mar.), UCLA (still waiting to hear back), RISD (still waiting), and SAIC (interviewing in Feb.). 
  22. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Mr.PoopyButtHole in Yale MFA 2018   
    @Kkkkate @98Charleston Wow thanks y'all reall helps a lot! I be that water had veritaserum(Harry potter reference) Sorry about the no interviews y'all :/ 
    I feel as though I need to share my situation. I have been 4 years since I last applied to grad school. I think when I first applied I was overly eager, but I lacked preparation and discipline. I applied to only three schools and missed the Yale application deadline bc I forgot about time zones... I used the same statement for everyone and did not tailor my statement to each school nor do any research. I majorly screwed up tbh. I learned from that though. I waited and made more work and this time around I spent a lot of time researching schools, professors I would want to work with, and each schools pros and cons. I definitely took my apps more seriously too. Tailored statement to each school, had my work documented professionally, and still doing tons of reading and research. 
    I also had rejections all around that last time I applied and to be honest it was a little soul crushing. But here is the thing, I picked myself up dusted myself off (after some tears and sadness) and went right back to it. That extra time really allowed me to mature and grow and really focus on what I wanted. 
    It it has been a rollercoater y'all, but it actually worked out better for me when I got rejected all those years ago. It was definitely a slap on the face and a wake up call. I am glad it happened and if I am being completely honest, I would not have done it any other way. I learned a lot more from my failure than if I would have gone to grad school at the time. I also did some soul searching back then and realized I was not ready. This time around I have a chance to make things count and I am going to do my best. That's all I can do. Thats all any of us can do right, do our best.
  23. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Tomcat in Yale MFA 2018   
    this is me right now even though i know chances are so small and im being grounded and realistic 

  24. Like
    TheBarnOwl reacted to Kkkkate in Yale MFA 2018   
    Applied to painting for my third time this year. I had an interview and was rejected the first year,  and last year was just plain rejected. Good luck everyone! 
  25. Upvote
    TheBarnOwl got a reaction from Roninknows in MFA 2018 All Art ADMISSIONS freak-out forum!!!!!!!!   
    Long time reader first time caller here. Thought I'd finally say hi because, reading last years forum, it felt so robust and that was probably because everyone was so present, I actually found myself rooting for some of the members! 
    This year I applied to: Yale, RISD, Hunter
    Totally in agonizing suspense for tomorrow's Yale decision!
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