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Everything posted by tinymica

  1. Happy Monday! To everyone who received a rejection today, I’m with you. Here’s hoping we all get some good news this week.
  2. Please don’t apologize! Many of us have used this forum to worry and vent about our concerns. This is a safe place to do that. I understand how you’re feeling. When I told a professor during undergrad that I wanted to go to grad school, she really pressed upon me how daunting the market was for her and how much colder it would likely be for me if I followed this path. We’re all aware of how sparse opportunities might be for us down the line. For me, it’s about either accepting that or exploring other options. TT positions aren’t the only uses out there for PhDs. Could you maybe discuss with a former professor/recommender what you might want to do? Or the career center at your undergrad university? Or maybe you can check out the stats at the programs to which you’ve applied to see where program alumni end up? It’s okay to doubt. And it’s okay if you ultimately decide the PhD route isn’t for you. I wish you peace as you figure it out.
  3. I hope so too but since their deadline was in early January (as opposed to mid-December), I feel like they might take a while longer to make their decisions. To be honest, I'm not even sure why I'm so worried. Getting accepted to more schools will only make my life harder, but the mystery....sucks
  4. Woke up this morning thinking about Brown, UVA, and BU. The silence is deafening but at least my dogs and The Sims 4 are here for me. Hope everyone is having a nice day!
  5. Thanks so much for this answer! I was wondering myself what the dress code is; I went out and bought a new "business casual" dress because I was unsure about jeans, but now I feel like I'll look too stiff. It's nice to know I can get away with dressing comfortably
  6. Thanks so much for letting me know! I appreciate it I wish I knew
  7. Thanks for letting me know! I just wondered if they’d forgotten me somehow? I tend to be impatient, so I appreciate your insights. You should be really proud of yourself! One is all we need :’)
  8. I’m slightly concerned about the fact that I haven’t heard from schools that seem to have sent out acceptances, waitlist offers, and rejections already (Brown, UVA). I’ve checked my portals and I can’t even see an option for messages/letters. Should I contact them?
  9. Another day of no news!
  10. Okay must accept that I won’t hear anything for a while. I’m gonna go see a play and tune out
  11. I’m sorry about the waitlist. I hope a spot opens up for you - then perhaps we’ll meet there! Think you for letting me know. I’m due to visit campus in a few weeks and I’m stoked to see Seattle! I haven’t been since I was really little!
  12. Thank you! It’s still just reading “submitted,” no letter waiting for me there. I feel like Brown is an ex boyfriend leading me on and I just want closure.
  13. Hmm thank you for telling me. @ those who applied to Brown, am I looking at the wrong portal or something? I’ve been checking the same site I used to submit my app (ApplyWeb I think) and it just says my app was submitted, nothing else. I wonder what’s going on...
  14. I still haven’t heard from Brown ? Any idea why?
  15. Thank you for the reassurance! I really appreciate your thoughts
  16. It just took a lot out of me to do it this time and I'm not sure I can do any better if I try again. UW is ranked at 35...is that bad? Do I need to be worried about that? I've talked to a few people in the field and I've decided I don't have to get a TT position at a big-name university to feel happy or successful, but it's hard to know for sure from my vantage point.
  17. I'm in a similar situation. I seriously doubt that I"ll get into my remaining schools, so it looks like UW is going to be my only option. But...I'm not upset about it. I actually like UW's program and I like the idea of moving to Seattle, whereas the prospect of moving to somewhere way north like Boston strikes a little fear into my heart. The only things I'm worried about is that UW 1) has only offered me one summer of guaranteed funding, 2) UW operates on quarter system, and 3) I'll begin teaching right away and throughout the program. I have a few years of teaching experience under my belt and I love doing it, but I wish I could have even one year of a non-teaching fellowship. Teaching/grading takes up a great deal of time and I think it's going to make my transition into the program difficult. Again, though, I'm happy with UW and I don't think I can mentally handle another application cycle. I'm cool with being in the "one and done" club!
  18. I see so much stress acne in my future lol
  19. Ugh, so true!!! I'm lucky I've only got the one zit but you know how it is....when you only have one, it's MASSIVE. Edit: Also I don't think I said this yet but congrats on your acceptance! That's so awesome and you should be really proud of yourself!
  20. It got worse - I went to get some toast and somebody left me the end pieces of the loaf. Clearly the universe is telling me to gear up for rejections today.
  21. I woke up this morning to a lack of new emails and a truly impressive chin zit. How is everyone else's day going so far?
  22. I'm out of reactions but this is adorable and I demand a cat tax - show me Coraline!!
  23. @gooniesneversaydie @spikeseagulls based on movie taste I think we should be friends y'all
  24. I love that for you. If it makes you feel any better I am glued to my laptop ignoring a full STACK of work right next to me
  25. Okay my inbox is drier than the Sahara. I can't live like this. I just want to KNOW
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