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  1. Congratulations! I'd felt the same and told everyone I was rejected - but alas, the waitlist does move!
  2. I just got a call from U of C this evening offering me a spot in the Clinical 1 year. It sounds like there may be additional spots opening up.
  3. I just received an email and also got waitlisted. Does anyone have a sense of the percentage of people who are taken off the waitlist? Sad. Oh well.
  4. Sorry to hear - that is tough news. I think you are right - your heart will heal and you will pursue opportunities that matter more. The one thing that is really great about a 'no' is that it offers you the opportunity to stop wondering and move on. I hope you show some love to yourself tonight and engage in something cathartic. Z
  5. Yep! I just called Ann to confirm, and she said that decisions would be out by the end of today. Good luck!!!
  6. Yikes! Same here. Another day to wait, at least!
  7. Has anyone heard from / spoken to University of Calgary this morning? I heard from one person that they would have decisions out by early this week, but when I called them they said end of this week. The anxiety is killing me!
  8. Agreed. As a recent BSW graduate, I have noticed that many of the courses in the 'foundation year' of 2 year MSW degrees are quite similar to the courses in my BSW. I would be skeptical about anecdotal info re: schooling/career knowledge, as it is a pretty subjective/contextually dependent area, and if the claim is not supported by a web search (there is A LOT of career content you can find online), I would perhaps ask for another opinion. In my experience in the SW field, organizations are more than happy to have qualified candidates that have experience in the field and know how to talk to people. Additionally, there are post-grad certificates/courses (after your BSW/MSW), such as certifications in CBT, mindfulness, trauma informed care, DBT, narrative therapy, etc. if you feel apprehensive about how employers may perceive your ability to provide counselling. In terms of accessibility, any moderate sized university (I don't know what the legislation is around accessibility) will have an accessibility office. I can't speak to how helpful supportive accessibility offices are because I don't have that experience - but I thought I would throw that out there. It sounds like you have some really solid options either way. Good luck to you on your applications!
  9. Hey everyone, I called U of C this afternoon and it sounds like remaining admissions decisions for the Clinical program (not sure about other streams) are now going to be sent out by the end of next week - so it looks like things are moving slower than planned. Best, Zachary
  10. Hey everyone, In my sleuthing for clues as to where they are at with admissions for U of C's 1 year clinical MSW, I came across a certificate program that would be a good fit for folks who are not accepted but still want to attend U of C (see below). It seems like they are changing their MSW program so that you may earn a certificate in one of the 3 MSW specializations, and that those classes could count towards an MSW if one successfully is accepted into their MSW program. I don't know if that makes sense, but the website explains it better than I can. I plan to apply if I am rejected from U of C. https://fsw.ucalgary.ca/news/new-msw
  11. Hey everyone, Thanks for sharing your GPA and experience with me. It seems like the folks who have been accepted so far are pretty well rounded, so I am hoping they may still be sending out acceptances. I called the Faculty of Social Work at the U of C today and they shared that both admissions advisors had been away sick this week. Hopefully they feel better soon!
  12. Hi everyone, I am wondering if anyone has insights on what U of C's process may be? I noticed a few folks have received acceptances - do they typically send out declines towards the end? I am new to grad school applications so any knowledge that other folks have would be helpful. Of the people who have been accepted so far, is anyone comfortable sharing their GPA? I applied with a moderate GPA (3.3-3.4), but quite a bit of experience. I am wondering if they may start accepting well-rounded applicants (good GPA/lots of exp) first and then start to make decisions on folks with lower GPAs/less experience? I'm trying to gauge if I should be holding out hope, or start preparing myself for a decline (though the latter is probably a good idea regardless). The only insider info I have is this: I consulted with the department a few months ago, they said that they typically accept 1 in 6 applicants, and that GPA is weighted the highest. Thanks for anyone who is willing/able to share. Good luck on your respective applications.
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