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Everything posted by Ginger0211

  1. I am in somewhat of a similar situation. I was accepted to Northern Colorado so my husband, son, two dogs, and myself will be relocating there over the summer. We are planning to list our house in Texas next week with the hope that we will sell it before August. I have spoken to a couple of real estate agents that said the housing market has not been significantly affected and that one benefit is it has essentially eliminated the weekend window shoppers. Obviously, they are trying to make their money too so I'm not placing all my faith in their positivity, but I am hopeful. I think this whole process is somewhat of a leap of faith and as a result of Covid-19, we just have to make a bigger leap. Good luck to you and your family and know that you aren't alone in the dilemma!
  2. I will be attending also, but for school psych! I can’t wait ?
  3. University of Northern Colorado, School Psych PhD
  4. Some of the places I have been in contact with have offered virtual tours of the rentals. They also seem to be much more responsive than they were prior to the outbreak. My biggest concern is selling my current home. On the bright side, it is giving me the time to address some of the cosmetic issues that will make it more marketable when this passes!
  5. Thank you! The acceptance was from University of Northern Colorado ?
  6. Thankfully, it was an acceptance!
  7. I just received an email from the coordinator asking if I was available for a faculty member to call this afternoon. I am hoping that it is the news I want to hear, but do programs ever reject a person via phone?
  8. Has anyone heard back from University of Houston? The interview was on 01/24 and I haven't heard anything nor has there been any updates on the results page. The wait is killing me!
  9. Anyone else feel like they are stuck in refresh mode? Seeing all of the results from the other subsections is not helping calm my nerves, but that doesn't stop me from checking. I hope we all get the news we want soon!
  10. Thanks for the response! I figured that was the case, but since I hadn’t seen anything I thought I would put it out there.
  11. Has anyone heard from University of Central Arkansas Counseling Psych program? I haven't seen anyone on GC that even applied there. The application due date wasn't until 01/15 so I'm trying to decide if it is too early to follow up.
  12. I hope your interview went well! I received an email from U of Denver yesterday for an online interview on 02/11!
  13. Do you mind sharing the interview date for U of Denver? I applied before the 2nd priority deadline and I'm just wondering how they approach interview days with multiple deadlines.
  14. I’m glad you heard from them as well! I am flying into Phoenix and then will be driving to Flag. Not ideal, but I had Southwest miles so I am thankful. It’s good to know there is an airport there. I don’t know why that option didn’t display when I was looking on Google.
  15. Do people ever opt for the Skype interview and actually get in? I received an invite today for an interview on 01/31 at Northern Arizona. I am really interested in the program, but the logistics of getting to and from Flagstaff quickly are quite complicated since there is not an airport within 2 hours. I will likely work it out so that I can attend in person, but I wanted to hear others experiences with online interviews!
  16. Awesome! See you in February!
  17. I received an email this morning from University of Northern Colorado inviting me to the Admissions Workshop on 02/24. This is my top choice so I am ecstatic!
  18. Have you received an update from NAU? I believe they sent invites out around this time last year so I was hoping to hear something Friday, but no such luck!
  19. Thank you for the great advice! This Texas girl is headed to Michigan for her first interview next week and I think I am more nervous about the cold than the interview itself ? My plan is to layer and hope I adapt!
  20. I have received two interview invites (01/16 and 01/24) and one rejection. I am still waiting to hear from six other schools, including my top choice. I go running when the stress feels unmanageable and that usually calms me down. I've gotten a lot of extra miles in since applications were due!
  21. No! I’m trying to be patient too, though rather unsuccessfully. I have received a couple of other interviews, but UNC is my top choice!
  22. Have you heard back from UNC yet?
  23. I am still waiting to hear from a few others, including NAU! Interview invites from University of Houston and Western Michigan (Counseling) so far. I've never refreshed my email so many times in a day!
  24. School: Western Michigan University Type: Counseling Psychology PhD Date of invite: December 13 Type of invite: Email from Director Interview date(s): January 16
  25. Hi everyone! This is my first application cycle and I can’t wait for programs to start sending out decisions/invitations! I tried not to limit myself geographically, though the idea of living in Montana during the winter is terrifying to this Texan! I applied to the following PhD programs: -University of Northern Colorado -Northern Arizona University -University of Houston -Oklahoma State University -Western Michigan University -University of Central Arkansas (Counseling) -Texas A&M -University of Montana Good luck to you all!
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