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Everything posted by tinymica

  1. Saw a BU sweatshirt this morning on the street. The universe is telling me it's coming for me
  2. This doesn’t make me feel confident about my own chances ?
  3. I’ve been following this story and it actually enrages me. Like we know that universities love to take advantage of grad students, but this is another level of abuse. Threatening international students, intimidating the student body, asking the undergrads to report their gsa’s- it’s disgusting. UCSC admin should really be ashamed of itself.
  4. BU, you’re the problem. Yeah, you. It’s literally just you. Get it together.
  5. Okay I just woke up from a stress dream wherein I went on a trip to Japan but completely forgot to get PTO from work. So I just......ditched my job and then got attacked by a Ring-esque creature. I need to relax, wow.
  6. ...I really needed this. Thank you so much for your kindness; I appreciate and respect you a lot. I'll definitely be coming back to this comment when I get nervous again
  7. Hi okay I'm scheduled to visit UW next weekend and I'm getting really nervous, as I've never done this before. The DGS did give me an idea of what to expect (campus tour, discussion groups with faculty and other prospective students, a chance to talk to current students), but I won't get an official schedule until basically the day before. I feel like I need to prepare as though it's an interview, but since I've already been accepted there, it'll be like I'm interviewing them, right? It may be my imposter syndrome talking but I really feel like a 12-year-old entering "adult-only" space. To those of you who have completed visits already, do you have any tips? Were you caught off-guard by anything? Anything you wish you knew? When you met with POIs in person, what did you discuss with them? (I'm pretty nervous about that last part because I was never able to make contact with the one person I really want to work with. He ignored my inquiry emails way back when. But he must have read my stuff, otherwise I don't know why they'd offer me anything.) Edit: Wait I have another concern... what if I visit and it's absolutely awful but I have nowhere else to go? Cue stress-crying.
  8. Me reading my Penn rejection: ahhh the sweet release of death
  9. Am I the only one who thinks it's super rude not to notify rejected applicants by email? That seems really odd to me, but maybe it's just because I'm sitting from the position of an anxious applicant
  10. Every day without news takes a little smidge off my lifespan
  11. Random but I'm excited for those of you who are visiting/considering UCR's program! I did my undergrad there and I had the best time. I can think of only one member of the English faculty that I disliked; nearly every professor I took a class with was fun, enthusiastic, and invested in their students' experience. I strongly considered applying to their program, but the DGS didn't want to recruit in-house and encouraged us to branch out, which was great advice! Anyway, I hope y'all have a nice time visiting!
  12. If my memory is right, there’s an extensive list of sample questions in the early pages of the campus visits thread! Off the top of my head, I plan to ask current grad students at varying stages of the program if they feel properly supported by faculty, the program itself, and the community in terms of funding opportunities, professional opportunities like conferences or publishing, and preparation for entering the job market after graduation. I’d also want to know if they feel happy in the community/city, since one of my worries is about socialization.
  13. .....should I read that? Is it going to plunge me into a panic?
  14. Rejection always hurts, regardless of how many suitors you have! I'm also in the implied rejection group and I'd be lying if I said it didn't sting a teensy little bit.
  15. Ahhhh congratulations!!! I’m so happy for you!
  16. Ah yes, I did hear about that! On the one hand, it gives me hope to know that such a significant portion of the cohort came from the waitlist, but on the other hand, I know that things change from year to year. I’m really hoping to get in, as I think it would be much better for me than my other offer, but I’ll have to wait and see. Thank you for being so kind as to share this info and to offer your time! I also may be messaging you soon.
  17. You just struck absolute fear into my heart because I didn’t even realize this could happen! Time for a fetal position on the floor
  18. I feel this soooooo hard! I am simultaneously checked out yet still lying awake at night stressing over everything. When will it end!!!
  19. Hellooooo Tuesday! BU, Penn, I’m ready for my rejections now.
  20. I don’t even want to talk about the number of girl scout cookies I’ve eaten...
  21. I feel your pain. I'm sorry about your rejection
  22. Okay immediately after that post Brown officially rejected me. I.........am okay with this. I thought I would be more upset, but I always knew deep down they wouldn’t want me that much and this means I 1) don’t have to move to Providence and 2) I don’t have to break up my relationship. So.....it’s okay.
  23. Oh bless you, you’re an angel. Thank you for stepping up to contact them and for being so kind as to let me know! How absolutely annoying that they can’t even ballpark a release date! At least we’re in this waiting game together! Thank you again ❤️
  24. Officially waitlisted at UVA! Maybe not the news I wanted but I’m grateful for any news at all. Now I have to wonder if it’s worth remaining on the waitlist...
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