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Posts posted by aokanlawon

  1. 1 hour ago, Fi19 said:

    Hi All!!

    So great to have found this post! How many programs are on your final lists? I have 13 (clinical and counseling phds) on my list. I'm worried if I should have more? The fact that there's no such thing as "safety schools" make me panic?

    Schools on my list:

    • Clinical: University of Southern California; Southern Methodist University; Miami University; Purdue University; University of Hawaii at Manoa; University of California, Los Angelas
    • Counseling: University of Maryland, College Park; New York University; University of Minnesota, Twin Cities; University at Albany/State University of New York; Iowa State University; Purdue University; University of Utah

    Good luck everyone!!!

    I also have 13 schools on my list. I think I would apply to more if it wasn't costing an upwards of almost 2000 dollars for applications. I do think 13 is more than enough and I am excited for the schools I have selected. I even had to stop myself from adding more to the list once I hit 13. I am going to go back next month and look through all the professors to make sure I am actually interested in all the schools and be objective about it and see if I need to cut any schools out. 

  2. On 9/22/2018 at 10:53 AM, Psygeek said:

    I only sent applications to places I really wanted to go. Don't see myself working on a topic or with someone I don't feel a fit with. I applied to 6 places - 2 ended up having issues with my transcript (meh). Did do one safety school abroad that accepted me. Ended up being accepted to my nr 1 choice because of my fit with the PI (who is apparently very picky with accepting students so I've heard now I've been here). Was nerve-wracking, but worth it. Love my advisor!

    Hey Psygeek,

    What was the safety school abroad that you applied to? 

  3. 38 minutes ago, RidiculousResearcher said:

    Wow, awesome! What schools are you also looking at? I just went back through my PsyD list and am a little frustrated because only ONE of the set has reasonable APA internship rates. My list might be shrinking. ?


    I also keep adjusting my schools and revisiting the list over and over.  

    PhD: Northern Illinois, University of Wisconsin, University of Toledo, University of Nebraska, John Jay College, Utah state University, UCSD, U Missouri – St Louis, University of Nebraska, University of Memphis, University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Colorado.

    Above is what I have so far and I haven't looked much into psyD as I need funding and do not think I want to take any loans to spend that long in school. I trying to find funded programs in this area. Also, like you mentioned APA internship rates are ridiculous for PsyD programs that I have seen. Have you emailed any of you POIs?

  4. Hey all,

    This is what I have so far. I am giving this application season a try and seeing how it goes. I have very little hope as I feel I have very little research experience. If it does't work out, I have plans to get more research experience but just going to see how this all goes. It doesn't hurt to try and then fail and know you gave it your all. 

    Program of Interest: PhD in Clinical Psychology, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, Master as backup 

    Schools of Interest:

    PhD: Northern Illinois, University of Wisconsin, University of Toledo, University of Nebraska, John Jay College, Utah state University, UCSD, U Missouri – St Louis, University of Nebraska, University of Memphis, University of Maryland Baltimore, University of Colorado

    PsyD: Going to consider just one maybe 2 that have good funding. Haven't found alot of them. 

    Masters: Illinois State University


    Research Interests: Etiology and interventions for trauma in non-western victims, immigrant mental health disparities; culturally- and contextually-appropriate interventions; minority mental health, particularly in the African community. How effective western-based treatments and interventions are in treating trauma/PTSD in non-western victims and perpetrators. 


    Educational Background: B.A. in Psychology, 3.7 GPA


    Things I'm Not Worried About:

    -         GPA 

    -         Letters of Recommendations

    -        My fit into programs: I am pretty confident with the professors I have looked into and how I fit in with them. 

    -         Planning on killing my Personal Statement

    -        I have my research thesis which is pretty close to my interest 

    -        3 years of clinical experience working with autistic kids and providing evidence based treatment.

    -        2 poster presentation on my presentation at MPA

    Things I'm Worried About:

    -I went to a pretty small private College where we did not have Research labs. We were encouraged right from the get go to engage in student led research in different courses with professor supervision ofcourse. My Research experience is about a year and the half all together.  My interest in trauma came from non-research based experience. 

    -I have been out of college and working for about 3yrs and not much research done in that time.

    -As a career, I want to collaborate with psychologists in non-western countries and bring awareness to certain psychological instruments we can make use of and make bring about interventions, research, preventions, and etiology that is based on non-western victims. I also want to practice but scared to mention this in the app as I don't want to be seen as deceitful. I am very interested in African research but also don't want to limit myself to just that and want to helpful to others too.

    -I am horribly scared of the GRE since I haven't taken it yet

    -I want to do research but not make it the only thing I do my entire career. I am passionate about therapy for African victims of trauma as I am African too. 



  5. On 8/30/2018 at 3:23 PM, RidiculousResearcher said:

    Hi everyone, despite the "read/post here at your own risk," nice to meet y'all!

    Program of Interest: PhD in Clinical Psychology, PsyD in Clinical Psychology, and possible a joint Doctoral Program in Clinical Psychology and Peace Studies at Notre Dame


    Schools of Interest:


    PhD: Virginia Tech ,University of Connecticut, University of Nebraska, Notre Dame, UCLA, UCSD, U Missouri – Kansas City, Howard University, University of Memphis, University of Maryland Baltimore


    PsyD: University of Denver, Chestnut College, Pacific University, William James College, University of LaVerne


    Research Interests: etiology and interventions for trauma, refugee and immigrant mental health disparities; culturally- and contextually-appropriate interventions; minority mental health, particularly in the Latino community


    Educational Background: B.A. in Psychology, solid GPA


    Things I'm Not Worried About:


    -          My GRE scores and GPA are both plenty competitive.


    -          I have a good mix of research experience and clinical experience. My research experience too is pretty varied: I presented an independent study at two conferences, and assisted in a lab at UCLA. So I’ve both led and presented research (and research assistants) in a smaller lab and assisted in research at a larger lab.


    -          My fit into programs: I applied last cycle to places that were not a good fit and tried to write my way in. I’ve reflected a lot on that and realize what I did wrong, and expanded my geographical reach a lot (as you may have noticed) and actually turned down one school that was NOT a good fit at all, but was the only one I was accepted to. I feel confident that I’ve done my research better this time around and have a healthier list of reach schools and different types of programs.


    Things I'm Worried About:


    -Research experience is all clinically-focused, but not trauma focused. My interest in trauma came from non-research based experience. Advisors have helped me see how to frame my research experience as still very relevant to the research I want to do, but I am nervous about convincing applicant committees.


    -Maybe imposter syndrome but I do sometimes worry about my letters of rec. My professors and supervisor who are willing to write are all very supportive and always say they are willing to write, but I always wonder a bit if I am truly “anything special” within their labs/programs. They are my best recommenders, however, and there aren’t others I would select.


    -As a career, I want to do more research than a PsyD, but maybe less research than a PhD. I would like practice to be somewhat involved in my future life, but I don’t want to mention this in a PhD application lest they think I don’t want to focus on research. I just want to do everything! (Yes, I know this is unreasonable haha)




    Hey RidiculousResearcher,

    Looks like we are applying to just about the same schools and also have the same research interests. Nice to see another person with similar research interests. 

  6. Hey All,

    I had a quick question for anyone able to give an input. I was wondering how close you research has to be with that of you POI. I am really second guessing on some schools as I am trying to send out emails to my potential POIs. If anyone can explain more about connecting your research with that of you POI, that would be helpful too. I would love any recommendations for schools if anyone is able to offer some 

    My research focus: 

    -How effective are western-based treatment/interventions in treating trauma/PTSD in non-western victims or perpetrator.

    -Trauma and resilience across cultures

    -- How cultural influences affect perception of trauma and treatment expectations



    Thank you

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