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Canada MSW 2020


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Hey, I'm planning to apply to the Advanced MSW at UVic, UBC, UBCO, UT Toronto, Laurier, and Renison. 


GPA is low 80's ish. If they count teaching ESL as SW experience, then I have 7 years of experience, if not, I have about 2-3 years experience between working at a day program, teaching youth with special needs, and volunteering on a crisis line. 


Some questions: does anyone know if applying to UT is less competitive if you apply for certain specializations? (I'd guess less people apply for Social Justice or Geriatrics than Mental Health?)  Has anyone heard anything about the quality of the UBC MSW? 

Edited by SquigglesSquiggles
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On 8/29/2019 at 3:45 PM, SquigglesSquiggles said:

Hey, I'm planning to apply to the Advanced MSW at UVic, UBC, UBCO, UT Toronto, Laurier, and Renison. 


GPA is low 80's ish. If they count teaching ESL as SW experience, then I have 7 years of experience, if not, I have about 2-3 years experience between working at a day program, teaching youth with special needs, and volunteering on a crisis line. 


Some questions: does anyone know if applying to UT is less competitive if you apply for certain specializations? (I'd guess less people apply for Social Justice or Geriatrics than Mental Health?)  Has anyone heard anything about the quality of the UBC MSW? 

I attended a U of T info session, and they said that all the streams were equally competitive. They know that certain streams are more popular (like health and mental health, and children and their families) so they have more slots available in those streams than in the less popular ones. So applying for a less popular stream does not increase your chances of getting in unfortunately.

Edited by Ihatethissomuch
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Nice to meet you all. I'll be applying to U of T and Laurier as well, and a couple of others. Relatively nervous about the application process but looking forward to it. I have a BA, Certificate and HBSW so I'll be applying to the Advanced programs. In my BA and Certificate my grades struggled, but the HBSW is going well and I'm feeling strong about my grades. 

Volunteer experience spans back over the last 7 years. I held positions such as a camp counsellor, at a children's hospital, at a women's health centre, and a few other places. Work experience is limited, but related. 

Looking forward to hearing back from others, and hope to be in class with some of you next fall! Best of luck everyone.

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Hey everyone!

I applied to UofT for Fall 2019, but was not accepted after being waitlisted for the full-time advanced standing program. It was my first year applying, and it seemed overwhelming so I put all my eggs in one - extremely competitive - basket. This year I plan to reapply to UofT, but also to York, Waterloo, and Dal (p/t online). 


I don't have super competitive grades (3.6 in my BSW), but I also have:

- BA dbl mjr in Psychology and Sociology/Social Anthropology ("SoSA") 
- Accelerated SSW diploma 

...And over 5000 hours of relevant paid, practicum, and volunteer experience:

- Two years of case management experience (part-time) with low-income people, mostly seniors (~3000 hours) *still in this position
- Part-time experience as a program counsellor at three different CRFs (550 hours)

- BSW placement - case manager (700 hours)
- SSW placement - pre-employment and recreational support worker with intellectually and developmentally disabled adults (470 hours)

- Volunteer telephone crisis counsellor and mentor/trainer to new volunteers (350 hours) *still in this position
- Volunteer at an emergency winter shelter (30 hours)
- Volunteer at a student-run community health clinic (25 hours)
- Volunteer stylist with an agency promoting economic empowerment to support women secure employment (100 hours)

I am also looking into more volunteer opportunities to pursue over the next year :)  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get more research experience? I have only really done one major research project, and it was during my BSW. My grades in my research courses were good (A and A-), but my practical experience is lacking in this area.... 

Looking forward - a bit terrified - to go back on this emotional rollercoaster that is applying for an MSW!

Edited by SocialWERK2019
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Hi everyone. I just completed my application to Laurier for May 2020 online MSW. I applied to York for advanced MSW full time for 2019 but was unsuccessful. I have over 11 years of work experience in the field and have worked full time for 8 years since obtaining my BSW. I have a low  80’s gpa.  Also have a BA in psychology and a SSW diploma. I hope this time I’m successful because getting a masters will make it easier to become a supervisor down the road in my current job. 

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Hi all! I just submitted my application to Laurier for the May 2020 start, also submitting an application for UWindsor. I'm very concerned about my odds with Laurier but figured I would try anyway. I have experience getting rejected (lol) from UofT and York when I was finishing my SSW diploma (major lack of practical human service experience) so this time I'm hoping for success! I have two years of paid experience in social services, a BA in Psychology and an accelerated diploma in Social Service Work, with previous placements as an Educational Assistant and a Settlement/Employment Counsellor. I'm also volunteering in a related social service-oriented agency and hoping to begin the process of volunteering on a crisis text line as well! (Anyone else feel like applying for volunteer opportunities is maybe worse than applying for jobs? Gah!)

Looking forward to keeping up with this forum and wish you all the best in your applications! ?

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Hi all,

I graduated from my BSW in 2018, and have had full time employment for 1.5 years since graduation. I had mid-high 80's in my last 2 years of school. This is my third year applying to my MSW, the process is tedious and often disappointing it seems. The first year I applied (while still completing my BSW) I applied to UofT - waitlisted, King's - waitlisted, U of Manitoba - denied. Last year, I only applied to UofT and was waitlisted again. This year, I have already submitted my application for Laurier online May 2020 start, and I plan on applying to UofT mental health and health stream, as well as Renison and Laurentian. I have experience working in both a youth and a women's shelter, I worked full time at CMHA for 9 months, now have been working over 10 months full time as a Social Worker at a specialized psychiatric hospital. I have taken multiple professional development courses at both UofT and Laurier to further my education and specialize. I am about to start a training opportunity within my workplace on CBT. I hope these factors all strengthen my application. My expertise and passion certainly lies in mental health and policy. I don't have the largest amount of volunteer work just due to the nature of the hours I work, however I do sit on a volunteer board of directors and had significant volunteer work during my BSW.

Does anyone have insight on the numbers of applicants/acceptances to Renison, Laurier or Laurentian? I know UofT only accepts about 50-60 into mental health with 500+ applicants to that stream solely.

Best of luck to everyone, I am looking forward to finishing these applications and hearing how results turn out for everyone! :)


Edited by youngbswtomsw
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On 9/6/2019 at 4:39 PM, SOCIALWERK2020 said:

Hey everyone!

I applied to UofT for Fall 2019, but was not accepted after being waitlisted for the full-time advanced standing program. It was my first year applying, and it seemed overwhelming so I put all my eggs in one - extremely competitive - basket. This year I plan to reapply to UofT, but also to York, Waterloo, and Dal (p/t online). 


I don't have super competitive grades (3.6 in my BSW), but I also have:

- BA dbl mjr in Psychology and Sociology/Social Anthropology ("SoSA") 
- Accelerated SSW diploma 

...And over 5000 hours of relevant paid, practicum, and volunteer experience:

- Two years of case management experience (part-time) with low-income people, mostly seniors (~3000 hours) *still in this position
- Part-time experience as a program counsellor at three different CRFs (550 hours)

- BSW placement - case manager (700 hours)
- SSW placement - pre-employment and recreational support worker with intellectually and developmentally disabled adults (470 hours)

- Volunteer telephone crisis counsellor and mentor/trainer to new volunteers (350 hours) *still in this position
- Volunteer at an emergency winter shelter (30 hours)
- Volunteer at a student-run community health clinic (25 hours)
- Volunteer stylist with an agency promoting economic empowerment to support women secure employment (100 hours)

I am also looking into more volunteer opportunities to pursue over the next year :)  Anyone have any suggestions on how to get more research experience? I have only really done one major research project, and it was during my BSW. My grades in my research courses were good (A and A-), but my practical experience is lacking in this area.... 

Looking forward - a bit terrified - to go back on this emotional rollercoaster that is applying for an MSW!

Wow! Seems like you have a very competitive application. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind, did U of T provide you with any feedback on how to improve your application for future years?

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On 9/8/2019 at 12:31 PM, youngbswtomsw said:

Hi all,

I graduated from my BSW in 2018, and have had full time employment for 1.5 years since graduation. I had mid-high 80's in my last 2 years of school. This is my third year applying to my MSW, the process is tedious and often disappointing it seems. The first year I applied (while still completing my BSW) I applied to UofT - waitlisted, King's - waitlisted, U of Manitoba - denied. Last year, I only applied to UofT and was waitlisted again. This year, I have already submitted my application for Laurier online May 2020 start, and I plan on applying to UofT mental health and health stream, as well as Renison and Laurentian. I have experience working in both a youth and a women's shelter, I worked full time at CMHA for 9 months, now have been working over 10 months full time as a Social Worker at a specialized psychiatric hospital. I have taken multiple professional development courses at both UofT and Laurier to further my education and specialize. I am about to start a training opportunity within my workplace on CBT. I hope these factors all strengthen my application. My expertise and passion certainly lies in mental health and policy. I don't have the largest amount of volunteer work just due to the nature of the hours I work, however I do sit on a volunteer board of directors and had significant volunteer work during my BSW.

Does anyone have insight on the numbers of applicants/acceptances to Renison, Laurier or Laurentian? I know UofT only accepts about 50-60 into mental health with 500+ applicants to that stream solely.

Best of luck to everyone, I am looking forward to finishing these applications and hearing how results turn out for everyone! :)


Hey! I know that the Laurier online MSW (for the 2 year program, not sure about the 1 year advanced standing program) has about 400 applications and accepts 40! I'd imagine intake is similar for the advanced standing program. Best of luck, I believe this is your year!

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I have applied to the Jan 2020 Wilfrid Laurier 2 yr online MSW program. I was not aware at the time how competitive it was. I had been speaking with an advisor for over a year before applying and she made it seem like it wasn't that tough to get in :(. Unfortunately, I hear that there are terrible odds of getting in. I hadn't even completed my degree when I applied. After reading everyone else's educational/work/volunteer experience, I am sure I won't get in. Anyways, here is what I applied with: 

-4 yr Major in Psychology with a minor in Women's Studies

-I have an 8.0 average and I'm not sure what that converts to on a 4.0 scale. I believe it is 3.7?

-5000+ hours working at a detox facility in the hospital

-6 months experience at a youth detention facility

-Current volunteer for CAS (Family and Children services) as a special friend.

-2 employment references from the detox unit 

-2 educational referees (Dean of Psychology Dept and Indigenous Social Work Professor)

-Many of my electives were in Indigenous Social Work because I had been in the BSW program for a year before switching to psych. 

P.s. I cannot move (family, husband, job etc) but does anyone have any suggestions for other online programs I can do. I am interested in MSW, counselling psychology ( or something that I can register as a psychotherapist) or BSW. Also, does anyone know if a person can be accredited as a registered anything with a Psych degree. Many of the positions I want to apply for as for a designation and registration with some sort of organization (counselor, rsw etc.

Thank you everyone and I wish you luck on your applications!! Let us know how it goes!



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I've applied to Laurier's Jan 2020 start and Laurier's May 2020 start.   As I am a single mother working full time; this is the only program I have applied to.

I am hopeful to hear soon.  I have been a bit frustrated with Laurier's admission process and delay in sending out acceptances.

I'm coming in with a BA and over 20 years experience in the field of addiction and mental health.  It's been a long time since I've been in school; so waiting not so patiently for what may or may not lay ahead.

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Hey everyone,

Thought I would finally make an account and contribute to the conversation after years of creeping. Just applied to Laurier's Advanced Standing MSW for May 2020 start. Trying not to have any expectations, as I've been previously rejected from Laurier (however, for good reason at the time), and it's the only school I've applied to. I'm coming from a BA in Social Development Studies and Applied Language Studies and BSW from Waterloo, currently working full-time as an Addiction Counsellor and volunteering as a crisis responder with the local police service. I've also completed a fair few certificate programs (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Addictions, and Trauma are the three I've worked on the last few years). 

As far as admissions go, I heard that statistically about 400-500 people apply, and they take 20 people each intake (Jan, May, Sept) so that's 60 people a year. The applicant pool each year is so different, I've seen some extremely talented social workers get rejected, and some....... not so academically-inclined (lol) folk get in, so who knows.

Best of luck to everyone! Will be anxiously checking for the next 213124 months, because so far Laurier's track record has been less than stellar... 

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8 hours ago, VanSW said:

Wow! Seems like you have a very competitive application. Out of curiosity, if you don't mind, did U of T provide you with any feedback on how to improve your application for future years?

The letter that was sent seemed very generic and impersonal. It just suggested to either increase my stats grade (which was already an A), to get more experience (I thought I had a lot of varied experience, but I'm still working on it), and to think about my personal statement and how it can be made stronger next time (will do). 

I'm wondering if it's because my GPA was 3.6 (just under an A-, which is 3.7), or because of my lack of research experience? 

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Hi everyone! Just wondering if anyone has gotten into an MSW program with a Bachelor of Commerce before? I'm finishing up my final year and am applying to the 2 year MSW program across Ontario (York, UofT, Western, Windsor, Laurier, Carleton), Calgary and Yorkville (MA in counselling)! I have a lot of different experience in the social work field but come from a business background, hoping to go to Clinical SW. I'll take all the help I can get with my application! I've listed some of my experiences below! Good luck everyone :) 


I started my own student group at Ryerson University about the lack of diversity in the workforce and the lack of representation of successful pan-Asian leaders, Project Manager of an international Project that provides education to marginalized youth in Peru, I volunteer with my school's sexual assault survivor line, I interned for an organization called Raising the Roof, they focus on homelessness prevention, I worked as a teaching assistant for the first-year strategy for success course, mentor for 1st-year students, Outreach for a mental health awareness student group on campus, provided pro-bono consulting for non-profits through the university consulting group, volunteered with the make-a-wish foundation

Currently I am a Peer Academic Coach on campus, Research Assistant at Raising the Roof, and volunteer at an lgbtq+ safehouse.

I would appreciate all your insight and help! 


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On 9/12/2019 at 1:47 PM, Jane464652 said:

Has anyone heard back yet? It's two weeks since they told me within two weeks we should hear back. 

Here's hoping this week is the week that decisions finally go out. I feel like I've been waiting an eternity and at this point I just want to know, one way or the other.

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Hi all! Just wondering if anyone here is planning to apply to McGill MSW for Fall 2020? I haven't seen much mention of people applying there in past forums and am just curious if anyone else is interested/has applied there before!

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Hi all, I got waitlisted for the WLU advanced standing program Jan 2020- does anyone have any experience with how many people come off this list? The original email stated they only allow 20 people on their wait list.

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3 hours ago, zsazsa said:

Hi all, I got waitlisted for the WLU advanced standing program Jan 2020- does anyone have any experience with how many people come off this list? The original email stated they only allow 20 people on their wait list.

Congrats for getting on the waitlist! I wish I had the answer to your question but 20 ppl isn't much so fingers crossed for you!

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