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Everything posted by PsychHopeful2020

  1. In case anyone else applied to Harvard with hopes of working with KM - just got word that she isn't taking a grad student this year after all.
  2. Shooooot do you think that means if we haven't heard from our POI we should start giving up hope?
  3. I did a 1000-piece puzzle while listening to scary story podcasts. But my first-author paper was officially accepted for publication today!!!
  4. Thanks I should have checked the results page again before asking! Resisted the urge to downvote your comment just because I did not enjoy the information hahaha
  5. That's for counseling, if you applied to clinical they emailed to say they would go out from 2/5- 2/7!
  6. Nobody has heard from Boston University yet, right? Anyone know when they're sending out invites?
  7. I am so sorry, that gutted me to read But, I think graduate programs will understand that you are human. If I were you, I would take several years before applying and either do a master's or work full-time in a lab. This experience, along with publications and strong letter of recommendations, will totally trump that bad year. To go a step further, I would have one of your trusted mentors mention in a LOR that you went through a personal crisis and learned from it or mention it yourself (I know most PhD applications in the US have a section to explain anything strange on your application). I don't think you have to go into the specifics, but mentioning that something devastating happened would probably help explain. This is another reason I would wait to apply - you will have genuine distance and clarity. You will then be able to say that through this personal crisis, you learned x lessons (something like, how to use appropriate coping mechanisms, manage stress, and persevere in the face of adversity) and how you would do things differently. Based on common interview questions and my personal experience with PIs and clinical psych professors at top tier schools (which is all the evidence I have to draw on) I believe that they see you as a human and will be more interested in what you learned from your mistakes than having only graduate students who have never made any. Also as a personal note - you would have to be a robot to seriously go through something like that and have it not affect you. If that happened to me, I would have bombed that last year too. Be kind to yourself and have faith that everything happens for a reason - maybe that disruption was so that you would have a reason to get more experience that will lead to you discovering your dream program. Plus, you'll definitely meet someone better for you than that ex!
  8. Such a mood right now!!!!!! Going insane!
  9. My publication has been "Ready for decision" for a week! How long do these things take? I'm really hoping to be able to talk about it in interviews and be able to say it's accepted............. come on!
  10. From my understanding, your undergraduate school only matters if that's all you do. As long as you gain research experience, teach abroad (which sounds relevant to your major? right?) etc. those things will "outshine" a lackluster undergraduate university. I also attended a public in-state school, but I did not have a problem later getting competitive internships and jobs because through my gap time I gained affiliations will well-known ivy leagues and prestigious programs. I did this by volunteering to be an RA in their lab, for free, while working full time during my first gap year. It was exhausting, but I am pretty sure I would not have received admission to some of my later amazing opportunities if I hadn't worked for those places that have name recognition in my field. That being said, I am going through my first round of doctoral applications now so I'll have to get back to you about being accepted places - but I'm betting, especially if you're going for a master's, that you will be all set!
  11. Plane crash
  12. I've been in that mood - the earliest for any of my programs is this week!
  13. Thank you for this! Every single one of these was helpful and reassuring, particularly during such an anxiety-inducing time.
  14. I just can't drag myself away from graduate school content and yet I don't seem to be doing anything productive. With the hopes that I'm not alone, I thought I'd share my list with you guys and you might appreciate it. Things I have done instead of being productive: - Read the class list for my top choice program and reacted as though it was my actual schedule - "That class will be awesome, but this one will kind of suck" - Priced out a gym membership near my top choice program - Created a Quizlet to memorize every random, tiny part of the brain??? I mean, bizarre use of mental power right now but okay, I do have a strong background in neuroscience and want to make sure it stays that way... - Obsessively read the 43 page thread about my top choice city - a city I already live near and have lived in - Mentally prepared for absurdly cruel interview questions, like "can you explain why your only publication is overall very uninteresting?" or "you don't strike me as someone who can handle this program. how are you planning to combat this?" - Watched high school seniors reacting to their college decisions on youtube because I just need my fix of that excited energy What about you? What have you been doing that, in all honesty, is doing nothing to help you?
  15. First off, here's fingers crossed even harder for GSAS (as though I needed more reason to have my heart set on that program) Second, I live near the area and lived in the city while doing an internship at Harvard Med - and not to sound like a penny pincher but like there are about 50 Planet Fitnesses in Boston and they're only $10/month. Highly recommend especially if you're like me and mostly use them when it's too cold to be outside.
  16. Thanks, I finally got a reply and it definitely is a requirement, just in case anyone else is in the position I was in wondering if you have to do it still. That is the correct email to send it to, and you need to include your subject ID in the email. Hoping it wasn't weird that I included philosophy, biology, and sociology courses... I was like "I guess they're RELATED".
  17. I know, it's like my brain won't accept the most obvious reality that my schools aren't sending invites this week... in the past they haven't started until next week at the earliest. Yet I'm still like "better check my email at 4:30am just in case one came through after 10pm last night!"
  18. It's so refreshing to see SO MANY people who are reacting the same way I am right now - OP could literally be me, I know interview requests aren't likely to go out until next week at the earliest for my schools but I can't stop obsessively checking if anyone else heard anything! I have been having a lot of trouble staying calm. This is something I have worked so hard for, for so long. I know many of us go through multiple rounds of applications before securing a program, but that idea is so frustrating that I'm feeling overly desperate to get into one this round lol. Like, I already took several years off to get research experience and I just don't know what my next step will be if I don't get in! I can't stop obsessing about getting into my top choice school. I keep imagining the interview, what my life will be like, etc. etc., past the point of just positive thinking. It's like I can't think about anything else! And I keep having trouble sleeping at night because I can't stop running through what the interview might be like. In my spare time I'm usually on here or reading my POI's research. It's just a couple more weeks but I want to be able to settle down! I'm trying to work out more and do more hobby/craft type things to keep the anxiety at bay.
  19. WAIT So I keep receiving the "GPA summary" request, and finally last week my POI said she could see that my application was listed as complete and that she is looking forward to reviewing it. Could she be mistaken, do I need to email a separate word document with this? I emailed the admissions email and got no response. So weird because like you mentioned, there is already a course summary!
  20. I don't think it would reflect poorly as long as you graciously decline with your stated reason - but what do I know?
  21. I didn't apply but I got a chance to meet CB from UNC at WCPG this past October, she is hilarious. Did you apply to her?
  22. Ahhh we have very similar schools - and same PI at Harvard! We should probably, like, network ;) My stats: Graduated undergrad in 2016 (3.9 GPA overall, 4.0 psych) GRE - 167V, 161Q, 5AW Undergraduate research (mostly independent and kind of useless), then worked in a lab at Harvard Medical School to gain research experience with stress/PTSD population. Went to the National Institute of Mental Health as a Post-Bacc IRTA (anyone else do this?) and got a lot of great experience there. One first-author publication to a mid-tier journal, two additional first-author manuscripts underway, and a few authorships on other papers. All sounds great in theory, but none were completed before my applications except the first. Tons of clinical experience - currently still work in a clinical care job. Letters of rec from the Harvard PI I worked with, the PI of my lab at the NIH, professor who had me in undergrad, the director of the psychology department from undergrad, and the director of my current clinical job. I think strong personal statement, although I'm having that classic panic since there's nothing I can do to change it... I think it was interesting but I wish I had focused more on future research rather than current experience! My whole paper was basically why I should go to graduate school, with barely a paragraph on what I'll do once there. Thoughts? Anyway I'm trying to have high hopes so please don't completely destroy them, but I am also interested in what could be done differently next round if need be!
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