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  1. Like
    asingh25 reacted to Socialworks in Canada MSW 2020   
    That’s so helpful to know, thank you and best of luck in your journey!
  2. Upvote
    asingh25 got a reaction from Socialworks in Canada MSW 2020   
    you, as well! i see that you posted about a full time work position so that's fantastic, congratulations and best of luck!!
  3. Upvote
    asingh25 got a reaction from Socialworks in Canada MSW 2020   
    not v pleased about it  i guess they just want to keep it open until the first day of class but it definitely is tough to plan accordingly with so much uncertainty! 
  4. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from SCCPHopeful in Canada MSW 2020   
    received an email this morning that i was accepted off of western's waitlist for the 2 year msw program! keep your heads up everyone, waitlists are moving slowly but surely  i was on the waitlist since march 10.
  5. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from MSW111 in Canada MSW 2020   
    received an email this morning that i was accepted off of western's waitlist for the 2 year msw program! keep your heads up everyone, waitlists are moving slowly but surely  i was on the waitlist since march 10.
  6. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from isabele_charlie in Canada MSW 2020   
    received an email this morning that i was accepted off of western's waitlist for the 2 year msw program! keep your heads up everyone, waitlists are moving slowly but surely  i was on the waitlist since march 10.
  7. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from samsam99 in Canada MSW 2020   
    hi there, first i just want to say, good for you for getting through things and being able to turn your gpa around, that's awesome! your gpa and experience sound great. in regards to your questions:
    1. programs tend to focus on your final year or last 2 years, as opposed to your overall gpa.
    2. in terms of how common, i don't think its super common or uncommon but is something that would change each year with each round of applicants but to my knowledge, schools don't really care if you've just graduated or have been out for a few years, unless stated otherwise. that being said, i do know people who have gotten in right out of school and people who got in after being out of school for a bit. i personally got in after being out for a year but also i didn't have much experience straight out of undergrad.
    3. your anxiety is totally fair and valid and i (along with probably every other applicant) can completely relate. try not to be too hard on yourself about your first few years of uni, it sounds like you put in a lot of hard work to get really good experience and to turn your grades around and schools will notice this! i would be happy to chat further about applications if you have any other questions. in terms of who you can talk to, check the contact section under the schools youre interested in, there should be a program director or someone who can answer any school-specific questions you may have.
    4. i did add a little bit about my own lived experience in my statements but i didn't go into details, i framed it to show the schools how my lived experience led me to pursue an msw. i don't think it hurts to add a bit about your lived experience. 
    best of luck!! you're going to do great
  8. Like
    asingh25 reacted to LooongWait in Canada MSW 2020   
    Finally!!! Got accepted off U of T's waitlist (1 year Advance Standing Children & Their Families).  Hopefully more movement for others on the waitlist. Will be taking myself off Ryerson's waitlist.  Yet to hear from York.
    Good luck to anyone waiting!
  9. Upvote
    asingh25 reacted to Quarantinelife in Canada MSW 2020   
    FIFSW is accepting people off the waitlist on an ongoing basis. The best advice I got from an alumni of the program is to keep in touch with Angela and Terry Gardiner over at the Faculty. Tell them about your application and advocate for yourself so that they know you, and know you're interested. There will be movement on the list as people accept, defer or decline their offers, it will help if you're persistent and in constant communication.
  10. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from katm149 in Canada MSW 2020   
    hi there! i’m not quite sure about your first question but hopefully someone else would be able to help with that. in regards to your second question, i think your experience looks great, i would highlight your experience with seniors, the peer wellness education volunteering, and your tutoring experience, i think thats all really good, relevant experience! 3000 hours is perfectly fine, i got in with approx 1000 hours so don’t worry too much about numbers. focus on having a strong statement and references? best of luck and do let me know if you have any other questions! 
  11. Upvote
    asingh25 reacted to AugustusGloop in Canada MSW 2020   
    Thanks for letting me know!! 
  12. Like
    asingh25 reacted to Christinavas86 in Canada MSW 2020   
    Thank you! 
    I worked for 7 years with at risk youth in vancouver  in different capacities including manager roles then moved to toronto and have been working as a program manager for a non profit which also works with vulnerable populations. I have a BA in psych from UBC and my GPA for the final 2 years was 86%. Hope that helps! 
  13. Like
    asingh25 reacted to MSW_640 in Canada MSW 2020   
    Hey everyone!
    I got accepted off the waitlist for Windsor's 2-Year MSW Program today! The waitlist is definitely moving
  14. Like
    asingh25 reacted to attempting in Canada MSW 2020   
    Dont give up hope! I am similar to you in that I mostly have a research background with minimal front-line experience and I got accepted to york. It sounds like you are extremely qualified! Best of luck 
  15. Like
    asingh25 reacted to julygal20 in Canada MSW 2020   
    First off @asingh25 congrats!!! York is my top choice so i'm hoping to hear back  definitely have very little hope but your post gives me *some* hope! Do you mind if i ask what your experience and background is? It'll help me greatly when i reapply next year. 
    Also, i would love to talk to any folks who applied to yorks 1 year BSW program (didn't realize they had one!) as i might consider applying for that next year as well.
    Thank you!! 
  16. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from julygal20 in Canada MSW 2020   
    i got into yorks 2 year msw (edit: full-time, non-bsw)  no email received, main page on myfile looked the same but when i clicked application status, my status was changed to "admitted" under decision! yay
  17. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from katm149 in Canada MSW 2020   
    i got into yorks 2 year msw (edit: full-time, non-bsw)  no email received, main page on myfile looked the same but when i clicked application status, my status was changed to "admitted" under decision! yay
  18. Like
    asingh25 reacted to Vivi2020 in Canada MSW 2020   
    Whoohoo. I was offered admission off waterloos waitlist!!
  19. Like
    asingh25 reacted to Msw2020applicant in Canada MSW 2020   
    Congrats!! Do you mind me asking if this is the 2 yr part time program? I sick haven’t heard anything. 
  20. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from Katims in Canada MSW 2020   
    i got into yorks 2 year msw (edit: full-time, non-bsw)  no email received, main page on myfile looked the same but when i clicked application status, my status was changed to "admitted" under decision! yay
  21. Upvote
    asingh25 reacted to julygal20 in Canada MSW 2020   
    PS. Mailed York's admission. This was their response.
    I'm personally not expecting to get in because even though I have a strong academic background in social justice studies and sociology and a Masters in public health, much of my experience is in research. i do have experience at the Crisis centre but  not much front-line work apart from that  
  22. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from MSWCandidate2020 in Canada MSW 2020   
    i was rejected from their 2 yr on campus msw and in the email they wrote "There were over 200 applicants that met our minimum qualifications and we only had space for 80 in our program. Applications to the Master of Social Work program are reviewed wholistically taking into account academics, experience, personal statement and references. The decisions are never easy. The offers of admission on average had academics in the low 80’s (A-) and 3 years of relevant experience."
  23. Like
    asingh25 reacted to MSWandCOFFEE in Canada MSW 2020   
    Hi everyone! I got accepted to Laurier and will be accepting my offer! This will open a spot up at Western ! 
  24. Like
    asingh25 got a reaction from SunnyD in Canada MSW 2020   
    thankyou for letting me know! i read through last years forum and it seems like york gives out some acceptances, waits to hear back from those applicants, then accepts/waitlists/rejects the other applicants accordingly 
  25. Like
    asingh25 reacted to Han14 in Canada MSW 2020   
    Hi all! I just received an e-mail from Angela at U of T for an offer of admission off of the waitlist! I had been waitlisted early March. This is for the Advanced Standing 1 year program, in the Mental Health and Health Stream! 
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