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Everything posted by lkaitlyn

  1. If you don't mind my asking, what are you waiting on this week? (I ask as if we actually know what comes out when haha.)
  2. I'm hoping if I remind myself of this repeatedly, I'll be in less pain at the end of the week. ?
  3. I got into my first choice for undergrad and it was the most miserable four years of my life. Sometimes rejections can be a blessing.
  4. As we prepare to enter a 3ish week period with tons of decisions from some crazy difficult schools, I just want to send positive thoughts to everybody. No matter what happens these next few weeks, let's try to remember this process has so much about it that's arbitrary — it's not a reflection of our intelligence or worth. ♥️
  5. Bumping this since the results board seems to have more now.
  6. Congrats to the Minnesota admit! If you're comfortable answering this, was it a POI email or department email?
  7. FYI, Stanford just sent an email saying they're going to try to release decisions the second week of February! So ... brace yourselves I guess? Not sure what to say about it. Also, re: Irvine: being that awkward person that reads the entire webpage, I noticed most fellowships/funding at Irvine requires confirmation that departments have interviewed the applicant via phone, Skype, in person, or through some means other than email. It's a school-wide rule, not a Sociology thing, so these interview-not-really-interview meetings might have nothing to do with admissions decisions themselves. Just throwing that info out there as a potential explanation (though I'm sure if you curse out the professor or strip in front of the web camera, they might rethink admitting you). ♥️
  8. Same! It turns out other gender studies people, for whatever reason, have this year congregated in the Waiting It Out thread (now a little bit down the page because it's been quieter recently). Join us in commiserating there! No one seems to have heard from UCLA yet. ?
  9. Have Irvine people gotten the sense that they're done sending out interview emails, or are people unsure?
  10. Congrats! Don't stress too much about it. I had one phone call for a different program (not sociology) with my POI, director of grad studies, and the program coordinator and it ended up being super chill, even though I felt like I made a total fool out of myself at times. They really were more interested in answering my questions than they were in asking me questions. The only questions they asked me were about things I liked in classes I'd taken, what I was interested in researching, etc. And if you look at past years, Irvine's interviews seem pretty low-key. You'll rock it! ?
  11. Also, congrats to the person who just posted about getting an Irvine interview! If you're reading this and feel comfortable answering, was it from a POI or the department itself?
  12. Historically they've been one of the last to release (mid February or so).
  13. For the sanity of all applicants, I sincerely hope they are able to release decisions before the end of February. ?
  14. I haven't but have been waiting. Last year offers seemed spread from the 10th-20th of January. The year before, it was also scattered. I honestly have no idea what to expect, but hopefully whatever it is happens soon. ?
  15. Mine says received (though for a while, they curiously said they were missing a transcript for me from a school I never said I attended — oops!). I'd check in with them if I were you just to be safe. The department assured me that all applications are reviewed even if marked incomplete, so I wouldn't stress too much, but definitely see if you need to resend it to Rackham for some reason.
  16. Okay, I've pondered this for a few days. I don't really have a magic answer for you, and I'm hoping someone with experience in the specific thing you want to study will weigh in. So I think you will certainly need to spend a lot of time working on redeeming yourself, perhaps over more than the 3 years you mentioned. Personally, I think you'll need to have killer recommendation letters from three professors (assuming you need three rec letters) that can address what happened and/or attest to your character and honesty in their classes after the fact (so keep taking college courses and work with your professors to build strong relationships and trust). You need people who can say that they've worked with you and they think you've redeemed yourself. I also think you're doing the right thing in owning up to it instead of excusing it, so that's a good start as well (there is no excuse, obviously), but if I were on an admissions committee, I wouldn't just take your word that you've changed after doing it three times — I'd want to hear confirmation from your professors that you're trustworthy. Work hard, work honestly, and also be honest with yourself about whether you think you'd do this again in a high-stress situation with lots of homework. If you think you might cheat if given the opportunity and you felt you could get away with it (seriously, think about this), don't go back to school yet. Best of luck!
  17. Congrats! What school?
  18. To answer @rougetide's question, sort of like @HelloItsMe said, getting invited as a finalist means there's a good chance you're getting in, but not necessarily. At the info session, they said the acceptance rate to Stanford of KHS finalists was something around 80-85% the last couple years, so it's possible to be a finalist and not get in, just like it's quite possible to not be a finalist for KHS and still get into Stanford. Good luck to everyone! ❤️
  19. I applied to UCLA and haven't heard back yet. Historically they've notified in late January or early February. They just seem to be one of those departments that stays quiet until decisions are out. If you have a question about an application glitch, I found emailing specific staff members very effective (instead of using their general email address).
  20. Ahh! Happy to have found this thread. I was wondering where everyone was! Still waiting on two programs (UCLA, Arizona); heard back from OSU. @HanyeOliver OSU did interviews earlier this week. I don't know if everyone who gets into OSU does one or not, though. I haven't heard about interviews at the other programs I applied to.
  21. For my program at Stanford (in social sciences), it specifically said on the website that I needed to submit two copies of official paper transcripts for the application in addition to the PDF. Check your program's admissions requirements to see if that applies to you.
  22. Congrats! Didn't apply there but that's awesome! (I think I've heard of Rutgers doing interviews in past years.)
  23. Mine still looks the same. Try logging out and logging back in with a different browser, maybe? I'm not good at tech trouble-shooting. I doubt it means anything application-wise.
  24. Very few programs that I know of do interviews anymore. I know Chicago has historically done interviews, and Irvine has historically done informal phone calls for some applicants with POIs (if you check the results board from past years). But for the most part, it seems like sociology programs have moved away from conducting interviews during the application process.
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